Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Addison's Birth Story & a BIG Suprise!

I knew when we had NBC that her whole birth story and experience was going to be quite different than that of her brother’s; however, I never would have imagined it to be quite like this. Ms. Addison really rocked our world when she took our life of trucks, balls, and the color blue to now a world of dolls, bows, and the color pink! Who would have guessed that was only the beginning of our adventures with Addison!
(Saturday)- It all began Saturday, which was a beautiful, typical weekend for us; Rachel came after Jr’s nap to babysit while we went on our date night. After a great supper, movie, and dessert we headed home. It really was a perfect date night and so nice to have some quality time with Adam. Later on that evening I had a dull lower left side ache that would not go away. After calling it a night, I slept for a couple hours and woke up around 3 feeling absolutely horrible. I ended up getting really sick (both vomiting and diarrhea). Once I finally crawled back into bed, I was able to get some more rest before we got up and headed for church. I still wasn’t feeling the best (couldn’t and definitely didn’t want to eat/drink anything), but I really didn’t want to miss church on Palm Sunday and I figured getting out might help me get over whatever was going on.
(Palm Sunday)- At church I felt absolutely horrible. I couldn’t get comfortable, felt sick, tired, and just wanted to lie down. After church we headed back home; Adam and Jr ate lunch and then we had some good quality family time together. Who would have guessed it would be the last time we’d spend an afternoon together as a family of 3? Adam knew I wasn’t feeling good at all, so he brought some toys up to our room for the Tike to play with, while we just relaxed/rested on the bed. I started having some, what I thought were Braxton Hicks, contractions around 11 or so. Nothing consistent or regular, so I thought they would go away over time (like they usually do). The Tike played till it was naptime for both him and I. I told Adam I was going to see if I could sleep a little and hopefully wake up feeling better. I only slept about 30 min total, between the contractions, my lower back aching and just feeling sick. I finally just go up and went to see what Adam was up to (this was around 2 or so). As we were talking I told him I started having lower back pain, Adam instantly got up and started packing his supplements. When I asked him what he was doing, he quickly responded, “Oh, I know what this is!” I said, “No sweetie, let’s just see what happens these next couple hours.” Adam just shock his head at me and said, “I think we’re going to have a baby soon!” Adam called our nanny to give her a heads up about what was going on and told her we might need her to come over later. I talked to my parents and also gave them the heads up about what was going on. My parents and Adam were convinced it was time to make the trip to Denver, however I was still a little iffy and really didn’t want to make an unneeded trip down there for a false alarm. I just wanted to see what was going to happen the next couple hours before we decided to head to Denver. I started timing my contractions and though they weren’t regular I was having about 3-4 every 30 min (lasting 30 sec - 1 min). I took an online quiz thing about whether or not you’re in true labor. After answering all the questions and reading the description (which told me “You’re most likely in labor and should call your doctor soon!”). I just laughed a little to myself and really began to wonder if today was “Game Day!” Was today going to be the day I was finally going to meet NBC face to face. We got the Tike up at 3, gave him a snack and headed outside for our usual afternoon walk. I knew walking would either speed up or slow down what was going on. Not even 5 min into the walk I told Adam to call the nanny and see when she could come as it’s time for us to go Denver. We cut the walk short and headed home to finish packing and get ready to leave. The poor Tike knew something was going on and was really confused as to why nobody was really paying attention to him. The nanny finally arrived and those two headed outside to play with bubbles while we finished packing. We left the house around 4 or so and not even halfway to Denver, I looked at Adam and told him it was a good idea we left because everything had really started to pick up. I’m pretty sure the little bit of walking we did on our family walk helped to get things rolling a little faster. We called the OB floor and gave them the heads up that we were coming. Once we got to the hospital, we had to be checked out to see if I was truly in labor or if it was just my body “practicing!” They hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor and contraction monitor. When the floor OB walked in, she asked the nurse how my contractions were. The nurse just pointed to the paper and then the OB (with excitement) says, “Well those are coming very consistently.” The OB then checked me and said, “Well you’re 3, so that’s good.” I then informed her that I was 3 on Wednesday, so I haven’t changed at all. She then suggested we go walk around a little, but don’t leave the hospital. They needed to see a change in my cervix before they could admit me and say that you are in true labor. So a little disappointed, Adam and I headed down to the first floor around 7 and I began doing laps around the entry