Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My New Best Friend & Letter to Baby C!

Today has been a great day with my new best friend, My Belt! I haven't had nearly the cramping &/ pressure like I've been having the previous days. As long as I wear my belt and watch what I'm doing all is well!

Today I did my usual workout and even managed to take the dogs on a long walk. God and I had some great quality time together and it's truly turned out to be a great day! After cleaning the house and doing my usual day to day things, I had to run Rambo to the vet to make sure his paw pads were okay. He's okay, we just need to watch how much he's on concrete these next couple days while he builds up some calluses.

A letter to Baby C:

Dear Baby C,

It's amazing how far we have come together in such a short time! Once a dream, you are now a little growing baby with a rapidly beating heart. Every time your Daddy hears your heartbeat, his heart just melts. You still make me sick at times, which seems slightly unfair considering I will spend many hours & days comforting you through sickness. Luckily nothing of Momma's is starting to swell, which means I can still wear my wedding band and promise ring that your Daddy gave me to show me how much he loves me. Daddy and I can't wait to bring you home and have our family grow from 4 to 5. I think Rambo and Pebbles are starting to sense a change is about to happen. They just want to be around Daddy and I all the time. I think they'll be very curious about you when we bring you home.

Baby C, I can't stop dreaming of you & they are the most wonderful dreams I could ever imagine. The kind that I never want to wake up from because I want to stare at you in my arms. I sit and daydream about whether you'll have Daddy's nose, my eye's, tall or short, and most of all what we will call you!

Every day I sit and call you a different name when I'm talking to you. I really like the new name your Daddy & I came up with if you're a boy and if you're a girl, we have your name picked already. Oh Baby C how I dream about the day I will finally get to hold you in my arms!

Baby C, I love you & I cannot wait to meet you face-to-face. I know it will be love at first sight.


"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." -Elizabeth Stone

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