I think someone has hit the fast forward button in my life ever since Jacob has arrived. It seems like I take a deep breath at the end of the day and then fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, only to wake up the next morning and realize another week has almost gone by. I can’t believe my last post was last Monday; wow, has a lot of stuff gone by since then. Nonetheless, mommy world is awesome and I feel so incredibly blessed each and everyday for my sweet little family.
Wednesday was kind of a sad day because Nancy had to head back to WA. I really enjoyed her being here to help out and just seeing her with Jacob was priceless. I can’t count the times when I saw Grandma and Jacob snuggling together and could just see the presence of God in the room. What a wonder picture! It’s always nice to have an extra pair of helping hands, especially now since Adam only has one arm. She helped in so many ways and I’ll be forever grateful for everything she did. It’s always hard on me when family leaves, because it’s just a reminder of how far away our family lives. However, I always give thanks that we live as close as we do (knowing that we could be in NY or somewhere way out on the east coast). We really appreciated her coming down to help out and I think her and A had some really good mother/son bonding time too (just an added bonus). Wednesday was another busy day for Jacob; we met A for lunch at HuHot, took a stroll through the neighborhood, and headed to the airport so Grandma Nancy could make her flight. It was quite interesting trying to feed a baby in the stroller while walking through the airport, but some how I managed to give him half the bottle and the rest while Nancy went through security. Both A and I were sad to see Nancy leave, but are anxious about more family coming in November for Thanksgiving, so it gave us something to look forward to as she waved good bye.
Thursday was yet another busy day for Jacob and mommy. After 2 changing pads, 3 diapers, and 3 outfits we finally headed out the door to bible study with the wives. Jacob did wonderful at bible study; he just slept the whole time and took his bottle at the end. Bible study really hit home with me and gave me something I really need to work on. We’re reading the book “Trying to be more like Mary, in a Martha world.” I’m truly a Martha and sometimes (most of the time) forget to be more like Mary. I know I should take the time to smell the roses, rather than think of my to do list and what I’ve accomplished today. Here’s a classic example of me being a Martha and someone else being a Mary, as I was waiting on A and his mom to come out from Cracker Barrel, I actually saw someone take the time to smell the flowers planted out front. As I just sat there and looked at this “Mary” taking the time to “Smell the roses” it was a reminder to me that I need to take time each and every day to smell the roses in my life. Anyway, at bible study we also talked about setting our priorities straight and not forgetting about what is really important in our lives. A is really helpful in helping me to be more Mary like and taking the time for God, him, and Jr is one of the most important things in my life. Thursday night our little “bottomless pit” decided to just keep eating on & off for 5 hrs. It was crazy and it was so peaceful when we finally got him down after 16+oz; what can I say the little guy likes to eat! We’ve come to conclude that the kid eats so much during the day to make up for his night feedings, which is completely fine by his mommy!
Friday night A and I went out for our “date night,” while Tina and Annie watched Jacob. We had a great date night; a movie, dinner, and even ice cream to end our awesome (and much needed) evening together. It was really nice to spend time with just A and have some good quality “us” time.
Saturday we watched college football and went to church for the first time in awhile. We had planned on going last week, but I wasn’t feeling good and Jacob had a rough night so we just stayed home. Before the service Jacob got to meet Pastor Greg and Jon. They’ve been anxiously waiting to meet him and were so happy we brought him by to meet them. We put Jacob in child care, while we enjoyed an awesome service. It never fails, every time the worship music starts my heart gets heavy and I can just feel the presence of God in our lives. To be honest I can’t even describe the feeling that I get in my heart and soul when I hear everyone praising our Lord. “The earth is filled with His glory!!!”
Sunday Jacob went to his first NFL game. We had to be to the dome at 9:45 so A could get his pass to sit up in a box. We sat around talking to James Larinitus’s parents, of whom his dad is known as the “The Animal” from wrestling. A enjoyed talking to him about wrestling. At 11 I fed Jacob in the daycare area and then decided to just leave him there while I went and watched the first half of the game. Jr did really well in daycare and when I came to feed him again at half time he did something that amazed everybody…….he took 9oz. The most Jr has ever taken was 8oz and here he had taken 9. I couldn’t believe it, either could A or the ladies. We headed out to eat with A’s agents after the game. We had to wait on them for quite sometime, but somehow Jr managed to have a good day despite being gone for 9 hours. I gave him his 8:00 feeding (took 9oz again) and we put him down around 9 and he was asleep by 9:15. He then slept till 6:40!!! I had gotten up at 1:00 to pump, slept through my 3:30 alarm and then woke up at 4:30ish. I got up pumped again and watched him on the monitor. He was sound asleep, so I decided to let him sleep till he woke up on his own. The night before he was sound asleep and I woke him up at 5, but given we did have to go anywhere on Monday, I thought why not give it a try. He started wrestling around and woke up about 6:40. I got up, changed him, gave him his paci, and we rocked and slept till 7:15. I was so excited that Jr slept so long and now we can drop the 5 AM feeding.
Today I’ve been busy doing laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and doing this and that. Jr has been super sleepy today and I think we’re moving him onto a 3 ½ hr schedule now, rather than just 3 hrs. He’s been eating away like usual, but it’s what we expect because he is missing 3 feedings at night.
9 Week Highlights:
-Loves to mouth his fist. Doesn’t care for his paci (we always have to hold it in his mouth or he’ll spit it out), but he sure likes to suck on his fist.
-Smiles all the time. Loves to smile back at you and show off his gums. Is a very happy baby and is always smiling.
-Turns his head to your voice and makes eye contact with you. A was talking to him the other day and Jr was just staring off into space, when all of a sudden he flipped his head and looked at A. He just stared at him and was like, “What are you talking about Daddy!”
-Loves to stair at the ceiling fan and lights.
-Out of all New Born clothes. Need to start moving him into 3-6 month, because 0-3 are starting to be a little snug.
-Moved up to size 1 diapers!
-Went to church for the 1st time. Slept in child care (woke up at the end, but was just content to be held and walked around), while mommy and daddy went to service.
-Went to 1st NFL game, although spent the whole time in daycare. He did really well the whole day and was ready to crash when he finally went down.
-1st time in daycare. Jr did great in daycare. He really enjoys just watching all the kids and stairs at them in amazement.
-Slept from 9:15-6:40!!! Slept 9 1/2 hrs!
-Took 9 oz for the first time (twice in one day). Still averages 6-7 oz.
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”-Hebrews 10:35-36
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