My life as a mom to my Growing Lil Man and my Lil Princess! "Guide me in your truth, and teach me, O LORD, for you are God my Father and my hope is in you all day long."- Psalm 25:5
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tyler George & a growing baby boy!
A quick recap of the week (of which I have no idea where it went):
Tuesday- Cassie texted me that morning the joyous news of Tyler's arrival; another miracle today! Tyler and Jr are exactly 5 wks apart; go figure! A's masseuse came over after A got home from work to work on A and somehow I got lucky enough to get a massage too. My upper back has been hurting and is just a little tight (part from bouncing on the exercise ball and also because I'm breastfeeding). It was nice to have her work out the knots and who knows it might have to be a weekly thing I get done. My mom insisted that A & I got to go out to eat just the two of us, so we took her up on her offer and enjoyed some "us" time. It was so nice to spend time with my hubby and enjoy each others company.
Wednesday- My mom watched Jr, so I could go get my haircut. It was nice to get away for an hour and get something done for myself. A left for Cinci and didn't get back till early Friday morning. He didn't play in the game, but had to go anyways. They ended up winning 24-21. Next Thursday is their last preseason game and it'll be the first game Jr goes to, should be interesting.
Thursday- I got the okay from the dr to do anything and everything; which for me means I can workout. I've really missed working out, however I'm not even sure when I'll have the time/energy to workout. Jr keeps me hoping and he's only 5 1/2 wks old. Between feeding, burping, changing, playing, and then getting him down for a nap (and repeat), I'm really not left with much time. Jr had quite the evening, and so did Grandma and Mom. He was royally a bottomless pit of hunger which needed to be filled or he was going to through a fit. We fed him 4 oz from a bottle at 5:10, ran to the store and as soon as we got home the drama began. At 6:45 he was beginning to get very fussy. I tried using some of my success calming techniques, of which none of them worked. He was trying to mouth everything and was crying when he didn't get anything. So around 7 I decided it was time to heat up an oz of some of the milk I've stock piled. He chugged that down and was still hungry, so we did another half oz. The whole time my mom and I are thinking he should be getting full or at least acting a little less starved, um not the case. He was crying the instance the bottle ran dry. So from about 7-9 we gradually heated up quarters, halves, whole ounces. At 9 we decided to let him nurse a little, hoping to top off his hunger pains and make him tired to fall asleep. As he nursed, I slipped the paci in and he was out like a light. We just rocked for a little bit and then down he went until 1! The whole time my mom and I were convinced he was going to throw-up all this milk, considering he had taken in over 8 oz within 4 hrs, but thank goodness he didn't!
Friday- After a crazy Thursday night with my dear growing son, I was lucky enough to have a more mellow day with him. Jr had his first trip to the mall today. It was a very speedy trip between feedings and trying to get a couple other things finished while we were out. I talked to my lactation consultant this evening about this past week and how he just doesn't seem full. After talking for quite some time, we've determined Mr. Jacob hit his "birthday/due date" and now he's making up for lost time. My body is trying to supply him the best it can, but it takes a little time to get my supply up to meet his demand. So my OB prescribed me some medicine to help increase my milk production. I guess Jr decided it was time to catch up with his buddy Ty! A has been commenting how big Jr is getting in his head and belly; sounds like a future lineman. My mom so gracious offered to babysit again so A & I could have a date night. We didn't have much time, so we drove thru Culver's and headed to the movie. We ate our sandwiches in the parking lot and then headed in to watch Post-Grad. It was a good chic flick and was kind of cheesy in some parts. It was a great night with my hubby and Jr did good for Grandma, so that topped off the night!
Saturday- This is the first morning we've fed Jr a bottle for his morning feeding; he ate 4 oz. As I sit and write on this, he is sound asleep! He hasn't napped in the morning for ummm, oh I have no idea. So lately Jr hasn't been much of a napper. His naps consist of dozing off for a little bit and then we're back awake. He would usually take one solid nap sometime during the day, but that would be about it. I think I figured out our problem though. Like I said before he's a growing boy (who finally hit his birthday and is ready to pack on the weight). Last week I was pumping 3 1/2 oz, at the beginning of this week 4-4 1/2 oz, and now 5 oz. During the day he usually eats 4- 4 1/2 oz, should be interesting to see what he starts eating this coming days/week.
