Friday, August 21, 2009

1 month old & wk recap

Finding time to blog lately is very challenging. I consider my day a success if I get one (two is even better) things done on my to do list. Nonetheless, here I am to recap this past week.

Monday was the first day of just Mommy & Jacob; it also happened to be the first day Jacob was fussy all day long. My little guy was just having a rough day and there was nothing I could do to make him happy. He was just not having a good morning, and just when I thought things were getting better in the afternoon, the evening rolled around and we were fussy again. This carried on throughout the night and made for quite a long day and night for mommy. We've been spoiled rotten with how well he's been and the beginning of the week was just a nice reality check for me that he's a baby and not perfect. Although I think he's pretty close to perfect.

My mom is back to help me out for another wk or so. With A gone for almost 15 hrs a day at work and not being able to help me at all during the night; I feel like I could really use an extra pair of hands around here for a little bit. It’s been really nice to have her help during the day to allow me to get some things done. Having my mom around is a blessing and I’m so thankful she was able to come back for a little longer.

It never fails whenever I'm nursing, changing a diaper, or just lying down while Jr sleeps, the phone rings. It won't ring the rest of the day, just during those times...go figure!

Tuesday was a little better day for our little one-month-old precious peanut. Tuesday all he wanted to do was eat almost ever two hours, which left me with hardly any other time to do much else. I've mastered eating when I can because I don't know the next time I'll be able to grab something. We spent a lot of time on the exercise ball, which has become our new best friend. A’s sister and brother-in-law bounced on the ball with their little one who had colic and well it seems to do the trick for Jr too.

Wednesday & Thursday were spent getting Jr back onto his usual schedule and getting my happy/content baby back. However, Thursday he had a very upset tummy and has just had a little rough wk . Thursday I mailed his birth announcements. I was impressed that I got this done and he’s only a month old.

A has a game tonight, however he won’t be playing in it. He had to stay at the hotel last night and won’t be home till probably 11-12 ish tonight. This makes me very thankful I have my mom here right now.

Jr 4 wks old:
-Jr is a noise machine. He grunts, moans, and is cooing.
-He can lift his head and move it side to side when you hold him to your chest and when he lies on his belly. He did this at 3 wks, but does it all the time now at 4. It’s not so shaky either.
-He stops moving and responds to my voice and tries to focus on my face.
-He can smile! Everyday he keeps smiling more and more. Oh how it just melts my heart.
-He’s a lot more aware and curious of his surroundings. He’s beginning to focus on things and really likes looking at lights and faces.
-He spends a lot more time awake during the day and usually only naps for about an hr and a half (a max) between feedings.
-He’s starting to be able to control his movements better. He’s not so jerky with his arms and hands. He likes to stick his whole hand in his mouth.
-We’ve been doing tummy time on his gym and he’s so close to pushing himself onto his side. He worked at trying to get off his tummy onto his side on Thursday for about 15 min before letting Mommy and Grandma know that he was done. He worked so hard at it and was so determined to make it happen.

Mommy thoughts for the wk:
-I love watching Jr explore this world. I could just sit and hold him all day. It’s amazing to watch him grow every day. I melt every time I feed him and he grabs onto my finger with his hand. This is just an unbelievable experience.

Now it’s off to take a nap, before his next feeding. I can’t believe I actually finished this! YEAH!

“But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” -2 Corinthians 10: 17-18

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