Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wk recap, 10 wk highlights

So I have no idea where time has gone; yet again I find myself saying this exact same thing week after week. Every time I go to write everything that's been going on, I get side tracked by my lil one and mommy duties take priority. Anyway, I seem to write things here and there when I have time and then just post after a week! So here's what we've been up to this past week:

Last Saturday night Jr left mommy and daddy wondering what to do. We got home from church and started feeding him at 8:30, we finally finished at 10:30. He took 5 oz like usual and then decided he didn't want the bottle, but was still hungry. We got him to take another ounce and then I let him nurse for awhile. It was the strangest thing, he'd show us hunger signs and be sucking on his wrist, so we'd give him the bottle, he'd take it for a couple sips and then just start to cry (same thing with nursing). We finally put him down around 10:30-11:00ish, of which he was still awake, but eventually feel asleep and slept till 8:00! I think he had some gas and bubble problems, poor little guy. Sunday morning took 8oz and finally gave us the "Fat guy look!" The "Fat guy look" is when Jr looks like he just ate a Thanksgiving feast and is filled to the brim. With him, if we don't see that look we know he's still hungry and is going to need some more milk.

Friday and Saturday we tried to see if Jr was ready for a 3 1/2 hr schedule. He clearly wasn't ready, so we'll be sticking to the 3 hr schedule. On Saturday, Mike and Alicia had Ms. Anabel! She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 21 inches long.

Sunday Grandma Sheila came to visit and will be here till Friday. My mom and I went to the grocery store during the Rams game to pick up some groceries for the week. Okay, honestly it was to pick up some ingredients so we could make some yummy salads and desserts. The Rams ended up loosing again and are now 0-4. I'm really thankful that A is not playing. There is nothing harder than watching and trying to be their for your husband during a really hard time. The season seems to just drag on and on. I really hope they can pull off a win this next weekend, but it doesn't look promising considering we're playing the Vikings, who now have Favre as their quarterback. I miss watching A play, but I don't miss watching him lose. This is the 3rd season the Rams have started off not having a great season and well the past 2 ended with a total of 5 wins. Anyway, it was a great day with my mom, Jr, and my hubby!

Monday A and I went on the Budweiser Brewery tour with Marsha and Scott. Scott got some tickets for us since he delivers for them and asked us if we wanted to go. We ate some delicious roast that I begged my mom to cook (hoping to learn how she made it, but was side tracked by Mr. Jr wanting to play-so maybe next time I can learn) and headed out for downtown St.L. We apparently had the times switched around and we were the last ones to get there for our tour group. We go to take the VIP tour, which meant we were able to go onto the floor where they fill and package all the bottles, have the most fresh beer possible (of which everybody stared at A & I because we don't drink), go pretty much everywhere behind the scenes at the brewery. Overall it was fun and we had a good time. It was funny though because A and I were talking how they can make so many different types of beer and other drinks, yet they can't make anything to replicate breast milk. Formula is great and they'll come a long way with it, but they still cannot do what mother nature can. Just another simple miracle God has made! Jr did great for Grandma, which is always a relief to any mom who leaves their kid with a babysitter.

Tuesday we were going to go to the pumpkin patch, but since it was raining we decided to go on Wednesday (which given the forecast looked like the only day we'd be able to go). We went to Babies R Us and picked out Jr's Halloween outfit. They didn't have much of a selection, but we ended up picking out a fireman outfit, which he looks adorable in! We also got him a lil pumpkin outfit that we could put over his clothes to wear to the pumpkin patch. Jr also got an exercise saucer and high chair. I put the saucer together right when we got home and couldn't wait to put Jr in it. He loves it and really likes the bouncing movement. My mom and I put the high chair together before bed (we haven't put him in it yet). A and I went to Applebee's for dinner. It was so nice to have a nice dinner with my hubby and just sit and talk. It seems like the days just go bye so fast, that sometimes we forget to just take a little time for us. Time for us to be a couple and work on bettering our relationship. We started giving Jr his bath in his bath tub, which we sit in the sink. He loves to take a bath; I think when he gets older he's never going to want to get out. He's a water lover just like his mommy and daddy.

Wednesday I met A for lunch at HuHot. Again, it was so nice to have some us time and Grandma insisted we take full advantage of having a babysitter to watch Jr right now, so we did! After HuHot A headed to rehab and once he got home we took our lil pumpkin to the pumpkin patch. At the pumpkin patch the weather was amazing and Jr did great the whole time. It was so much fun and next year will be even more fun, since little Jr will be running around and able to pick out his own pumpkin by then! Wednesday marked the first day Jr went 4 hrs between feedings. We'd been just going every 3 hrs and then decided Tuesday to try 3 1/2 hrs. Well on Wednesday while A and I were at lunch my mom was babysitting Jr and I told her to feed him at 11:30, she then called me close to noon and said he was still sleeping and wondered what to do. I said go ahead and feed him at noon. We then decided to see if he'd go 4 hrs the rest of the day (which is our ultimate goal in the end, to eat at 8-12-4-8). To our surprise he did wonderful.

Thursday it rained, rained and then rained some more. Jr, Grandma, and I went to a baby boutique because I had some gifts to exchange. I ended up exchanging them for some good books for Jr. A & I love reading to him all the time; I usually read to him while we're playing during the day and A reads to him every night before bed (just like he did when I was pregnant). Thursday also marked the second successful day going 4 hrs between feedings. We put Jr down at 9ish and then he gets up around 7-8ish. He usually lays in his crib for about 10-15min just talking to himself and hanging out, after then he lets mom know he's ready to start the day. We watched Nebraska beat Mizzou Thursday night. The game didn't start until late, but it was so worth staying up until midnight to watch the Huskers come back and beat them in the 4th quarter. I'm excited because now we have bragging rights for a year in Mizzou country!

Friday was kind of sad because Grandma had to go back home. We went out for a quick lunch, headed to the airport and just like that she was on the plane and gone:( I sat in the airport and fed Jr his noon feeding and then we headed home to hang out with daddy. I can't wait to see my parents the first week in November when we go back for the OU game. Jr will get to meet a lot of mommy's friends and some more family! Should be lots of fun! Uncle Phil got in Friday night and will be here until Sunday evening. Jr continues to do great on his 4 hr schedule. Third great day of the new routine.

Today I've been busy trying to catch up on things around the house and trying to relax too. It's been a good day watching college football and hanging out with my son, hubby, and brother. Oh ya, it snowed at mom & dad's today. They have a couple feet and drifts everywhere. They're still trying to get soy beans out and finish drilling wheat; should be interesting now given the amount of snow they have on the ground. A has a cold and has been battling it for a couple days. I really hope he starts to feel better soon and that Jr and I stay healthy.

Overall life is great with baby Jacob and I'm so happy that we're on a 4 hr routine now. I still get up in the middle of the night to pump once and then usually right before he eats in the morning. So at 11 wks our little one sleeps 11 hrs and eats about 35-40 oz/day. Life as a mom is truly amazing and I'm so thankful for everything I've been blessed with.

10 wk highlights:
-Continues to shower us with his toothless smiles all day long.
-Is beginning to really laugh and is such a happy baby=)
-Is really starting to talk and sing to us all the time. He especially talks to you when he's getting his diaper changed and eating.
-He can roll to one side when laying on his back if on a hard surface.
-Started eating 10oz at some feedings.
-Sleeps 10 hrs at night.
-His hair is now growing over his ears. We can tuck it behind his ears!
-Loves to watch TV. Something with the lights really fascinates him.

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.”-Proverbs 19: 20-21

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