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”-Isaiah 26: 3
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pebbles, Dr visit, and On The Go!
Saturday Uncle Bill, Mom, Jr, and I headed down to Old St. Charles for the Festival of Little Hills. It was pretty much like arts in the park, along with lots of food and entertainment. The weather was great and it was a lot of fun just to take Jr on an outing. Between A's treatments, we did some Uncle Bill and Pebbles dog training. A and I have been debating for a long time what to do about our dog situation. We finally decided that it was best if we gave Pebbles to someone who could give her the time and attention she needs. With a new baby and a new football season, I felt I was going to be stretched to the limit and really wouldn't have the time and attention to give to both dogs. So we decided to ask Uncle Bill and Aunt Nancy if they'd be interested in her. Uncle Bill just retired this summer and needs someone/thing to do things with and Nancy seemed to love Pebbles when they were down here. Turns out they thought it would be a great idea to have a dog again and so far so good!
Sunday Uncle Bill and Pebbles were headed back to NE, we (Mom, Jr, and me) were headed to Sam's, and A was headed to a full day of work.
A has been supper busy with work. Most nights he doesn't get home till 8:30, which only leaves time to feed, play music and read to his son. Technically camp is suppose to be over, however they're headed into their 4 wk of training camp. I'm so tired of camp and I'm not even going through it. I can't wait for the regular season to start and for us to have a regular schedule. I just keep telling myself it won't be like this for long (just like the country song). I'm so thankful that my mom is here right now to help me out around the house and with Jr, especially because we barely see A at all.
Today is my parents 35th wedding anniversary! I wish my parents could have been together to actually celebrate this special occasion, but my mom insist that she loves helping out here and that they'll just celebrate when she gets back. Today we've been on the go almost all day long. After Jr's morning feeding we headed out for a walk, off to lunch, then to the dr, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Bike Store, Target, and then Sonic. Jr is an on the go type kid, so today went really well. He does best when he's on the move; whether it's being outside, in the car, stroller, etc., it doesn't matter, as long as he's going somewhere. Jr just really doesn't care to be inside too much (just like his mommy and daddy). Part of the reason for this might be the fact that we've had him going from one place to the other since he was 5 days old (& well ever since I was pregnant with him, we've been traveling and walking every day-so we were just getting him ready). Nonetheless, I've finally figured if he's fussy, it's time to head out the door. A classic example of this was this evening he was a little fussy, so mom, Jr, Rambo, and me took a little stroll through the court. He calmed down as soon as we went outside. And yes I had another mom/parent moment....I will do (almost anything) just to keep my child happy. So I will gladly take him out every evening for a little stroll, if that calms his cries! The dr visit went pretty good today. Jr is a growing machine; he's almost 8 lbs! I'm really thankful I had him when I did (given his size now). He got his 2nd dose of Hept B, which wasn't the most fun for him, but he was a trooper through most of the visit. Here's his numbers from today: (4 wks 5 days old)
-Weight: 7 lbs 14.5 oz (7%)
-Length: 20.5 (11%)
-Head Circumference: 14.4 in (15%)
Overall he's a healthy & happy baby boy! The dr says, "His numbers look great and he's a well proportioned kid!" Yeah! What parent wouldn't want to hear that about their child?!
Tonight A got home at 8:00, which was so nice because he actually got to hang out with Jr for awhile. They hung out for awhile and then A fed, played music, read, and put his son down for the night. This was my high for today. It made my heart melt and give thanks to God for all the blessings in my life!