way. By 7:30 the contractions had picked up and the pain in my back was killing me. Every time I had a contraction I was bending over in pain (I usually tried to find a chair to sit in until the contraction would pass) and knew that there was no doubt I was now in “true labor.” The OB had told us not to come back until 8:45 or so in hopes that when she checked me again there would be a change and they could admit me. However, by 7:45 I was pleading with Adam to go upstairs; he somehow convinced me to stay put until a couple minutes till 8. We finally headed up and heard those magical words every pregnant lady loves to hear at the end of her pregnancy, “You’ve changed. It’s time to admit you and have a baby!” By this point, I was just concerned with getting an epidural. When I had Jr I went all-natural, however this time I was so excited to receive an epidural. Finally after getting to our room and getting situated (changed, IV in, etc) around 9, I was given my epidural and “heaven” began. It wasn’t even 5 min after I received it that I was experiencing contractions and didn’t even know it. I progressed fast and everything seemed to be moving along great; however, I needed to be on my antibiotic (for Group-B strep) for at least four hours before they would like me to deliver. I started receiving the antibiotic at 9, which meant if at all possible we’d wait until after 1 to break my water if it hadn’t broke on its own. Adam lay snoring away on the couch while we waited for my body to prepare for the arrival of NBC. Kevin (who took pics of Addison when she was born) and I rested our eyes’ (yes, I said rested during labor; the epidural was amazing). By midnight I was 9cm and my sack was “bulging” according to the OB. A little after 1:30 or so, they decided it was time to break my water and begin to “push.” After about 20 solid pushes NBC officially met Mom and Dad face to face! I wanted Adam to tell me whether we had a daughter or son (just like we did with Jr), so when they pulled her out Adam did a “double take” as we both thought we were having a boy; he then tells me, “We have a daughter!” I replied, “Are you serious?!” The whole delivery room laughed! I still can’t believe we have a daughter though! When Adam was taking a minute to tell me what we had, I tried to see for myself, but the umbilical cord was obstructing my view. It truly is a priceless memory that I’m so thankful to cherish!
(Monday)- Happy Birthday Addison! Addison Jo Carriker was born at 2:09 am. She weighed 5 lb 7 oz and was 17 ¾ in long! She scored 8 and 9 on her APGARs. Most importantly though she got to be in our arms for about 15 min before they took her to the NICU. After our much needed snuggle time with our daughter they wheeled her off to the NICU. Adam followed and spent time with her while the OBs took care of me. I couldn’t get up until I could lift both my legs up on my own. After I was able to move, they moved me to my room and then we got to go see Addison. To be honest, at first it was really hard for me to see her hooked up to so many lines and not being able to hold her, but I just prayed the instant I saw her and asked God to give me strength to be strong through all of this. I then placed one hand on her head and one on her side and praised God for my beautiful baby girl! We spent a little time with her before we headed back to the room to get some much needed rest. I could only sleep for a couple hours, as I was just so excited she was here! Our morning was spent waiting on the results of her first echo (which was done as soon as she got to the NICU) and of course spending time with our daughter. We called to cancel a couple previous appointments we had for the week, one of them being a sonogram that was scheduled for Monday morning. When I called to cancel, I talked to my regular nurse and explained to her that I wouldn’t be at the ultrasound appointment, as I don’t need to see Addison on a black and white sonogram screen anymore because she’s here in person! The whole office was excited and thankful that I made it to 37 weeks, after quite a roller coaster ride! Aunt Gina was Addison's first visitor; she had just flown into Denver after being gone over the weekend,s o it worked great for her to stop by and meet Ms. Addison! Grandma & Grandpa Mc brought Jacob down after his afternoon nap and he got to meet his little sister for the first time! I was already with Addison, when Adam walked in with my parents and Jr. Jr didn’t know what to think of all the lights and sounds that are in the NICU. He did acknowledge the fact that there was a baby lying in its isolette; in fact he grabbed the end of her isolette and gave it a little shake. Must have been his way of welcoming her to the family! After a couple quick first family pics, we headed down to grab some supper. Jr was a bit wild pretty much the whole time he was at the hospital. We didn’t keep Jr in the NICU very long as they suggest keeping them in only a min for their age. Grandma, Grandpa and Jr all spoiled Addison with lots of PINK things (cloths, blankets, bibs, socks, a teddy bear, a balloon, a “It’s a GIRL” sign and so much more)! The dr gave us the news that there was no sign of a coarc, so they would stop her medicine that was keeping the duct open and do another echo on Wednesday to see if there is in fact a coarc or not. We were very happy to hear that there was possibility of no coarc, but kept ourselves grounded as this has been an up and down roller-coaster ride and we didn't want to get too excited. We just continued to pray that God would have his hand over this whole situation and that his will would be done. At the end of a very eventful day, everybody left to head back to Loveland and I headed to do my mommy duties.
