Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving Thanks! Dr updates on both kiddos!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I just keep thinking about everything that the Lord has granted me. I'm thankful for my great family and life. Two days before Thanksgiving I had another doctors appointment, which just gave me one more reason to be thankful. There is truly nothing better for an expecting Mom, than hearing your baby's heart beat. It's been another busy week with the Tike having a nasty cold, NBC's appointment, and getting ready for the holidays. Anyway, here's a quick update on the kiddos.

Here's a video from the dr appointment.

Quick NBC dr notes:

-Mom's weight: no change from 12 wks (up 5 lbs total)
-Mom's blood pressure: 117/50
-Baby's heartrate: 140 bpm (very strong, took nurse a second to find out it as baby is sitting very low)
-Everything else looks great and is measuring great too.
-Set up the "Big" ultrasound. We will get to see the little one December 21st. We're going to wait to find out if we're going to stay on the blue side with another boy or go to the pink side with a girl.
-Our next dr appointment is December 23.

Quick Jr notes:
-Is growing like crazy and becoming more independent each and every day. I just bought him some new clothes and they're already too little.
-Wears a 6 extra wide shoe from Stride Rite.
-Has to use a nebularlizer every four hours during the day to help clear up his chest. Actually does really well wearing his mask and as long as we sing songs and keep him entertained during the treatment (usually last 8 min or so) all usually goes well. About the time the treatments done, so is Jacob.
-Is on a steroid to make sure he doesn't end up with pneumonia.
-Is also on an antibiotic for an ear infection. It wasn't completely infected, but dr thought it would be a good idea since everything else was going on.
-Celebrated his 2nd Thanksgiving with Daddy, Mommy, and Aunt Stacy. Had kind of a rough day; didn't eat very well, skipped an afternoon nap, super clingy, and really didn't feel well.
-Absolutely loves hanging out and being held by Stacy.
-Is getting both bottom molars in right now. Wants to just chew on anything and everything.
-Drinks milk all day long. He's constantly signing milk and can only go about 10 mins lately without signing it.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."- Psalm 127:3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sweet 16!

Today Jr turns 16 months and I'm 16 weeks pregnant! I can't believe they fell on the exact same day. Funny how somethings happen like that. I remember when Adam turned 25 and I was 25 weeks along; strange that we'd have another week match up to something. Anyway,  I can't believe our lil guy (however, he's really not that lil in size), is already 16 months old. He's every bit of toddler and boy! Not a day goes by that we don't get the devilish look from him before he takes off to do something naughty. He's testing our patience and his boundaries right now, which is quite interesting at times. As most parents would probably say this is only the beginning of something he'll do until he's in college making his own decisions. Adam and I both agree though this stage may be tough at times, it's a lot of fun. He's interacting, saying words, does simple commands, and is really just developing into a little human. The pregnancy has been a little rough and rocky at times, but I think we're finally hitting some smooth road. The nauseousness is slowly disappearing and my energy level is getting back to normal. I can't wait to thoroughly start enjoying this pregnancy; it really helps when I feel better.

So between a growing toddler, a growing little basketball belly, a crazy football season, building a house, and trying to figure out offseason things there's never a dull moment in the Carriker household. Adam had a game today against the Titans; they came out with a victory in ot. They're now 5-5 and A is staying fairly healthy, so happy for him and this opportunity. This year almost all their games have been nail biters (3 ots and most of them are are within 7 pts to the end), which drives this Mommy nuts being pregnant. I try not to get heated or get my heart rate going, but when it's close and they have a chance to win I just get into it. Anyway, lets get onto the fun stuff!