Jr is doing pretty good. I've been able to keep him to a pretty good feeding schedule (every 3 hrs), however he doesn't have a very good nap schedule yet. His whole schedule is suppose to go something like: feed, wake time, nap time (and repeat). However, it's not exactly going like this anymore. It seems to be feed, then wake time and maybe nap for 45 min (but not even a solid nap) and then he's awake again. On the flip side of all of this, he does sleep really good at night (which is a blessing). I do wish though he would take at least a solid hour nap. I'm starting to try different things to maybe help him nap better; I guess we'll see how it goes. Lately Jr has started to spit up a little more and seems to be in pain sometimes after a feeding. He's always been really hard to burp, which makes it hard to get the bubbles out (which is usually the cause of the pain). I finally started to master doing things with one hand, hold Jr in the other and bounce on the exercise ball (all at the same time)! So other than his fussy times (which usually fall more in the evenings), Jr is doing great and is so much fun to watch grow every day.
My friend Cass just text me and it looks like she is going to be a mommy tomorrow! She's being admitted to the hospital tonight and they will be inducing her tomorrow. I can't wait for all the details!
“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”-Psalm 116:1-2
Friday, August 21, 2009
1 month old & wk recap
Monday was the first day of just Mommy & Jacob; it also happened to be the first day Jacob was fussy all day long. My little guy was just having a rough day and there was nothing I could do to make him happy. He was just not having a good morning, and just when I thought things were getting better in the afternoon, the evening rolled around and we were fussy again. This carried on throughout the night and made for quite a long day and night for mommy. We've been spoiled rotten with how well he's been and the beginning of the week was just a nice reality check for me that he's a baby and not perfect. Although I think he's pretty close to perfect.
My mom is back to help me out for another wk or so. With A gone for almost 15 hrs a day at work and not being able to help me at all during the night; I feel like I could really use an extra pair of hands around here for a little bit. It’s been really nice to have her help during the day to allow me to get some things done. Having my mom around is a blessing and I’m so thankful she was able to come back for a little longer.
It never fails whenever I'm nursing, changing a diaper, or just lying down while Jr sleeps, the phone rings. It won't ring the rest of the day, just during those times...go figure!
Tuesday was a little better day for our little one-month-old precious peanut. Tuesday all he wanted to do was eat almost ever two hours, which left me with hardly any other time to do much else. I've mastered eating when I can because I don't know the next time I'll be able to grab something. We spent a lot of time on the exercise ball, which has become our new best friend. A’s sister and brother-in-law bounced on the ball with their little one who had colic and well it seems to do the trick for Jr too.
Wednesday & Thursday were spent getting Jr back onto his usual schedule and getting my happy/content baby back. However, Thursday he had a very upset tummy and has just had a little rough wk . Thursday I mailed his birth announcements. I was impressed that I got this done and he’s only a month old.
A has a game tonight, however he won’t be playing in it. He had to stay at the hotel last night and won’t be home till probably 11-12 ish tonight. This makes me very thankful I have my mom here right now.
Jr 4 wks old:
-Jr is a noise machine. He grunts, moans, and is cooing.
-He can lift his head and move it side to side when you hold him to your chest and when he lies on his belly. He did this at 3 wks, but does it all the time now at 4. It’s not so shaky either.
-He stops moving and responds to my voice and tries to focus on my face.
-He can smile! Everyday he keeps smiling more and more. Oh how it just melts my heart.
-He’s a lot more aware and curious of his surroundings. He’s beginning to focus on things and really likes looking at lights and faces.
-He spends a lot more time awake during the day and usually only naps for about an hr and a half (a max) between feedings.
-He’s starting to be able to control his movements better. He’s not so jerky with his arms and hands. He likes to stick his whole hand in his mouth.
-We’ve been doing tummy time on his gym and he’s so close to pushing himself onto his side. He worked at trying to get off his tummy onto his side on Thursday for about 15 min before letting Mommy and Grandma know that he was done. He worked so hard at it and was so determined to make it happen.
Mommy thoughts for the wk:
-I love watching Jr explore this world. I could just sit and hold him all day. It’s amazing to watch him grow every day. I melt every time I feed him and he grabs onto my finger with his hand. This is just an unbelievable experience.