(Tuesday)- Addison’s first full night in the hospital went well. I feed her with a syringe every four hours. Tuesday morning we finally got the news that every NICU parent looks forward to hearing, “You’ll be able to hold your baby!” I couldn’t stop smiling, as I knew I was going to finally get to breast feed her too. I breastfed her just a little when she was born, but was excited about the opportunity to finally get to do some good, solid, mini feeding with her. My world really did light up when I walked into her NICU room and saw the rocker in the corner! I know, who would think a rocker could mean so much to someone, but when you know it’s for you to finally be able to sit and rock with your brand new baby, a rocker is like winning the lottery! So as of Tuesday early afternoon I had won the lottery in my own little world! Her first feeding went really well, along with the following feedings. She’s a tad bit hard to wake up at first (takes after her Daddy already), but once awake she’s been having some good feed times and wake time. (*wrote in real time)*I just got to hold Addison for the first time since I had her. She truly felt like a little angel in my arms. I’m so overjoyed with emotions right now. Addison latched on right away and acted like she knew exactly what she was doing. Adam got to do skin to skin with her. A and I are floating on cloud 9 right now!*
Addison’s hair is a bit crazy right now, so we now call her our “Little Rock Star!” She was born with so much hair and then we’ve only been able to do one wash, so it’s kind of all over the place. I think she might have some curls too, because she gets these little flips going at the end! Tomorrow is a big day for us as we will officially learn if Ms. Addison really does have a coarc or not. Adam and I spent some good quality time with her today. Feeding, skin-to-skin, and just showering her with lots of cuddles and kisses.
(Wednesday)- (all written in real time) Addison had great feedings through the middle of the night and has become a breastfeeding champ! Between her feedings I packed up my room, just in case they make me move (since technically I need to be discharged). Addison is really doing well eating, pooping, peeing, and sleeping; which in the life of a newborn is all you need to do! Her echo was done this morning and now I’m waiting patiently to hear back the results. I was a little restless last night as I just prayed for God to have performed a miracle and that Addison would be able to go home with us very soon with a healthy heart. Poor Daddy has been making the trip back and forth to Loveland so he can get his workouts in and keep up his training. My parents headed back to the farm yesterday with Jr. Depending on what we hear in a couple hours about Addi’s echo, will ultimately decide when we get Jr back.
With a quiet knock at my hospital door, the ped dr walked in and gave me some of the best news I’ll probably hear in my life….”The duct has closed and the aorta looks perfect. You can take her home!” In disbelief I couldn’t believe what the dr was telling. The dr then told me we’d be more than welcome to take her home tonight or tomorrow as long as she keeps eating well and her glucose levels are doing good. Adam was unfortunately not here to hear the great news, but I instantly called him to share that our prayers had been answered! Adam went home last night and was suppose to work out this morning and then be back to the hospital this afternoon; however, the whirlwind days seem to be causing his body to shut down a little and now Adam has the flu. He’ll stay home today and get some much-needed rest before coming to pickup his girls and taking them home tomorrow. I called our families to let them know the exiting news and truly just can’t stop praising the Lord! God is GREAT & I’m so thankful for answered prayers! We truly can’t stop praising and thanking the Lord for our little girl who has been full of surprises from the beginning!!! Addison really is a surprise all around. We were surprised when we learned I was pregnant with her, surprised when she was GIRL, and now surprised that there is no coarc! Who can only guess what other surprises Ms. Addison has in store for us! Thank you Lord for our answered prayers!!!
Psalm 98
 1 Sing to the LORD a new song,
   for he has done marvelous things;
his right hand and his holy arm
   have worked salvation for him.
2 The LORD has made his salvation known
   and revealed his righteousness to the nations.
3 He has remembered his love
   and his faithfulness to Israel;
all the ends of the earth have seen
   the salvation of our God.
 4 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth,
   burst into jubilant song with music;
5 make music to the LORD with the harp,
   with the harp and the sound of singing,
6 with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—
   shout for joy before the LORD, the King.
 7 Let the sea resound, and everything in it,
   the world, and all who live in it.
8 Let the rivers clap their hands,
   let the mountains sing together for joy;
9 let them sing before the LORD,
   for he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
   and the peoples with equity.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Addison Jo is here!!!

