Wow! I'm another week older, bring on 28...can you believe it?! Mommy and Daddy can't that's for sure. As you probably figured out by now I, Jr, am writing in place of my mom again. She seems to be busy taking care of me, my Daddy, the pup, the house, the bills, cleaning etc. get the point that she's a very busy lady. Nonetheless I thought I would help her out by writing on her blog about me and who knows me better than me of course. Also I'm gaining my independence and think I should take over writing about what goes on in my world.....this could get very interesting to say the least!
So last week became a blur when Mommy and Daddy got the phone call Tuesday morning that sent them for a loop. While I was stirring around in my crib, Mommy's cell phone was vibrating on the dresser right before 8. Both Mommy and Daddy didn't think anything of it and decided to just let it vibrate, however then the house phone rang and then they knew it must be something important. Daddy picked up the phone and Uncle Jeff was on the other end. He told Mommy that Grandma was in the hospital emergency room. Uncle Jeff proceeded to explain that Gma hadn't been feeling good and passed out in the middle of the night. She laid in bed for quite sometime and then finally decided they better head to the hospital when her head was pounding, her left arm and chest hurt. Once they got to the hospital they did some blood work only to find out Gma's hemoglobin was a 5, which is extremely low considering a 12 is on the low end. So they started a blood transfusion and called for the helicopter to take her to a bigger hospital for better care. They flew Gma to the heart hospital in Lincoln, since her heart readings were showing irregularities. They knew she had to be bleeding inside, but they just weren't sure what was going on. Great Gpa Wiest had a hemoglobin problem and eventually went to see Jesus because of it. This had everybody praying that it wasn't some blood disorder that we were just finding out about. Once they were in Lincoln they ran a lot of tests on my Gma and came to conclude she had a bleeding ulcer in her tummy. They were able to fix it for her, but wanted to keep her in the hospital and watch her since she had a blood transfusion and was receiving a very strong ant-acid.
So, as soon as Mommy got off the phone, the whirl wind day began. Mommy got our tickets bought and both her and Daddy started to pack us up for NE. Gma Tina came over to feed and play with me at lunch time so Mommy and Daddy could finish up packing and we could head to the airport. I never realized how much junk I require, but somehow Mommy and Daddy seem to manage all the bags, stroller, car seat, etc. Mommy thinks her and Daddy look like the beginning of the hit comedy show Yes Dear, where they're walking pushing a stroller with one arm, carrying a kid in the other, and dragging bags and toys behind them. I did great on the plane and was fascinated by the lady we were sitting by. Mommy gave me a "cookie" (aka a teething biscuit) to keep me entertained and happy while we were cruising around with the Care Bears. I met Kaylee Krug at the airport by chance and of course my parents ooohhed and aaahhed over how little and cute she was. Nate liked how interactive I was and couldn't believe how fast we little babies grow up! Daddy had quite the ordeal trying to rent a car, but somehow in the end we ended up in a pickup headed to Lincoln to see Gma, Gpa, Uncle PJ and Aunt Shan. Gma was super excited to see me and I think I'm the best medicine you can find! After I took part of my bottle, we headed to a near by hotel where I played in the big bath tub, which I absolutely loved and even posed for a couple pics. Mommy always has that camera out snapping shots of me. I finished my bottle and off to bed I went. Mommy, Daddy, Gpa, Uncle PJ and Shan, stayed up eating Wendy's and talking for awhile. When Mommy and Daddy finally came to bed in the same room I was in, I let them know that I need my own room! I had a blast waking them up by putting my arms straight out and running my fingers along the rails on both sides, causing the coolest sound ever......"Tink, tink, tink, tink, tink......." Apparently, Mommy and Daddy weren't to fond of the noise, so they taped some towels along the side and made a make shift bumper in the middle of the night, in the dark. Oh, how much fun I have making them earn their parent paycheck!
The next day, we ate breakfast and headed over to see Gma. I was a definite hit with all the nurses and can melt a person's heart by just flashing them a HUGE Gerber smile and batting my BIG blue eyes:) I did great the whole day and even napped like a champ!
On Thursday, Gma was dismissed from the hospital and we were headed to go see Great Gma and Gpa Carriker. They're always excited to see us and Daddy couldn't wait to play cards with them. When we got there everything was going great. We had brought them lunch and Daddy were busy feeding me while they ate. Mommy started the solids with me, when we noticed Gma wasn't feeling very good. After finally making a deal with her, Gma decided it would be okay to head to the hospital with Daddy and Gpa, while Mommy and I stayed at their house. When they got to the hospital Daddy called us to say Gma had a bp of over 200. We were so grateful we decided to get her to a dr when we did. They finally got her bp under control and decided to move them into an assistant living home where they can get the care they need. Gpa isn't too happy about the decision, but it's the best thing for the both of them. I got to meet some of my great aunts and uncles at Pizza Hut. Aunt Shirley and Bonna were so happy to meet me, then again who isn't. After pizza we headed to go see Gma in the hospital. She was super excited to see me and always says, "Let me see that boy!" We headed back to Gma and Gpa's house so I could get a bath, bottle, and then off to sleep in my car seat while Daddy drove us to Omaha so we could make our morning flight. I slept the whole time to Omaha and even when they were putting me in the pack in play I stayed sound asleep!