Now it’s off to take a nap, before his next feeding. I can’t believe I actually finished this! YEAH!
“But, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” -2 Corinthians 10: 17-18
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My due date and waking up to the world!
Friday A and I had a “date night.” Since A hurt his ankle, he stayed here (rather than going to NY) to do treatment and rest his ankle. So with my parents in town (free baby sitting) and A home, we decided it would be nice to have some “us” time. I’ve been pumping like crazy in order to get ahead of this feeding game and be able to store some milk (which I’ve mastered). So since I’d pumped enough we were able to do a whole date night, dinner and a movie. We went to HuHot’s and The Ugly Truth. It was really strange for me to be gone longer than an hour from Jr. I had the official “mommy moment” about five minutes after we left and then throughout the night. The mommy moment is when you just want to call to make sure everything is okay, even though you know it is. I did however resist the temptation to call and enjoyed the night out with my husband to its fullest. It was a great night and clearly showed me why it’s so important to keep “us” a main priority in the family.
Today is my official due date! Who would have ever guessed instead of expecting a baby any day now, we'd have a beautiful baby boy who is almost a month old. I really don’t know where the time is going and it seems like I blink and the day/wk is gone.
My parents just left tonight, which means it’s back to the three of us. I really miss having my parents here, especially having my mom around. She was so much help around the house and with the baby. I can’t wait for them to come back and spoil Jr rotten.
A is busy back at work today and is still technically in camp, however he gets to come home at the end of the day(thank goodness). I can’t believe football season is here and that it’s the middle of August already! I can’t wait to watch and cheer A on with his son in my arms.
There’s nothing like being a mom; really there isn’t! I love it so much! It’s so amazing just to sit and hold this precious gift from God. Jr is teaching me so much about myself and about the world, and he’s only a month old. Jr is really starting to wake up to the world around him. He's becoming more and more alert as the days go by, spending much of his time quietly checking out his surroundings. He spends some quality time on his tummy during the day, which is giving him a very strong neck. If I put my face directly in front of his, he holds up his head to look at me; it’s super cute and shows us that he has good neck muscles. He’s really starting to focus on everything around him (people, lights, objects, etc). It’s amazing to watch my little son take in this whole world. There are times A and I just look at each other and say, “Did you see that? He’s getting so big. Wow, he’s so strong!” and so on. We’re slowly mastering the Baby Wise sleeping schedule and he’s sleeping really good at night. We’re in the process of starting to cute the middle of the night feeding (3 AM) and going from midnight to at least 5, but hopefully 6. Most nights he doesn’t cry very much as long as I can catch his needs soon enough. All he needs to do is eat and be changed and occasionally wants to be snuggled and held instead of staying in his crib. I’m anxious to see how long it will be before he sleeps 6 hrs straight.
“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”-Psalm 119: 130
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Jr 3 wks & this whole experience so far
Jr turned 3 wks old yesterday! I can’t believe it was just 3 wks ago we were at the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jr.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole experience, everything from pregnancy, labor, delivery, and now motherhood. Here’s just some of my thoughts about these past events.
Pregnancy: Being pregnant was quite the ordeal for me. Having morning sickness for the first 16-20 wks about did me in. Throughout the whole pregnancy I really felt like I could never catch up on my rest and an afternoon nap was essential in order for me to function. A was amazed about how I could take a 2 hr nap in the afternoon and could still pass out at 9:30. Towards the end (the last few wks) of the pregnancy I remember just feeling exhausted and only had enough energy to nest a little and do the essentials around the house. I was bound and determined to give this child a head start in everything, so I worked out for my sake and his. It was really hard for me to give up working out (dr’s orders) and resort to walking each day as a workout. I royally carried a basketball under my shirt and that was it. I was very thankful that I didn’t get very big, because losing the pregnancy weight was nothing. It only took me a week to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It’s weird not feeling him squirm and kick inside of me anymore. I really didn’t think about it too much until the other day when I was holding him and he was kicking his legs like crazy. It was at that moment I was very thankful that those kicks were on the outside and not against my rib cage. I think I’ll always wonder why he came a month early. I think it was part Mother Nature because I don’t think I could have delivered a much bigger baby than what Jr was. I also think God knew we needed time as a family before A headed to camp and the football season began. I’m happy we didn’t find out what we were having; it was one of the greatest surprises ever! However, I just knew it was a boy all along. I was sure (and so was A) that we were having a boy and would have been shocked if we would have had a little girl. It was fun doing all the wives tales and having people guess what they thought we were having. Overall being pregnant was a true blessing and though it was challenging at times, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever went through.
