Jr turned 3 wks old yesterday! I can’t believe it was just 3 wks ago we were at the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jr.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole experience, everything from pregnancy, labor, delivery, and now motherhood. Here’s just some of my thoughts about these past events.
Pregnancy: Being pregnant was quite the ordeal for me. Having morning sickness for the first 16-20 wks about did me in. Throughout the whole pregnancy I really felt like I could never catch up on my rest and an afternoon nap was essential in order for me to function. A was amazed about how I could take a 2 hr nap in the afternoon and could still pass out at 9:30. Towards the end (the last few wks) of the pregnancy I remember just feeling exhausted and only had enough energy to nest a little and do the essentials around the house. I was bound and determined to give this child a head start in everything, so I worked out for my sake and his. It was really hard for me to give up working out (dr’s orders) and resort to walking each day as a workout. I royally carried a basketball under my shirt and that was it. I was very thankful that I didn’t get very big, because losing the pregnancy weight was nothing. It only took me a week to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It’s weird not feeling him squirm and kick inside of me anymore. I really didn’t think about it too much until the other day when I was holding him and he was kicking his legs like crazy. It was at that moment I was very thankful that those kicks were on the outside and not against my rib cage. I think I’ll always wonder why he came a month early. I think it was part Mother Nature because I don’t think I could have delivered a much bigger baby than what Jr was. I also think God knew we needed time as a family before A headed to camp and the football season began. I’m happy we didn’t find out what we were having; it was one of the greatest surprises ever! However, I just knew it was a boy all along. I was sure (and so was A) that we were having a boy and would have been shocked if we would have had a little girl. It was fun doing all the wives tales and having people guess what they thought we were having. Overall being pregnant was a true blessing and though it was challenging at times, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever went through.
Labor: First of all I’m happy I did it natural and will probably have our next child the same way. I was one of the lucky women who go in for a regular dr visit and get the exciting news to head to the hospital because you’re going to have a baby! It’s amazing how you forget about all the pain once that baby is on your chest. I’m sure I’ll probably consider an epidural once the labor contractions start though. I don’t think I’ve ever yelled like I did during the contractions at the end. A has already insisted I get an epidural next time. I think it was hard for him to see his wife go through something like this and know there was nothing he could do to help. He did help me though in ways he’ll never understand. Being able to look into his eyes and just focus on what was going on helped so much and he was truly amazing through the whole process and I couldn’t have asked for anything else from him. My body (especially my legs) just shook during the last couple hours of labor and even after I had him I shook for about a day (thanks to the hormones). Overall labor was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done physically and emotionally, but just like I said with pregnancy, it was one of the most rewarding experiences ever!
Delivery: I really didn’t know if it was ever going to happen. When we were going on almost 2 hrs of pushing, I really didn’t know how we were going to get this baby out of me. I’m glad I had the OB I did though; he was confident I could deliver Jr and didn’t need a c-section. Having A introduce Jacob Ryder to me was oh so special and the fact that Dr. P pointed out the plumbing to A was kind of funny too. I love how we have all of Jr’s first moments captured on photos. I’m so thankful we had Jenna taking photos for us; it really allowed A & I to just soak up this whole experience. The photos are priceless to us! Having a baby is an amazing blessings from God!
Postpartum Experience: No one ever tells you about what your body might experience postpartum. My emotions weren’t too bad and I think my hormone levels are getting back to normal. Lately though I’ve been experiencing night sweats. There is nothing worse than waking up and feeling like you’ve just worked out. Speaking of working out, I’m ready to get back into a routine. Unfortunately no one else thinks this a great idea for me right now. So until I reach the six-week mark, I have started walking every day and enjoy getting outside to experience the nice weather we are having.
Motherhood: I love being a Mom! Jr is really starting to recognize my voice, smell, and even me! I didn’t realize how fast a day can pass by when you have a newborn. Now that Jr is here, I seem to be falling behind on everything: cleaning, laundry, dishes, literally everything. My once clean and tidy house is now a not so clean and tidy all the time. Okay, so this is how I’ve felt the past week, however I’m finally getting things organized and feel caught up on a lot of my to do list jobs. Everybody always says to enjoy this time with your baby, because before you know it they’ll be leaving for college, so I’m trying to take full advantage of just Jr and Mommy time. Breastfeeding is almost like a full time job, never mind it is a full time job. I’m so happy that breastfeeding has come so easy for Jr and me. I think taking the class, having professional help if I have any questions or problems, and just being calm and laid back about the whole experience has helped with the success. Most people say you eat for 2 when you’re pregnant; I strongly disagree with this statement. You eat for 2 when you’re breastfeeding. I royally feel like a bottomless pit since about the middle of last wk. I think I could easy out eat my 300 lb husband and his lineman friends. My appetite has gone up ever since Jr’s appetite went up too. I seriously feel like I’m eating all the time and I’m still hungry. I didn’t know what kind of mom I would be, but if I had to describe myself I would say laid back, organized, and thankful. I’m laid back in the sense that I’m not particular about to many things when it comes to my baby. I’m not particular on the way you hold him, feed him, talk to him, etc. etc. I’m also pretty calm and have a lot of confidence in myself that I know what to do when he’s upset. I’m organized in the sense I have him on a schedule and we do things (feed, wake time, nap time) in an organized manner or at least as organized as you can be with a 3 wk old. I’m so thankful just to be a mom! I look at my son and give thanks to God for this wonderful blessing and miracle. I think all of these things combined have really helped for a great motherhood experience so far. Overall, motherhood is one the most rewarding jobs and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Jr is eating, breathing, and wetting/pooping diapers, so I must be doing a perfect job, right?!
Being a wife: Brad Paisley has a new song out called “Then.” It explains exactly how I feel towards A. He talks about how he thought he loved her when they were dating, getting married, expecting and now she has grey hair and old. He talks about how she’s his whole life, his whole world, and how he can’t believe the way he feels about her. He then goes onto say, “And I thought I loved you then!” When I look at A holding our son, this is all I can think about. I thought I loved A when we were dating and then when we said, “I do.” But nothing compares to the love I have for him now that we have a son and we are a family. I really didn’t know I could love him more than I did the day I married him, but I really do love him more each day I’m with him. The other night I saw God in my living room. Watching my husband with our son cuddled up on his chest made my heart melt…..and I thought I loved him when I saw him become a dad. But now I love him even more seeing him as a dad!
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”- James 1:22
1 comment:
Adam and Angie
We're home from the coast and had a great time even if it was different. The weather was good most of the time. I enjoyed our time being together and watching the ocean waves and riding on the beach. Your Dad had to go sea shell hunting again. Sorry we missed Adam's phone call at the motel. How is Jr. doing? Being a mother is a wonderful learning experience and I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Sorry to hear about Adam's ankle. I enjoyed talking with Angie the other day on the phone. We never talk. We sould call each other more. I sure wish that we didn't have to wait to see Jr. and the both of you until Nov. I can't wait to see my grandson. Nancy
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