Friday morning we were up and at em early so we could return the car and make our flight. My oatmeal didn't settle the best with me, which caused me to throw it up. However, I felt great afterwards and was ready to fly again. There was a little delay at the airport, but Mommy and Daddy managed to keep me entertained and happy. I slept the whole time on the plane, despite the 2 yo in front of me who made lots of noise and was Mommy and Daddy's worst nightmare. Since Mommy and Daddy already had the sitter lined up, they just kept her and they headed to a late lunch and movie while I played with Shannon. I didn't know about going to her at first and for the first time I didn't really want my parents to leave, however as soon as I got busy playing and eating life was great and I forgot that Mom and Dad weren't even there.
Saturday was full of Mommy and Daddy cleaning, doing laundry, trying to relax a little from the busy week, Daddy doing rehab, taking care of me (which is a full time job), and then headed to church in the evening. I do great at daycare and all the girls think I'm super cute!
Sunday and Monday went by way too fast and now here we are and I'm already 28 weeks today! Today I have the sniffles, a cough, and just want to snuggle with my Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully this is nothing and I'm back to breathing normal again soon.
Overall, Mommy and Daddy are still trying to recover from an emotional, physical, mental demanding past week. I continue to grow like a McBride and Carriker! Everybody can't believe how big and strong I am.......I'm truly going to be like my Daddy in more than one way. Now it's time to get to the highlights and then off to play!
27 week highlights:
-I absolutely love to roll! If you put me on my tummy I will instantly roll over to my back (and it's always to the left every time). So much for tummy time! I think I'll probably take my first steps before I attempt to crawl. I like to mix things up a bit and do things at my own pace and order.
-I love to sit and play with my toys all the time.
-I continue to eat what my Mama puts in front of me, which is about the same amount and types of food each day. I think I've tried almost all the veggies and fruits. Mommy got a book full of new ways to make baby food, so once I finish what she has bought she'll be introducing them to me....oh how I can't wait! I tried mangoes for the first time the other day and didn't know quite what to think. After about the second bite, I was loving them!
-I got to fly on a airplane again! This is the 3rd time I've flown somewhere on an airplane. At this rate I'll be racking up the frequent flyer miles and be flying for free the rest of my life.
-Went to NE for the 2nd time. This was an unexpected trip, but I got to see my McBride Grandparnets, my Carriker Great Grandparents, and some aunts and uncles. I'm glad both my Gmas are doing good. I did great the whole trip, especially for being whisked around everywhere and to everybody! Mommy and Daddy say I'm their "lil trooper and pooper!" Oh how they think they're so funny!
-I continue to sleep like a champ (9-8) and have since I was 8 wks old. I nap 3 times a day for about 2-2.5 hrs.
-I graduated to the big tub! YEAH! Mommy and Daddy saw how much I loved splashing in the bath tub at the hotel, so they decided it was time to scrap my lil infant/toddler bath tub and let me sit in the big tub all alone. I love to splash and play with my bath toys.
-If I can see it, I want it! Mommy and Daddy are slowly learning that I need to touch and feel everything. If they only knew this is just the beginning of me grabbing onto things.
-Not only do I grab everything in sight, I also watch everything that goes on. I watch every move anybody makes and am secretly storing all the info so I can replicate it all when I'm just a tad bigger.
-When I was first born everybody commented on how much hair I had and how little I was, but now after 6 months of growing like a McCarriker, they all comment on how big I am, my big blue eyes, and the amount of hair I have. It's crazy how I don't even look like the baby Mommy and Daddy brought home!
-I'm a really happy baby and love to smile/laugh/talk nonstop! Again, this is only the beginning for Mommy and Daddy.
-I'm finally tall enough that I can move my car with my feet. I especially get excited and want to move the car if I see Rambo.
-I love Rambo! I really do. I love to watch him all the time and laugh nonstop when he's running around in the yard playing with his bone and Mommy and I are trying to catch him. Anytime I hear him making noise, I stop what I'm doing and look around watching for him to see what he's up to.
-Mommy and Daddy started making these weird gestures these past couple weeks and I'm slowly starting to catch on. Mommy thought it would be a great idea if they taught me sign, so far they've taught me milk and more.
-I love doing my flash cards and book for the Baby Can Read Program. I also love to watch the video and anytime the feet come on at the beginning I go nuts.
-Lately I've been quite the little helper for Mommy around the house. She loads me up in the wagon and together we haul laundry around.
-Mommy and Daddy took me on the trampoline the other day. It was finally warm enough that I could be outside for about 10 min. I love to be outdoors and especially love playing on the trampoline. I roll around and get to bounce with both Mommy and Daddy.
-Mommy and I take the mail out every morning and go get the mail in the afternoon. Rambo runs and gets the paper, which I think is the funniest thing ever. I really do love being outdoors and having the wind blow in my face!
-Mommy gave me a frozen celery stick to chew on to help with my teeth. I didn't know what to think about it at first, but loved chewing on it after a little bit!
“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”- 1 Peter 1:15-16
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