Labor: First of all I’m happy I did it natural and will probably have our next child the same way. I was one of the lucky women who go in for a regular dr visit and get the exciting news to head to the hospital because you’re going to have a baby! It’s amazing how you forget about all the pain once that baby is on your chest. I’m sure I’ll probably consider an epidural once the labor contractions start though. I don’t think I’ve ever yelled like I did during the contractions at the end. A has already insisted I get an epidural next time. I think it was hard for him to see his wife go through something like this and know there was nothing he could do to help. He did help me though in ways he’ll never understand. Being able to look into his eyes and just focus on what was going on helped so much and he was truly amazing through the whole process and I couldn’t have asked for anything else from him. My body (especially my legs) just shook during the last couple hours of labor and even after I had him I shook for about a day (thanks to the hormones). Overall labor was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done physically and emotionally, but just like I said with pregnancy, it was one of the most rewarding experiences ever!
Delivery: I really didn’t know if it was ever going to happen. When we were going on almost 2 hrs of pushing, I really didn’t know how we were going to get this baby out of me. I’m glad I had the OB I did though; he was confident I could deliver Jr and didn’t need a c-section. Having A introduce Jacob Ryder to me was oh so special and the fact that Dr. P pointed out the plumbing to A was kind of funny too. I love how we have all of Jr’s first moments captured on photos. I’m so thankful we had Jenna taking photos for us; it really allowed A & I to just soak up this whole experience. The photos are priceless to us! Having a baby is an amazing blessings from God!
Postpartum Experience: No one ever tells you about what your body might experience postpartum. My emotions weren’t too bad and I think my hormone levels are getting back to normal. Lately though I’ve been experiencing night sweats. There is nothing worse than waking up and feeling like you’ve just worked out. Speaking of working out, I’m ready to get back into a routine. Unfortunately no one else thinks this a great idea for me right now. So until I reach the six-week mark, I have started walking every day and enjoy getting outside to experience the nice weather we are having.
Motherhood: I love being a Mom! Jr is really starting to recognize my voice, smell, and even me! I didn’t realize how fast a day can pass by when you have a newborn. Now that Jr is here, I seem to be falling behind on everything: cleaning, laundry, dishes, literally everything. My once clean and tidy house is now a not so clean and tidy all the time. Okay, so this is how I’ve felt the past week, however I’m finally getting things organized and feel caught up on a lot of my to do list jobs. Everybody always says to enjoy this time with your baby, because before you know it they’ll be leaving for college, so I’m trying to take full advantage of just Jr and Mommy time. Breastfeeding is almost like a full time job, never mind it is a full time job. I’m so happy that breastfeeding has come so easy for Jr and me. I think taking the class, having professional help if I have any questions or problems, and just being calm and laid back about the whole experience has helped with the success. Most people say you eat for 2 when you’re pregnant; I strongly disagree with this statement. You eat for 2 when you’re breastfeeding. I royally feel like a bottomless pit since about the middle of last wk. I think I could easy out eat my 300 lb husband and his lineman friends. My appetite has gone up ever since Jr’s appetite went up too. I seriously feel like I’m eating all the time and I’m still hungry. I didn’t know what kind of mom I would be, but if I had to describe myself I would say laid back, organized, and thankful. I’m laid back in the sense that I’m not particular about to many things when it comes to my baby. I’m not particular on the way you hold him, feed him, talk to him, etc. etc. I’m also pretty calm and have a lot of confidence in myself that I know what to do when he’s upset. I’m organized in the sense I have him on a schedule and we do things (feed, wake time, nap time) in an organized manner or at least as organized as you can be with a 3 wk old. I’m so thankful just to be a mom! I look at my son and give thanks to God for this wonderful blessing and miracle. I think all of these things combined have really helped for a great motherhood experience so far. Overall, motherhood is one the most rewarding jobs and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Jr is eating, breathing, and wetting/pooping diapers, so I must be doing a perfect job, right?!