The Tike at 16 months:
-Is a mini-Adam! Everybody always says how he looks, acts, and is built just like his Daddy!
-Says lots of words and is starting to copy words we say. Some words he says (and you can actually understand) are Mom, Dad, dog, hat, door, bye-bye, ball, out (for outside), bath, and hi.
-Loves making animals noises. We'll ask him what the dog, cat, sheep, pig, and cow say, and he'll respond with the right noise (moo-moo, baa-baa, ruff-ruff). So cute!
-Still signs a lot of words and always lets us know when he wants something, so nice as a parent.
-Loves playing with his word cards. He gets to touch them and mess with them as much as he wants. He knows where the box is and is in it everyday.
-Loves to learn and is very eager to be taught.
-Celebrated his 2nd Halloween! Dressed up just like Dad. He was a Redskins football player (jersey, pants, shoes, socks, helmet, belt, and even a hand towel hanging from his belt). Went to a Halloween party the day before, where he got to pet some animals, sit on a pony, play with some markers, and run around with all the other kiddos. Was exhausted when we got home.
-Went back to CO during Daddy's bye-week. Got to run around on the mound of dirt where his house will be built, spend time with Gma/Gpa Mc throwing rocks and running around outside (thought it was hilarious to just sit in the pile of rocks and throw them in the grass), play with Aleah, spend some time with Gma/Gpa C and Uncle Mark and Aunt Gina, went swimming, played at the park a lot, and just got to get away from VA for a bit to see some family.
-Looks like Aleah could be his twin.
-Got a Learning Leapfrog Laptop from Gma Mc loves playing with it. It's customized to say his name and sing a song with the letters of his name.
-Has been on 17 total flights! Is a great lil traveler for Mom and Dad, especially when he takes a lil nap on the 3-4 hr flights. Everybody always comments on how well he does and then when told how experienced he is they about fall over.
-Plays in the dishwasher all the time. He knows how to unlock/lock it and even turn it on. First time he turned it on, he took off running out of the kitchen, scared him silly!
-Likes to stack his blocks, dump out his wagon full of them, and just likes to put things together and then take them apart.
-Loves playing with his cars/trucks. Is very good at making truck noises; however, sometimes it sounds like his truck is dying. Likes to drive his 4-wheeler all over Daddy too.
-Started stacking Daddy's protein containers. They're actually fairly heavy, but he likes to stack them and then unstack them.
-Daddy weighed him in at Redskins Park, just like what happens to him every week. Jr weigh 32.4 lb (fully dressed and had a dirty diaper at the time). Soo big!
-Still takes two naps a day. Always takes a good nap in the morning, (1.5 hr), but not always the best in the afternoon. Sometimes his afternoon one consist of him talking, playing, kicking the side of his crib, etc. just hanging out till Mommy gets him up and sometimes it's a solid nap as well. He has his quiet time (nap or no nap) for at least an hour twice a day regardless.

-Loves to give Mommy's tummy (the baby) kisses. Lifts his shirt to look at his tummy and then comes over and lifts Mommy shirt and pokes at my belly. We then tell him to give the baby inside a kiss and that he does smiling and laughing. I really wonder what is going on in his mind when we say all of this to him. I think it'll be exciting when the baby moves and he can feel it; really wonder what he's going to think.
-Is a true busy body! Hardly ever sits down anymore! Between his mind/hands/legs there's usually never a dull moment in Jr's life.
-Prefers to use his left hand when writing, but kicks the ball with his right foot every time.
-Walks around holding his cell phone (Mommy's old phone) or the remote to his ear and just talks away. What can I say he watches everything we do!
-I was watching Daddy's game today, put my hands on my head in distress and what would you know, Mr. J did the exact same thing.
-Loves going outside and especially loves going to the park.
-Is a dare devil and has no fear whatsoever. Climbs on everything at the Little Gym and just loves exploring the big world!
-Is becoming very independent when it comes to feeding. Wants to use the spoon by himself and does not want Mommy's help at all. Had fun eating chocolate pudding the other day; it was everywhere!
-Could play with rocks for hours.
-Has been fighting a couple colds these past couple weeks and is currently struggling to get over a terrible cough.
-Went out to eat with just Mommy the other night. Daddy was gone for a game, so Mom and son went out for supper for a dinner date.
-Loves hanging out with Spencer, while Mommy and Daddy get some quality kid free time.

