Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pumping every 2 hrs and trip to Houston

Jr had a little rough evening on Saturday, but an amazing night. Once he fell asleep around 9:30-10:00, he slept until 3:00 (with no soothing techniques from mommy)! I found myself looking at the clock every 2 hrs wondering when he would wake up considering the evening we had with him. And then once 3:00 rolled around he woke up and was ready to be fed. On Friday I started pumping every 2 hrs around the clock, in hopes that my milk supply will soon meet Jr's demands. I continued this till Wednesday when we left for Houston.

Sunday was full of doing this and that. I told myself I was going to take it easy, but yet again I was a busy body and feel completely worn out at night. Jr had a pretty good day and loved hanging out with Uncle PJ & Auntie Shannon. Friday was the first time he got to meet any of his aunt and uncles.

We now have a tent in our room. It looks like A decided he wanted a fort in our room, so he moved the bed and put up a huge tent thing in our room. Anyway, this tent is from CAT (Colorado Altitude Training) and is suppose to help with A’s training and recovery. It usually goes around the bed, but since A is going to have to sleep in 2 chairs pushed together we put it around them for now.

It's been supper nice just having some extra hands around to help hold and feed baby Jacob, since mommy is on a 10 min date every 2 hrs with her lovely pump. If I wasn't so pro breastfeeding there is probably no chance I would still be doing this. I think the other thing that helps me is that I like to conquer things and this is just something I'm going to have to tackle straight on. It's been a lot of work, especially for something that is suppose to be so natural, but in the end I know it'll be worth it. It is the best thing for baby Jacob and therefore I will do whatever it takes.

Our schedule kind of went something like this when I was pumping every 2 hrs, now I’m just pumping every 3 hrs (around the clock still so I have some stored up) right around his feedings: wake up at 7:00, pump and hold Jr off till 8:00 for his first feeding, waketime followed by a nap (usually 1:30), pump at 9:00, pump & feed at 11:00, waketime followed by a nap, pump at 1:00, feed at 2:00, waketime followed by a nap, pump at 3:00, pump & feed at 5:00, tries to nap a little but usually stays awake longer, pump 7:00, feed 8-8:30, put down for the night, pump 9:00, pump 11:00, pump 1:00, pump & feed 3:00, pump 5:00 and repeat! A wholes day work for mommy and baby Jr.

Most of Monday was spent doing laundry, packing, and cleaning the house. Packing a seven week old took longer than expected, who knows how many wipes, diapers, clothes, etc. you’re going to go through?!

Jr turned 7 wks on Tuesday and had quite the eventful day. We headed to Houston for A’s surgery. Jr did amazing on the flight; we were sooooo happy not to be the parents with the child who cried the whole trip! We meet with the dr and had quite the run around with the Rams and getting the MRI A had done. They said they couldn’t send it and wouldn’t pay for another one, so we weren’t even sure if A was going to have surgery on Wednesday or not. The dr was really professional and said he really wanted to see an MRI of A’s shoulder and not just go in and look around. In the end the Rams said it was ok to have another MRI done.

Wednesday A headed to get an MRI late morning and PJ arrived around 11:30ish. PJ & I headed to lunch; we ended up running into A after we were done. He told us he was headed to surgery, so off we went to the surgery waiting area. After they got A all ready we headed back to the OR prep room. A & I headed back to where they were going to start his IV, while PJ stayed with Jr in the waiting area. I stayed with A for awhile and then headed to take care of some mommy duties (pumping and feeding). The dr came out and said, “Everything went well. It just took awhile to wrestle the bear, but after digging through all of his muscles we fixed him up.” They fixed his Labrum via scope and then cut him open to fix the subscap. We got him situated in his room after only an hour or so in recovery. PJ stayed with A through the night and Jr and I headed back to the motel. It’s a really nice facility that connects the hospital with a motel and some other things, so you never have to walk outside.

Today we’ve just been hanging out in A’s room and taking it easy. The agents came by and were here for a couple of hours. It’s been nice to just have some down time. A seems to be recovering pretty well and Jr continues to be amazing, so of course mommy is all smiles today. We’re headed back home tomorrow; I really hope traveling goes well.

Week 6 highlights:

Jr is only waking up 1 time during the night. We usually put him down around 9:00-:30 ish, he usually wakes up around 3:00 eats 5 oz or so and goes back to sleep. I can’t wait till we drop all his night feedings; however I won’t complain about a 6 ½ wk old waking only once during the night.

Jr is really starting to grab onto things, which means no more necklaces for the next 2 years! He especially likes to hold my finger when he's being fed. The smiles and alertness keep coming more often everyday. He's really a great baby and I feel so blessed every time I hold my precious peanut!

He’s averaging between 5-7 oz. He has had a lot of bottomless pit feedings this week; I guess he wants to grow big like his daddy.

"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting." ~ Author Unknown

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