Being a wife: Brad Paisley has a new song out called “Then.” It explains exactly how I feel towards A. He talks about how he thought he loved her when they were dating, getting married, expecting and now she has grey hair and old. He talks about how she’s his whole life, his whole world, and how he can’t believe the way he feels about her. He then goes onto say, “And I thought I loved you then!” When I look at A holding our son, this is all I can think about. I thought I loved A when we were dating and then when we said, “I do.” But nothing compares to the love I have for him now that we have a son and we are a family. I really didn’t know I could love him more than I did the day I married him, but I really do love him more each day I’m with him. The other night I saw God in my living room. Watching my husband with our son cuddled up on his chest made my heart melt…..and I thought I loved him when I saw him become a dad. But now I love him even more seeing him as a dad!
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”- James 1:22
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Less than a wk left of camp!
Life as a "single parent" right now isn't too bad. I really miss having A around to spend time with his son, but at least he has seen him every night since he's been at camp. Jr and I are figuring out a routine and I really have been blessed with a great baby. He's a very content and happy baby and I couldn't ask for anything else. He's growing so fast and is starting to become aware of what is going on this world (or at least trying to figure it all out). When Jr's laying on his stomach he can turn his head from one side to the other. He can also roll to the side of his body. He's become a little motor mouth too. He's really starting to make more noises, which always bring a smile to my face when I hear them. I love watching him take in everything that surrounds him. Last night he lost his belly button stump, YEAH! I'm so excited to give him a real bath now!
Last night we went to A's scrimmage, where he unfortunately rolled his ankle. He'll be getting a MRI and X-ray today to find out how bad it is. Afterward we met up with him and went to TGIF's, where I became that parent I always whispered about. Here it is 10 ish on a Friday night and we have our 17 day old son with us. I will no longer question what people are doing with their children; lesson learned!
A gets this afternoon off and will finally be able to come home for a little bit. I think he's excited to just come home and hang out with his "Little Man!" I love watching them together and I can't wait to see their father-son relationship develop. Today is going to be a great day with my family!
Tomorrow my mom comes back for a week and Stacy heads home. It's been so nice having someone here with me the whole time A has been gone. My mom hasn't stopped talking about Jacob since she has left. She likes to show off the pics of him to everybody. Needless to say, Grandma can't wait to get here tomorrow and spend another week with her grandson.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”-Isaiah 41: 10
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Life with a 2 wk old!
My parents left yesterday afternoon and Stacy got in last night. It's been nice to have someone here the whole time with me while A is gone. My mom will be back on Sunday and stay for a week. Her and my dad really couldn't get enough of Baby Jacob and they can't wait to see him again so soon.
Jacob is a growing machine and getting so strong. Jacob can move his head from one side to the other and has some strong legs just like his Daddy. I was so happy last night, because Jr was resting on A's chest and then he moved his head from one side to the other. I think A was tickled that he got to see it and not just on the video camera. Dr notes from yesterday (2 wks): -height= 19.6 in, -weight= 6 lb 4.5 oz, -head circum= 13.1 in. Overall he's doing great and the jaundice is slowly going away. As of last Wednesday he was still 6 lbs, which means he's gained almost an oz a day, which is awesome! Right now I feed him every 3 hrs during the day and let him go at night until he wakes up.