Mommy @ 4 months pregnant with NBC:
-Can feel little movements, they're few and far between, but the feeling is amazing.
-Finally look pregnant. We'd been gone for a couple weeks from Little Gym and when we came back one of the other Mommy's came up to me and said, "So you leave for 2 weeks and then come back pregnant?!" It made me smile instantly inside and outside!
-Finally starting to feel somewhat normal. It took about 16 weeks with Jr, so I had a feeling it would take about the same with this one and it did. I still get nauseated a lil in the mornings and evenings, but nothing like before.
-I'm also getting my energy back and only take a nap if I know it could be a long day.
-NBC has moved onto my left sciatic nerve, which results in Mommy getting very uncomfortable if I sit in one position too long. The worse time is at night when I've been sleeping and then get up to go the bathroom, I look like an old woman trying to walk.
-Jr has noticed that Mommy has a growing belly and loves to give Mommy's belly a kiss (we always tell him that there's a baby inside of there, probably thinks we're crazy).

Here's a quick little update on the major pregnancy points:
How far along? 16 weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: about 3 lbs (all in the belly)
Maternity clothes? Yep. Still wearing my regular jeans, but usually just wear comfy shirts (some loose, some tight fitting) and workout/yoga pants.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Up a couple times during the night to go the bathroom and trying to get comfy with my left backside hurting. Sometimes take a nap during the day, but not always.
Best moment this week: Feeling little movements and starting to feel somewhat normal again (not so tired and nauseated). 
Movement: Here and there and very faint. They're should be lots of movements these next couple weeks, as the baby is about to hit a growth spurt.
Food cravings: Not really. It was Doritos and pizza for a couple days, but nothing thus far. Food just doesn't sound good, so I just eat enough to get bye right now.
Gender: Will be a surprise! We've finally decided we're going to wait till his/her birthday to find out if Jr will have a little brother/sister!
Labor Signs: Nope. 
Belly Button in or out? In. 
What I miss: Being able to walk up the stairs and not get winded. I've been able to start working out consistently, but still get winded carrying the kiddo up 3 flights of stairs. It's hard to carry him with my growing belly.
What I am looking forward to: My appointment on Tuesday! I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat and get the "Everything is going great!," from the Dr. I also get to set up our big ultrasound appointment! And of course I can't wait to start feeling lots of movement soon!
Weekly Wisdom: Keep moving and enjoy a growing toddler and belly. Take vits at night in hopes that it doesn't upset my stomach.
Milestones: Finally feeling good and feeling some lil flutters! Looking Pregnant!

A couple pics from this past month:

"With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort."- 1 Corinthians 15:58  The Message

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A growing toddler, an expanding waist line, and a mound of dirt:)

I still stand in amazement as I stare down at my feet and see by belly growing each day and my feet gradually disappearing. The flutters are few and far, but it won't be long before I get to feel the foot go across my stomach and into my rib:)

Between a growing toddler, an expanding waist line and a mound of dirt where our house is to be built very soon.......we clearly never have a dull moment in the Carriker household. Life is great and Adam and I feel truly blessed to have so many wonderful things going on at once in our life!

Our trip back to Loveland was great and we accomplished a lot in regards to our house and even got to spend some good quality time with family. My parents came during the week and watched Jr for us, while we went and did our grownup things kid free. Jr loved going outside to play in the rocks and run around, while Grandma and Grandpa tried to keep up with the little 2 foot nonstop machine. He thought it was hilarious to take the rocks and throw them into the grass, what a true boy! We were able to spend time with Aleah, Mark, Gina, Grandma C, and Grandpa C at the end of the week and weekend. Aleah and Jr look as if they could be twins despite the 7.5 month difference. They're the exact same size height wise, however Jr has her by a couple pounds. Aleah was a typical girl wanting to hug and kiss her cousin, however Jr wanted nothing to do with hugs/kisses and preferred to just push her baby stroller around. Apparently Adam and I should invest in a doll stroller for him as a Christmas present:) Jr was a champ on his 16th and 17th flights and adjusted great to the 2 hr time change. It really was great little get away and it was fun to go stand on our mound of dirt that we bought!

As far as NBC goes, well lets just say this baby is going to be well traveled by the end of the pregnancy too. Though I had a really rough couple days once we got back from CO; I'm finally starting to remember what it feels like not to be nauseated all day long.

Here's a fun little thing I wanted to write about NBC thus far at 14.5 wks:
When I learned I was pregnant........I about fell over in amazement/shock/disbelief/joy! I really couldn't believe what the little pee stick was telling me "Surprise you're pregnant!"