We've been blessed with a beautiful baby GIRL!  
 Addison Jo Carriker
April 18, 2011
5 lb 7 oz
17 3/4 in
2:09 AM
We were so blessed to get to hold our precious little girl when she was born. They let us spend about 15 min with her before they took her to the NICU. She's doing great and we will know more this morning regarding her coarc and what the game plan is going to be. She looks exactly like Jr did; in fact Adam pulled up a new born pic of Jr and we couldn't tell the difference! We love her so much and can't wait to spoil her with lots of hugs and kisses! Big brother and Grandma/Grandpa Mc will probably come to visit today. I can't wait to see Jr's reaction when he meets his little sister for the first time!

"...Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."- Malachi 3:10

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We made 36.5 weeks!!!

Our precious gift from God!

We made our goal of 36 weeks! In fact we’ve made it past when I had Jr (he was born at 36 wks 2 days). The dr visit went well yesterday; I’m slowly progressing (3 cm & 75%). Although these numbers really mean nothing in the end. Baby looks good on the ultrasound; however I’ve noted a decrease in activity so now I have to go in twice a week for an u/s so they can monitor the baby. I’m officially allowed to do whatever I wish and see what happens!

A little Q&A:
How far along? 36 wks 4 days!
Total weight gain/loss: +18 lbs.
Baby size: 6.5 lbs and more than 18 1/2 in (this is just an estimate).
Maternity clothes? Of course!
Stretch marks? Two little ones:( I call them my “battle wounds!”
Sleep: What I miss!!! I only sleep for a couple hours at night and find myself waking up more and more frequently. I think mother nature is just preparing me for what’s about to come.
Best moments this week: Making to 36 wks, since that was our goal and of course going off bed rest! It’s been so nice to pick the Tike up, go for the family walks, and just not have to worry about being on my feet and picking up things.
Movement: Here and there. NBC gets the hiccups a lot, so that's always fun watching/feeling my belly move. NBC is always most active at night.
Food cravings: Probably just candy.
Labor Signs: Yes. Now that we've made it past 36 wks, I can go off my meds to stop the contractions, do what I wish and let mother nature take over.
Belly Button in or out? Still have an innie! As A would say, "It's still hanging on!"
What I miss: Being able to play with the Tike (without protecting my belly from the occasional kicking little feet), sleep, and sometimes my sanity (lol)!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing what this week has in store for us. Will we finally meet NBC or will we make it through another week? I can’t wait to meet NBC and just hold him/her in my hands.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every single blessing in your life! Take advantage of having special time with Jr (just one on one time to read a book, play a game, and sometimes even cuddle).
Milestones: Making it to 36 weeks, which didn’t even look like a possibility a couple months ago! Going off bed rest!

“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” -Philippians 2: 9-11

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

NBC ultrasounds pics (35 weeks 4 days)!

Time for mother nature to take over!!!

After a successful 6+ weeks on bed rest, I finally get to let mother nature take over!

Yesterday I had another ultrasound and regular appt. During the ultrasound the little guy/gal was all tuckered out. Maybe that's because he/she likes to dance around in the evening and at night and of course sleep during the day! Despite the baby sleeping most of the ultrasound, everything looks great. The dr then checked me and said I was -2 (baby's head is nestled nice and low), 2 cm dilated, and am 50% effaced. The best news is that I get to go off bed rest this weekend and let mother nature take over! I did this when I turned 36 weeks with Jr. I strongly feel we should only intervene so much with mother nature.

I was reading through my blog when I was pregnant with Jr and was getting close to having him. It was interesting because I had an ultrasound done around the same time as NBC and can't believe how similar they were at the same gestation.

Jr at 34 weeks 2 days: 5 lb 15 oz, 132 bpm
NBC at 34 weeks 3 days: 5 lb 13 oz, 135 bpm

So here's to seeing what happens these next couple days/weeks! I'm so thankful we've made it this far!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No need to worry when you put it in God's hands! Praising the Lord for a great appointment!

