First off CONGRATS to Cassie & Jared on the arrival of their baby boy! Tyler George arrived August 25th at 7:34 AM weighing in at 9 lbs 10 oz and 21 in long! Both mom and baby are doing great. Cass had to have a c-section because Tyler is already gearing up to be an O-Lineman for the Huskers just like his daddy and mommy is too tiny to deliver that big of a baby!
A quick recap of the week (of which I have no idea where it went):
Tuesday- Cassie texted me that morning the joyous news of Tyler's arrival; another miracle today! Tyler and Jr are exactly 5 wks apart; go figure! A's masseuse came over after A got home from work to work on A and somehow I got lucky enough to get a massage too. My upper back has been hurting and is just a little tight (part from bouncing on the exercise ball and also because I'm breastfeeding). It was nice to have her work out the knots and who knows it might have to be a weekly thing I get done. My mom insisted that A & I got to go out to eat just the two of us, so we took her up on her offer and enjoyed some "us" time. It was so nice to spend time with my hubby and enjoy each others company.
Wednesday- My mom watched Jr, so I could go get my haircut. It was nice to get away for an hour and get something done for myself. A left for Cinci and didn't get back till early Friday morning. He didn't play in the game, but had to go anyways. They ended up winning 24-21. Next Thursday is their last preseason game and it'll be the first game Jr goes to, should be interesting.
Thursday- I got the okay from the dr to do anything and everything; which for me means I can workout. I've really missed working out, however I'm not even sure when I'll have the time/energy to workout. Jr keeps me hoping and he's only 5 1/2 wks old. Between feeding, burping, changing, playing, and then getting him down for a nap (and repeat), I'm really not left with much time. Jr had quite the evening, and so did Grandma and Mom. He was royally a bottomless pit of hunger which needed to be filled or he was going to through a fit. We fed him 4 oz from a bottle at 5:10, ran to the store and as soon as we got home the drama began. At 6:45 he was beginning to get very fussy. I tried using some of my success calming techniques, of which none of them worked. He was trying to mouth everything and was crying when he didn't get anything. So around 7 I decided it was time to heat up an oz of some of the milk I've stock piled. He chugged that down and was still hungry, so we did another half oz. The whole time my mom and I are thinking he should be getting full or at least acting a little less starved, um not the case. He was crying the instance the bottle ran dry. So from about 7-9 we gradually heated up quarters, halves, whole ounces. At 9 we decided to let him nurse a little, hoping to top off his hunger pains and make him tired to fall asleep. As he nursed, I slipped the paci in and he was out like a light. We just rocked for a little bit and then down he went until 1! The whole time my mom and I were convinced he was going to throw-up all this milk, considering he had taken in over 8 oz within 4 hrs, but thank goodness he didn't!
Friday- After a crazy Thursday night with my dear growing son, I was lucky enough to have a more mellow day with him. Jr had his first trip to the mall today. It was a very speedy trip between feedings and trying to get a couple other things finished while we were out. I talked to my lactation consultant this evening about this past week and how he just doesn't seem full. After talking for quite some time, we've determined Mr. Jacob hit his "birthday/due date" and now he's making up for lost time. My body is trying to supply him the best it can, but it takes a little time to get my supply up to meet his demand. So my OB prescribed me some medicine to help increase my milk production. I guess Jr decided it was time to catch up with his buddy Ty! A has been commenting how big Jr is getting in his head and belly; sounds like a future lineman. My mom so gracious offered to babysit again so A & I could have a date night. We didn't have much time, so we drove thru Culver's and headed to the movie. We ate our sandwiches in the parking lot and then headed in to watch Post-Grad. It was a good chic flick and was kind of cheesy in some parts. It was a great night with my hubby and Jr did good for Grandma, so that topped off the night!
Saturday- This is the first morning we've fed Jr a bottle for his morning feeding; he ate 4 oz. As I sit and write on this, he is sound asleep! He hasn't napped in the morning for ummm, oh I have no idea. So lately Jr hasn't been much of a napper. His naps consist of dozing off for a little bit and then we're back awake. He would usually take one solid nap sometime during the day, but that would be about it. I think I figured out our problem though. Like I said before he's a growing boy (who finally hit his birthday and is ready to pack on the weight). Last week I was pumping 3 1/2 oz, at the beginning of this week 4-4 1/2 oz, and now 5 oz. During the day he usually eats 4- 4 1/2 oz, should be interesting to see what he starts eating this coming days/week.
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”-Isaiah 26: 3
1 comment:
Angie, Cassie had a ready made football player. The next time you talk or e-mail her tell her congradulations on their new arrival, Tyler George for me. I would appreciate it if you would have Adam bring 3 or 4 recent family photo's of the 3 of you when we see him in Seattle. I need them for my locker at work,refrigerator, and in the livingroom, 4"x6" would be the right size. I know that I've asked him to bring them with him, but he's busy and is likely to forget. Sound like "Jr." is doing good and growing. I know that a baby is a handful and that you're busy also. I can't wait to see my new grandson during Thanksgiving. Thanks for the photo's you send by e-mail I enjoyed them. I see them over at Kathy's. Nancy
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