I can't believe its already been a week since my last post. I really don't know where the days go and with the holidays among us it's only going to get more hectic. Nonetheless, the Christmas tree is up and the outside lights are up, so tis the season. And to top it off we're suppose to get snow tonight! So it's been a supper busy past week and weekend and now that the house is (too) quiet I better do a quick recap of everything the lil man has been up to.
Wednesday while everyone was at the arch, Jr napped like a "Champ!" It's so nice to be back on our old routine and to have a baby who sleeps over 30 mins really allows mom to get some things done. Once A got home, I ran to the store to pick up our Thanksgiving dinner. I pre-ordered it all from Dierbergs, so we didn't have to cook much come Thursday and could be able to enjoy each others company instead. Gina and Mark were suppose to come today, but Aleah had a double ear infections, so they decided it would be best to just stay put and let her get better. It kind of bummed everyone's spirits, but as parents we completely understood putting your child's needs first. Stacy got here in the evening and couldn't believe how much Jr had grown since she had seen him last.
Thursday (Happy Turkey Day) was probably one of the greatest Thanksgivings I've ever had. We started the day off with a wonderful breakfast feast: pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, etc. Stacy and I started preparing everything around noon so we could eat around 2:30ish. Everything turned out wonderful and it was truly a day to give "Thanks" for all that we've been blessed with. The company was awesome, the food was delicious, and I even got to enjoy my whole dinner in peace while my 4 month old son took his nap; probably not going to be the case next year! We played games, ate, ate a little more, played a little more and over all just had a wonderful Thanksgiving as a family! The kids, Keri and I went and played with Rambo in the yard. I've never seen the kids or Rambo have so much fun playing. One of our Thanksgiving traditions is to go around the table and say what we're thankful for; this year I am most thankful to be able to stay at home with my happy and healthy son. Today it's not only Thanksgiving it is also my Grandma's birthday. My parents went down to see her and I even got to wish her a "Happy Thanksgiving and Birthday" on the phone. She can finally talk since all the swelling in her tongue and neck are going down. I couldn't believe that I could understand her so well on the phone. I'm so thankful that she's doing great and I never knew how much of a fight my Grandma had in her, but watch out world because she is not giving up!
Friday was sad because Keri, John, and the kids had to head back home. It was so much fun having them here and the house was so much quieter once they left, which wasn't a good thing. Dalton and Taylor are such sweethearts and every time Dalton came around Jr he wanted to give him a hug or kiss. I just keep hearing in my head, "Can I give my baby cousin a kiss?" and then my heart melts because they just wanted to give their baby cousin love all the time. We watched the Huskers beat CU! Always a delight when that happens, because we can rub it into Mark for the next year. Stacy and I went shopping at Kohl's since it was black Friday and they had some pretty good sales. This was so out of character for both of us and after about 20 mins we looked at each other and laughed. We really couldn't believe we went shopping together; such a girly thing to do! I did get some good deals on Jr's clothes, which is a plus considering he fits in them one week and the next their just a little too tight. All the clothes I bought him are 9 month clothes hoping he'd grown into them, however they fit perfect right now! There are countless times that A and I look at each other and say, "He's going to be big!" Which would not be a big surprise given his genes.
Saturday was full of more football, fun, and family time. We took it pretty easy around the house and had a great laid back day.
Sunday we brook out the Christmas decorations. Stacy helped me put up the tree, while A took his parents to the game. I managed to get pretty much the whole house decorated between Jr's naps. Jr is fascinated by the lights on the tree. We took A's parents out for his dad's birthday once they got home from the game. Jr did great the whole time and even allowed us to go get ice cream after a great dinner. I really think his parents had a great time and it was nice to treat them to something special.
Monday morning A took his parents to the airport and just like that everyone was gone; a very sad day for A and I. And like I always say, just a reminder of how we really wish we lived closer to family, maybe someday. With everybody gone, it was time to get the house cleaned and back into the day to day routine. So most of Monday consisted of laundry, cleaning, and taking care of Jr.
Tuesday Jr turned 19 wks! We went out for breakfast for our little Tuesday tradition. Afterwards we went and got Jr a cute little outfit for our Christmas pics. Jr did great the whole time we were out and to be able to eat a whole meal without a baby in my arms was a blessing. It was another day of trying to catch up on things that have been over looked since we've had company.
Today (Wednesday) our outside decorations got put up, so our home is decked out for the holidays. The past 2 years I've done the decorating outside (lights on the roof and lawn orniments), but not this year we had to hire our lawn guy to do it all. It was kind of sad not being able to do it myself, but I clearly don't have the time to do it so I was okay with having another person do it. I hope to do it next year though, but we will see. It just started to rain this afternoon and it they say it's going to snow this afternoon/evening....I really hope it does! Today we went back onto his 4 hr schedule and are no longer doing a little feeding before his naps. We knew he could do it, because he'd done it before it's just a matter of getting him back onto that routine. The result from today= happy baby and a great day for baby and Mommy!
Jr update: He seems to be like a roller coaster lately, good days and then not so good days. It all comes down to not napping. He was on a great little routine, but since we got back from NE its been a work in process. Last week he was napping like a champ again, but once everyone left he started doing his 40 min naps again. Luckily he continues to sleep through the night and usually I have to wake him up in the morning. If he does wake up early he just sits and coos and talks to himself in his crib. Today (Wednesday) he's had an awesome day and we just spent a half hour laughing and playing tonight, which totally made moms day. I love seeing his Gerber smile and his laughs crack A and I up all the time. He tries so hard to move when he's on his tummy, but only goes in a circle. His arms and legs move nonstop and when he can move he's going to be gone.
18 wk highlight:
-Got 4 month old shots. Had a rough night following them, just wanted to sleep in mommy's arms'; not a terrible thing I guess.
-Met Grandpa Dave for the first time. Loves to talk and smile at Grandpa. Grandpa couldn't believe how happy Jr was and what an awesome kid he is.
-Jr is slowing getting back to his old sleep routine,
-Celebrated first Thanksgiving with the Carriker side. Took a nap during the whole meal, which allowed Mommy and Daddy to get seconds!
-Had white grape juice for the first time. Mixed in with his rice cereal to help with the constipation, didn't help in the end.
-Sleeps 11 1/5 hrs at night.
-Eats 1 1/2 tbsp baby food at lunch and supper. Doesn't eat rice cereal anymore because it seemed to make him constipated. Likes/eats squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and now peas. I haven't given him squash or cereal since trying to get his system back in order.
-Entered the "Everything in the mouth" stage. Toys, fists, blanket, shirt, etc. etc. it all goes in the mouth to be chewed on!
-Really enjoys grabbing toys and and of course putting them to his mouth.
-Jr is constantly using his fingers to hold things and really play with them.
-Helped put up the Christmas tree, well he actually took a nap when Aunt Stacy and Mommy put it up, but he approved it when he woke up and smiled when he saw all the lights.
-Is doing the Baby Can Read program daily. Really likes the video and the flash cards and book seem to catch his attention.
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.”-1 Chronicles 16:8
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