Sunday's church service couldn't have been more fitting for me. The pastor talked about "WORRY!" To put the service into a nutshell explanation it comes down to this: hand it all over to God so you have no need to worry, because when it's in God's hands you have trusted that He is in control and will take care of your worries for you. God doesn't want us to worry. He says it in Matthew 6: 25-27, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" In verse 33 and 34 He goes on to tell us, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

There seems to be a trillion things on my plate right now to worry about, but I don't need to worry about them. But instead I pray for God to take these worries off my plate and know that He's in control and it is His will that is at work. During the service we were asked to fill out a paper with all our worries listed on it, at the end they were all collected and put in a big pile. We prayed over them and sang a worship song. The pastor then said, you have to leave without those worries on your plate, because you handed them over to God and you can't take them back! The song "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" keeps radiating through my head and it really brings me to my knees to say, "My chains are gone. My worries have been set free. I hand it all over to you God and now I am blessed with AMAZING GRACE!"

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed 
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

My chains are gone

I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow

The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine

I prayed to God that He would take my worry away when it came to NBC's health. I've truly been at peace with the heart situation, and now I was asking for more peace when it came to NBC's growth. God has given me the peace and grace to push through all these obstacles and will continue to as long as I hand it all over to Him.

I couldn't help but praise the Lord yesterday as we walked out of the hospital! FINALLY a good dr visit!

Although we weren't thrilled about having to go back down to Denver for another appointment we were excited when the wand hit my tummy and NBC was starring right at us! The tech was super excited as NBC was just looking around and she too (just like the other tech said) this rarely happens. She took a lot of measurements of the head, heart, abdomen, arms, legs, etc. so we could get an accurate weight for baby and to make sure he/she is growing good. NBC weighs 5 lb 6 oz and as the dr informed us later, baby looks to be doing great and she isn't concerned at all with the abdomen size. She thinks the tech was thrown off last week because NBC's head is measuring big, but she doesn't see anything that we should be alarmed about. So not only did we get news about baby growing great, but when we asked the dr about the heart, she told us it's a "Suspected coarctation." That was a surprise to us, because they had told us that baby had a coarc, now it's just suspected coarc,  so to hear that it may not be there was amazing news to us. They of course will do an echo when baby is born and then we'll know for sure what's going on with NBC's heart! We couldn't help but give thanks to the Lord as the dr told us everything! I go in Thursday to my reg dr for another checkup.

This next week or two could be interesting as baby has dropped and I now have a lot pressure. It's getting close!

Here are a couple pics of our little one:

NBC's blanket from Grandma C!

"...Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."- Malachi 3:10

Crazy Cousins Having a Blast!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pics & Back to Denver to check up on NBC's growth

My appointment on Wednesday didn't go quite like I had planned; in fact Adam told me to stop going to the dr as I always come home with not the greatest news (and if I come home with no news we consider that good During the ultrasound the tech took measurements of the head, femur, and abdomen. The little guy/girl was moving around like crazy and it was so neat seeing NBC taking practice breathes. Probably the neatest thing I got to see during the scan was NBC opening his/her eye. The tech said this rarely happens and when it does, baby usually shuts it right away. Not NBC though, he/she apparently wanted to look around at all the blackness surrounding it! The tech also took a look at the heart, of which she then informed me that she probably wouldn't have noticed anything that would cause alarm to her and most likely wouldn't have sent me on for further testing. That made me feel good, hoping that maybe the blockage isn't too bad. We do know there is a blockage though, because on the scan at Children's they can measure the exact amount of blood flow and it was decreased. Anyway, I was happy as could be when I walked out of the ultrasound room, baby looked good, cervix isn't shortening too much, and overall I thought everything was fine.

When I met with Dr. B though she informed me that the ultrasound shows baby weighs 4lb 13oz (40 percentile). Dr.B is concerned with the measurement of the abdomen compared to its head and femur, so we will head back to Denver on Monday to see the OB there and have another ultrasound done. Dr. B wants me to go down there to get another OBs opinion. I'm also measuring small, which I think has her concerned too. We do know baby is growing and actually 5 lb is really good, however she just wants to make sure baby is getting enough nourishment from me in the womb. If baby appears to not being getting enough nourishment from the placenta, then I could possibly be induced at 36 weeks if they think baby would do better on my milk and being outside of the womb.

On a side note my college friend Stacy came up for the evening to see us the other day. Jr was super thrilled to play with his Godmother for a couple hours. And today A's parents are coming to town for a couple days. It'll be great to see them and I can't wait to see their faces when they see how much their grandson has grown.

So again with all of this new news, we will put it all into God's hands' and know He'll be our strength and will continue to hold our hand and direct us as we walk down this path.

“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” -Psalm 62:7