Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Champ & a letter to a Champ in the making

The beautiful spring weather has disappeared behind the clouds for the time being and on our walk yesterday I had my stocking cap, scarf, gloves, winter coat, and long johns on. Brrrrr! It snowed (for an hr or so) and was like 30 some degrees out and here's the kicker= we OPENED our POOL! It's crazy how this weather can go from 70 and sunny to 30 and a blizzard outside. Welcome to the Midwest:) I can't wait until we can jump into our pool and not feel like we're part of a "Polar Bear Plunge!"

Last night I became the CHAMP of the McBride Basketball Tournament!!! With my $65 winnings I will be buying a really cute maternity dress that I've had my eye on. I told A that I would only buy it if I won and I did. I also have bragging rights for a year over everybody that was in the pool, which is awesome!

Tonight we are getting together with some of our bible study friends to kick off our bible study for this off-season. I've really missed bible study and can't wait to dive head first into this year's study.

All I do lately is think about this precious child inside of me and how thankful I am for all the blessings in my life.

To Baby C:

I'm pretty sure I've never been this anxious to meet someone in my life. I just can't stop thinking about what it will be like when you're here. You've been such a wiggle worm lately and last night daddy was so excited when he got to feel you moving all around. His face was priceless when he felt you kick. I've never seen your dad have such a proud look on his face. We watched Wrestle Mania (25th Anniversary) and you clearly are going to enjoy wrestling with your dad. Around 10ish dad told you that it was time to go to bed and you started going nuts inside. It was as if you were telling him off, which I have a feeling you will do numerous times throughout our lives. We talk about different names for you daily. If you're a girl, I think we have your name picked out. And if you're a boy, I'm pretty sure we have our favorite name picked out too, but we have two we really like. We've posted a name list on a website and people have been voting on the names they like; however, it's for mommy and daddy eye's only until you're born. So once we meet you, we'll name you and surprise everybody! Dad and I look at it daily to see what people think of our name choices. It's kind of fun to watch your dad cheer for the names he really likes. You jump on my bladder like a trampoline constantly and sometimes I feel as if I live in the bathroom. I enjoy reading pregnancy boards and seeing what other pregnant women are going through around the same time as me. You've started to develop a sleeping schedule. The experts say that you're sleeping around 10 hrs/day. I think you generally sleep in the morning when I am working out and in the afternoon when I'm running around. You're always are a true wiggle worm at night and especially when I am getting ready to go to bed. I have a feeling you still might be in this routine when you come, but hopefully we'll change it around when you're 3 mos or so or at least mommy can always hope. We love you so much and really can't wait to meet you this summer!

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." -1 Peter 1:8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There, The pictures of the nursery were great. You both did a nice job with it. Our weather is crazy here to. One day it's nice and the next day it's cold and windy. We're doing fine. We hope that we can see you both in May at grandma and grandpa in Neb. We'll be there from between May 18th to the 22nd. Take care of each other and take time to smell the roses. We love you both. Love, Mom