As far as cravings go........well it's been hard to eat, especially lately just because I've been very nausea throughout most of this pregnancy thus far and the thought of food sometimes makes me want to throw up. I definitely have a thing for fruit (totally normal for me), and sometimes pizza and Doritos (this is very strange for me).

Hormone-wise........I believe that is the culprit of my morning sickness (which is a great sign that everything is going great, but nasty on how this mama feels). So funny story we went to go get a pre-boarding pass from the lady at the Southwest ticket counter since I"m pregnant. She ask me how I've been feeling and if I'm going to yak over everybody? Adam and I just laughed and then she goes onto tell us that being pregnant is like taking 100 birth control pills. That's how many hormones I have running through my body right now and it's no wonder I feel the way I do. Oh, the things people tell you when you're pregnant.

Maternity clothes........I prefer comfy workout pants and shirts that fit over my baby bump. To say that you're muscles become more lax after you're first baby might be an understatement. I'm already showing (and have been for a couple weeks now), which is way earlier than I did with Jr.

When I give birth........I think I'm going natural again. Adam calls me crazy and hopes I opt out and ask for an epidural, but I guess we will see when the time comes. My thought is that I did it once before, I can do it again!

My favorite thing about the thought of growing a baby inside of me. Simply amazing and a wonderful blessing from God!

I just keep thinking........this is going to be interesting at times having 2 under the age of 2!

As a dad, Adam is........more than any wife could ever ask for from her babies' daddy. He's a great dad to Jr and is going to be a great dad to NBC. Jr is definitely a Daddy's boy, as I fell this one will be too (regardless if NBC is a boy or girl).

Will NBC be on the blue or pink team........we've decided.......we're going to keep the package wrapped up until its birthday! We made our decision final on the plane ride back from CO this past weekend (exactly 14 wks pregnant). As far as what I think.......I think we'll have another one on the blue team, but who knows everybody (minus a couple of people) think its going to be a girl. I'm pretty sure some of them are just saying girl because they want us to have a girl since we already have a boy. Boy or girl really doesn't matter to us as long as the baby is healthy and happy! Like Adam told me the other day, "I got my boy, so it really doesn't matter if this is a boy or girl! I'll be thrilled with either!" is a wonderful gift and I feel so blessed when I look at everything the Lord has granted me!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Jr royally is a mini-Adam! Everybody always tells me how much he looks and acts like his Daddy! I serious can't go a day since we hit the fall without someone telling me that, so what better thing for us to do than dress him up to look how Adam looks when he works! Halloween eve was spent at a party put on by some wives for all of our kiddos. They had a petting farm, a blow up jumping house, treats, toys, about anything and everything a kid could want to eat or do they had. We had a blast and both the Tike and I were shot by the time we made it home. Let's just say somebody slept really well; helps when he'd been running around nonstop for a couple hours! So originally Jr was suppose to be a cute lil lion, however he wasn't so crazy about the idea so Mommy came up with plan B (which turned out to be an A+ decision) and he was his daddy for Halloween. We dressed him up as a Redskins football player and Daddy even managed to get a belt and towel so he could look the part even more! We tried putting the black things under his eyes, but he acted like they were a breath right strip and wanted nothing to do with it. All in all everything turned out great and I think Jr really had a great Halloween! I can't wait to see what next year will be like, especially when he sees all the candy he gets from trick or treating! We're off to Loveland tomorrow! I can't wait to see family and work on house things!

NBC new news: I'm starting to feel little butterfly movements! I can't wait to feel the big kicks soon! Still not feeling the greatest and my energy level is low, but I'm in great spirits and know that all of this is for a great cause and I know I will get some relief soon. My next appointment is right before Thanksgiving. I will be 16 wks (according to my original due date) and it's then that we'll line up the big ultrasound! We still haven't decided whether or not we're going to find out what the sex of this baby is, but if we do we've decided to probably do it right around Christmas. I've had two dreams the past two nights and both we're me holding a baby boy! From the beginning I've thought this baby was a boy, simply because I see myself with 2 boys and I feel the exact same way I did with Jr. I guess we will see!

"The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness."- Isaiah 38:19