Thursday, September 3, 2009

Successful naps and catching up on things

So every time I go to finish what I've been writing, mommy duty calls and I'm left to finish my blog during the next nap. So here I am Thursday afternoon trying to finish what I started days ago. Welcome to motherhood Angie!

Nonetheless here's yet another quick recap of what we've been up to:

Saturday- Today we really started to notice how Jr lifts his head and holds it up for awhile. He is really taking in the whole world and watching his eyes focus on different objects simply amuses me. I love watching him grow and experience the world for the first time. Tonight was the last night I would have help during the night shift. My mom has been a true blessing and such a big help around here. I'm really going to miss her when she leaves.

Sunday- My mom left today; it was hard to see her leave. Having my mom around this past week and half has been great. She was so much help in so many ways and I'll forever be grateful for everything she has done for Jr, Adam, and I. It was nice to have some mother/daughter time too. I really wish I could tell her how much it meant having her here to help us out, but I just can't find the words to explain how thankful I am for all that she has done and does for my family. Jr and I had a pretty good afternoon together and A got home around 5:30. It's so nice to have him back on a normal in season schedule; no more 14 hour days and getting home at 8:30...YEAH!

Monday- Today was the 1st day of Mommy and Jacob since my mom left. He had a pretty good day. I had the proud mommy feeling today, because Jr took 2 successful naps in his crib! Oh ya, hour and a half naps to boot! I was so excited that I was able to lay down for a little bit and even managed to get quite a bit done around the house. He's finally taking normal naps and is not staying awake for 3 plus hours. I'm so thankful we figured out why he was acting the way he was. I started working out today. Tina came over and watched Jr for me while I went to the gym. It was nice to get away for awhile and go break a good workout sweat (not a night sweat)! Overall my day was considered a success because Jr had a good day!

Tuesday- Jacob turned 6 wks today! Jr took two successful naps in his crib again!!! I finally feel like we're getting back into a routine, which is key for my sanity now days. Once A got home and after I got a much needed back massage, we were off to HuHot's for a family outing. Jr did great and had his first bottle in the car seat on our way home. Luckily I had planned accordingly and brought a bottle I just had pumped, knowing that when 3 hrs hits he is ready to eat. It was quite interesting feeding him in the car seat and trying to eat my ColdStone's ice cream a the same time, all while A dealt with rush hour traffic. I talked to Cass about her whole baby story and it was fun comparing notes about both of our experiences. I can't wait to watch our little guys grow up together and to keep comparing mommy notes as they grow. Jr had another bottomless pit night. He took 4 oz from a bottle, then I gave him another oz I had pumped. He still acted hungry so I heated up a half oz, gobbled that down, so I did another half, and down that went. I finally let him nurse awhile and put him down at 10:30. I think he probably ate around 6 1/2 oz! He slept fairly well waking up at 2 and 5. I'm really hoping to drop one of these feedings this coming week; I guess we'll see what Jr thinks of that idea next week?!

Wednesday- A got home around noonish and then his marketing agent came by for a little bit to see the baby and do some work. Yet another day of successful naps; Jr and I are on a roll. A had to go to the hotel tonight, which means its the first official night of just Jr and mommy. A has a game tomorrow night and won't get home till around 11-12 tomorrow. My parents and I figured out how to use Skype, so I was able to talk and see them last night. It was really neat and I think they're going to enjoy being able to see their grandson almost every day.

Thursday- Today is going pretty good thus far. Jr woke up at 1 and 4:30 and took 3 oz from a bottle each time. Then decided to wake up at 6:30, so Jr and I snuggled till his 8 o'clock feeding, and went for a walk. After his 11 feeding, he went down for a nap and I was able to shower, work on my blog, bills, pictures, etc.. I seem to cram a lot of things into his hour and a half naps! The time goes by so quickly. A has a game tonight and I won't be there. It kills me not being able to go, but we decided it was the best decision for both Jr and I. Considering it's a night game, we really didn't want to screw up his schedule that we are working so hard to establish and I didn't really want to be out late if I was going to have to get up during the middle of the night. My neighbor is coming over tonight to watch Jr for a little bit, just to give me a break and allow me to be baby free for a couple hours.

Jr 5 wk notes:
-Lifts his head and holds it up on his own while looking at something. Only for a couple of seconds, but he's really starting to take in the whole world piece by piece.

-Likes to grab onto things especially clothes, hair, bottle, paci and fingers. As soon as he figures out his hands and fingers he'll be able to hold onto his own bottle and probably won't let you take it away.

-Beginning to really smile and show off his gummy smile.

-Has excellent hearing. Startles at sudden noises and turns toward sounds.

-Starting to really recognize mommy's sound and face.

-Is cooing, grunting, etc all the time, but especially when he sleeps.

-Taking hour and a half naps during the day.

-Took first nap on stomach, in his crib, and loved it.

-Eating 4-6 oz per feeding.

-Ate 6 1/2oz at one feeding! The most he's ever eaten thus far.

-Started giving a pumped bottle at almost every feeding so we know how much he's getting.

-Is starting to grow out of his newborn clothes.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”-1 Corinthians 6: 19-20

1 comment:

Dusty said...

Love the pictures with Scooby!!! Hope you guys are doing OK.
