Adam has recently went on a suicide diet or what at least that's what he calls it. He has managed to lose 10 lbs and I am very happy for him. I continue to cook and eat the way I did before, however Adam has just cut back on portions and the extras that he doesn't need (and wah-la). I haven't gained any weight since my last Dr. visit, at least according to our scale at home. I have tried to cut a lot of sweets and extras that I don't need also out of my diet. Just trying to give Baby C an up for when he/she makes it's appearance into this world.
I am feeling good almost all the time now, which is AWESOME! The only thing lately that is kind of a bummer, is that I don't sleep very well at night. I am up every couple of hours, if not every hour. The past three days or so I have been waking up at 3-4 in the morning with hunger pains. They are so bad that if I don't eat anything I can't fall back to sleep. This happened to me when I was in my first trimester and I would eat some crackers to take the pain away. I gradually weened myself off, so I wasn't eating anything in the middle of the night and my body adjusted really well to it. However, it has came back and it's really annoying. We had a late night last night, so I ate a little before we headed to bed, hoping/praying that maybe this night would be different from the others since I ate late, but it wasn't. I ate a banana last night to help the pains subside. I have also noticed an increase amount of saliva in my nose and throat. I think I wake up every couple of hours to go the bathroom and spit. I did get some relief from going the bathroom all the time for a while, but now it seems the baby must have moved on my bladder and it makes me take numerous trips to the restroom. I have also increased my fluid in take to help with my skin and clear off some of this mucous stuff, so that doesn't necessarily help either. I really just wish I could sleep longer than 2 hrs at a time. Maybe this is God's way of preparing me for the future. Who knows?!
We went to our neighbor boys going away party. He is off to Army bootcamp on Tuesday. I wore a maternity top (of which at this time I only have 2 actual maternity tops) and you totally can't tell I am pregnant (especially not for almost being halfway done with my pregnancy). Some people were like, "Oh, you look pregnant, but so small." I insisted it was the shirt that gave the illusion I was pregnant. Being small in my belly has its ups and downs. An up is that I still can enjoy being smaller and know that in time I will be huge and look like I could pop at anytime. A down is that I look a little pudgy in the middle, which drives me crazy. Nonetheless, I am so happy to have this bundle of joy inside of me, which I've been able to feel everyday for over a week. It'll be really exciting when I feel the first good punch/kick.
Before we went to the party we went to BabiesRUs to pick out a mattress for the crib. So along with the mattress we also bought a girl's bringing home baby outfit. We were looking around and had sometime to burn before we had to head to church, so we thought we would look at some outfits and see if we liked any. Since we're not finding out what flavor Baby C is until it's birthday, we plan on taking a girl and a boy outfit to the hospital. We found a cute little girl's outfit and I got butterflies just looking at it. I am so excited for this blessing! We didn't find a boy outfit we liked, but we will continue to look.
I don't know how I failed to mention this on my last post, but here's a story to share with your friends. So while we were in Jamaica Adam had shut off his phone and right before we were getting ready to leave he turned it on and checked his messages. Our house alarm company had called and left two messages about our alarm going off on Friday. I called our neighbor, who was watching over our house, to see if everything was alright. She said the police had came and looked around the outside of the house and everything looked fine. There was a UPS box on the step, so they thought that if the UPS driver jiggled the door a little it could have set the alarm off. Okay, so no worries then. But then Adam gets a message from one of the people who works at the alarm company, who he had called earlier to see the details of everything, and the man perceives to tell him it was our downstairs, inside alarm that was set off at 2:30 and then our upstairs one at 4:00. They said it was probably a pet issue and we said well we hope not because both our dogs are kenneled right now. Anyway, at this point we have no idea what set our alarm off and are like when we get home we'll go through the house and inspect every room, closet, and underneath every bed. So when we got home after midnight Tuesday morning, Adam grabbed his baseball bat and I grabbed my mace. We turned all the lights on and started our search through our house. When we first walked through our front door we saw what looked like some paint drops on the wood floor (just 2 little drops that kind of looked like the nursery paint). Then we noticed one of our picture frames was knocked over and a decoration ball was on the floor. At this time we really had no idea what had caused these strange things to happen. So we started in the nursery, upstairs bathroom, our master bedroom, and then our bathroom. Adam went to check our closet and I saw something on the floor. At first I was like did Adam drop something on the floor before we left and then I looked closer at it and was like, "Oh, my's a BIRD!" At this time Adam thought I was face to face with a bugler or some person. I was totally disgusted out by it and couldn't believe a bird was in our house. We checked the rest of the house to just make sure no other animals or people were anywhere to be found. We figured that the only place the bird could have came in was through our fireplace downstairs. It hadn't been working right and we had the glass off the one side (let me remind you the glass has been off for over a year). Anyway, I put the glass back in right away just in case some other little critter had made a home in there. We think the bird died from living in the fireplace for quite some time and then once in our house it just didn't have any food or water. Nonetheless, I was very thankful that it was dead and not flying around our house. We also know it didn't live very long in our house because it only set the alarm off twice in a couple hours and then that was it. A couple positives to this: we put up the glass so it can't happen again, we don't have a cat which could have had a hay day with the bird and an empty house, and our house was still in one piece and after thorough cleaning (yes, I am a neat freak-so everything got scrubbed) you would never know we had a nice little thing flying around our house.
"Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." -Psalm 25:5
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