I really miss A being around and only seeing him for a hour at night is hard. I'm thankful I at least get to see him and he gets to spend some time with his son every day. Only 10 more days left of camp and then he'll be back home!
“I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.”-Psalm 119:7
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A at camp, Gparents here, and being a Mommy!
This past week has been filled with too many Dr and lab visits. Jacob had to have his blood taken four times over this past week. Luckily all the Jaundice levels have gone down and he's looking great!
Jacob had many 1st this past week. He had his 1st dr's visit when he was 6 days old. He still weighed 6 lbs and the dr told us to keep doing what we were doing, because he looks and acts great! This was so reassuring to hear for first time parents. He had his first bath! Daddy did a great job and Jacob loved getting his hair washed. Jacob meet one set of grandparents for the first time when he was 9 days old. Grandma Sheila can't hold him enough. Both Grandma & Grandpa think he's a great baby and love spending time with him. Jacob also went out to eat for the first time. Before A had to leave for camp, we went to Cracker Barrel (which is now our pre-camp meal tradition). He did great and we really couldn't ask for a more well behaved baby. Jacob has now been to a couple Rams practices and shopping with Grandma & Mommy too.
This time of the year is always the hardest for A & I, especially now that we have a 12 day old son. A reported for camp on Thursday and won't be home until August 15th. Jacob and I see him every night for about an hour after his practice and before meetings. After A's practice, we head to the hotel and sit in the parking lot. Both the boys eat and then once their done, A spends a little time cuddling with his son. I can see how hard it is in his eyes to only be able to see Jacob for an hour a day. Luckily camp is here this year so we get to see him everyday and it's also a week shorter than usual. I've been fortunate enough to have my parents around here to help with Jacob, although he's a pretty good baby so I don't need much help. It's nice though to have someone else change a diaper once in awhile. I'm really happy my parents were able to come down and see their grandson. It's been so nice to spend time with them and see them with Jacob.
My thoughts so far on being a Mommy: I don't even know where to begin; it's amazing and rewarding in so many ways! I really do have a very content baby and feel so blessed in that area. My life is based around him and his feedings right now. I feed him every 3 hrs and at night let him go for about 4-4 1/2 hrs. He's a great eater and I think we're both starting to figure out this whole feeding thing. Breastfeeding is going really well and I love this time that I get to bond with him. I do look forward to pumping soon though, part so I know how much he's eating and also so others can also get involved. Since I've been a mom, my life has just been spinning. Finding time to do things (such as this blog) have been challenging; however, now that we've got a schedule down I can really plan things around feedings and going to see A. Every time I look at Jacob, I can't help but give thanks for this precious life. It's still very surreal that Jacob is part of A & I. He's a true miracle and I have yet to watch the slide show of his birth and not cry. I'm finally feeling normal again or at least I think my hormones are starting to get back to their regular levels. No one ever really tells you how the sudden change in hormone levels might effect you; luckily I'm back to feeling pretty normal and now I can actually look at Jacob and not tear up. I found myself tearing up every time I looked at my precious baby boy, because he's such a blessing in so many ways and I can't believe how perfect he is. God is truly amazing and I've been blessed with an unbelievable baby boy. I love my precious family and am truly thankful for everything I've been blessed with. How Great is our GOD?!!!!
Jacob Notes: Jacob is a very strong little boy. His kicks are so strong and he's even starting to lift and move his heard around. He's starting to be a lot more alert and able to focus on more things. He's a stretching and yawning machine. Anytime A holds him he always arches his back and stretches for the sky. His hair color is starting to lighten up; I keep wondering if he'll have blonde hair like A did when he was young. He has the funniest expressions facial expressions and loves to make noise in his sleep. He's so perfect and it's so much fun seeing him grow and mature every day! We go in tomorrow for his 2 wk check up. I can't wait to see how much he's grown! Oh ya, Jacob also loves to stick out his tongue (all the time). I have a feeling he'll love doing this when he's 2 too!
“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”-James 1: 21