28 week highlights:
-I went out to eat with M&D for breakfast a couple times this week and even supper too. I did great as always and sat in the high chair like a good little boy the whole time they ate........M&D have no idea what they have coming these next couple months and years; I'm just putting up a huge decoy right now.
-I started my classes at 'The Little Gym.' I absolutely love them and can't wait to go every Wednesday. I loved watching the other babies and had a ball doing all the activities.
-M&D bought a stroller (that M can jog with)/wagon (that goes behind their bikes) to take me along on their bike rides. It's been too chilly and snowy to try it out yet, but it looks like lots of fun.
-Susan (the parents as teachers lady) came to play with me for awhile and tell my parents how perfect I am (oh wait I think that's what they told her......:)). Anyway, Susan let me play with a big metal bowl, soap dish, some books, all while she chatted with my parents and did a mini eval on how I'm developing mentally and physically. She, along with everybody else, always comments on how well I sit by myself.
-Saturday morning I got my first hair cut. Mommy thought it would be a good idea to get my "Mohawk hair" trimmed up so it was the same length as the rest of my hair. I sat up all by myself in the chair and just wanted to chew on the cape the whole time. M&D (well actually everybody that sees me) can't believe how much I look like a little boy and not a 6 month old baby. I'm clearly going to have blonde thick and slightly wavy hair.
-It snowed enough on Saturday that M&D took me out sledding. I couldn't stop laughing and smiling at Mommy and Rambo running around and playing in the snow. Mommy made sure I wore my cool sunglasses to protect my eyes and I even got to sled down the hill for the first time.
-I always seem to be the hit wherever I go. Saturday night we went over to Jenna's for a surprise graduation party for Jason. Everybody wanted to hold and play with me, but all I wanted to do was play with my red plastic cup Mommy gave to me. Mommy let me drink some water of which I loved of course.
-It warmed up enough on Sunday that M&D took me on a walk after we got home from church. At church the caregivers put me in an exercise saucer where I found a thing that spins just like the one at my house. I played with it nonstop and had a ball with the lovely gals and other babies.
-Sunday night I watched my first Super Bowl XLIV. The Colts ended up losing to the Saints in what turned out to be a pretty good game (31-17). It's the first time the Saints have ever won a Super Bowl.
-M&D continue to sign to me all the time. I've now been introduced to 'More, Milk, Eat, All Done.'
-M&D decided to try moving my bed time up an hour and dropping my evening nap (leaving me with just a morning and afternoon nap). I did great and didn't even give an eye rub during my usual nap time. I think I might like this schedule, but I guess we we'll see.
-I can stand up holding onto my toys for a couple minutes. My legs are so strong and M&D are convinced I'm going to walk before I even attempt to crawl.
-I can officially move around in my walker. I move backwards and to the side better than go forward; this actually makes for an interesting way to move about this world.
-I get to Sypke with Gma, Gpa, and Jenna a couple times a week and show off how much I'm growing and developing by the day and sometimes even by the minute.
-Anybody that sees me insist that I look exactly like my Daddy! I love seeing Daddy's reaction any time he hears someone say this about me. I swear he can't smile any bigger:)
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