About the Mommy!Name: Angie
Age: 23
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
First Child: YES!
About the Daddy!Name: Adam (A)
Age: 25
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green/Blue
First Child: YES!
Finding Out!!What day did you find out?: December 6, 2008
How did you feel when you found out?: Shocked,Excited, Shocked, Excited again! I really couldn't believe it, hints why I ended up taking 5 tests!
Who was with you?: Nobody. A was gone on a work trip in San Fransisco.
Who was the first person you told?: Two girls put it together by the way I was acting at the wives Christmas party. As soon as A got home from his trip, I surprised him with an early Christmas gift from God to tell him the GREAT news!
How did Daddy react?: A couldn't believe it. He looked at me and said, "So.....are you? Are you sure?" He was in a little bit of shock, but grinning ear to ear:)
Telling the Grandparents!!!How did your parents react?: Very excited! We waited to tell everybody until we had went to the
dr. and made sure everything was
How did his parents react?: Very excited, too!
Are they helping with baby names?: No, A and I wanted to make that decision ourselves.
Have they bought anything for the baby yet?: My mom is so happy to be a grandma again and is already spoiling her soon-to-be grandchild. She gave Baby C Christmas gifts, Easter gifts, and of course shower gifts. One gift she gave us was a little Baby
Einstein toy that plays music, which I play for Baby C every night.
How often do they call to check on you?: A's parents ask about every week or so, I talk to my mom almost everyday so she gets daily updates. I think it's just something about your daughter having a baby; she's so excited and can't wait to meet/spoil this little one!
About the Pregnancy!!!When was your first appointment?: First
appt was December 9, 2008!
When is your due date?: August 16, 2009!
How far along are you?: 28 weeks 4days
Weight gained thus far now?: 22
ishHave you had any ultrasounds?: I've had 2 so far and probably will have one more as I get a little closer to my due date so we can see how big Baby C is measuring. We had an ultrasound Dec 31, 2008, where we saw Baby C's tiny little heart beating (7
wks pregnant). We had our second ultrasound March 24, 2009 (19
wks pregnant, baby was measuring 20
wks). This ultrasound we got to see Baby C for the first time. We saw Baby C's spine, heart, kidneys, head, feet, arms, legs, pretty much everything. It was one of the most precious things I've ever seen!
Have you heard the heartbeat?: First time was at our first ultrasound (got to see it too) and then every
dr. visit via
What was the heartbeat?: Averaging in the 140's.
Sex of the baby!!Are you finding out or will you wait until birth?: We're WAITING for Baby C to tell us!!! As soon as I
deliver the baby, I want A to tell me whether we have a son or daughter.
What do you want?: Either, I just want a healthy baby.
What does Daddy want?: A healthy baby, but he says he has a feeling it's a boy.
What do you think you are having?: I've always thought it was a boy, so it'll probably be a girl!
Have you had your big ultrasound yet?: Yes, at 19
If so, what are you having?: A BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY BABY!
Are you and Daddy happy with what you are having?: We are thrilled, really couldn't be happier about
having a BABY!!!
About the birth!!Do you know what you are taking with you to the hospital? My husband, my camera, my bag, bringing home baby outfits (1 girl, 1 boy),
ummmm...haven't thought about this too much.
Who is going to be with you?: My husband will likely be the only one in the room. One of my
friends might be taking birth photos for us.
Are you going to videotape it?: Nope, but I hope to have photos taken of the process. (None below the belt though!)
Natural or Medicated?: I go back and forth on this question. I want to say natural, but I am not opposed to getting an epidural if I feel like I need to.
Do you think you will need a c-section?: I don't think so, and I hope not!
Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time?:
Ummmm, I don't know. I'm not real emotional, but if the hormones are raging the tears will fall for sure!
Do you think Daddy will cry?: Yes, I think he'll at least tear up!
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold him/her?: I haven't really scripted anything..
haha.. but I'm sure we'll both be in a state of shock and just tell him/her how much we love him/her and how happy we are to finally meet him/her! Oh, I just get butterflies thinking about it:) I can't wait to meet this little one!
Are you scared about the labor?: Not really, for some reason it's something that I'm not nervous or scared about. Sometimes I worry about the pain and how well I will tolerate it, but most of the time I am confident in my body's ability to handle the birth.
Names!!Do you have a name picked out?: Working on it. We have the girl's name for sure, and working on finalizing the boy's.
Girl names: Keeping it hush, hush for now!
Boy names: Keeping it hush, hush for now!
Is your baby going to be named after someone?: The first names aren't after anyone.
Other Random Questions!!Have you felt the baby move?: Yep! I love feeling Baby C!
What race(s) will your baby be? From you and Daddy?: We are both as white as they come!
What was your first symptom?: Sore breasts/nipples, followed by extreme nausea and tiredness.
What is the baby's room theme?: Spelling Bee!
What was the first thing you bought for the baby?: I'm not sure? Since getting pregnant, we've bought some gender neutral
onesies, a John Deere 5 piece set that I found on sale, some Ram's
onesies, and 1 bringing home outfit for each gender.
Will you cloth diaper?: Nope!
Breastfeeding or Formula?: I intend to breastfeed up to a year. If for some reason this doesn't work out I won't beat myself up over it if we need to switch to or supplement with formula.
What is your favorite pregnancy book?:
What to Expect When You're Expecting and
Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week have been fun to read each week!
What do you look forward to doing again once you are no longer pregnant?: Laying on my back. Fitting into my old shirts. Sleeping more then 2-3 hours at a time (though I know that still won't happen for a while). Wearing pants/jeans/shorts that actually have buttons and zippers. Not having to monitor my
heart rate while working out.
What physical features do you hope baby will get from Daddy?: His gorgeous eyes and facial features.
What physical features do you hope baby will get from you?: I haven't given that one as much thought...
Is he ready to be a Daddy?: YES he is! :)
Are you ready to be a Mommy?: ABSOLUTELY!
My nights lately have been a little rough, but somehow me and Baby C are managing. Baby C's new wide awake time is 4-5 AM. In my 2
nd trimester I was usually awake around 3-4
ish and now I'm awake around 4
ish. I can't manage to find a comfortable position and Baby C is doing
somersaults like crazy. I love feeling Baby C move, so I really don't mind, I just wish I could find a comfortable position to sleep. It's been raining on and off the past couple days and at times I think the
humidity is 100%! I've been feeling pretty good for the most part (considering everything that's going on). My workouts continue to go great and I'm so happy to still be working out (my belt has been a gift from heaven in making this possible)! Today I meet a girlfriend for lunch and to catch up on how each one of us is doing, since we won't see each other until the middle of July. Molly won't be able to make it to my shower, so she wanted to do lunch so she could give me my shower gift. She's so sweet and it's been so much fun comparing notes and watching our belly's grow together, since we're due 2
wks apart.
Oh ya, today a lady looked at me and said, "Oh my gosh, you're so cute pregnant!" I couldn't help but smile and say thank you=)
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”-Galatians 2:20