Wednesday A & I went out for lunch at Longhorn and then went to "Law abiding citizen." It was a very tasty lunch, really good movie and overall a awesome date afternoon. I love that we take the time each week to be just "us." Jr did great with Shannon, but of course was happy to see Mommy (okay so maybe it was more Mommy was happy to see Jr). Today we moved up Jr's last feeding schedule and when he goes to bed. We used to do his bath at 7:40, his bottle a little before 8:00, and then put down for bed around 9:00. Now we give him his bath at 7:15, his bottle at 7:30, and then bed around 8:30. We decided to do this because he's a little more fussy in the evening and he still sleeps till 8:00 AM no matter when you put him down; it also allows us to be in bed earlier too.
Thursday I decided to "park" it for the day. I really just needed a laid back day and to just take it easy. I didn't hustle around the house trying to get everything done; I just decided to take a moment to breath and enjoy all that God has blessed me with. It's so easy to get caught up in everything life throws at you, but it's just as important to take the time to enjoy life. Today just seemed like the perfect day to put my life in park. I couldn't go to bible study because our escalade was in the shop getting fixed, so after A got home and Jr was fed, we all (including the dog) went for a walk. We walked to the park, where Jr got to swing for the first time. He fit perfect in the swing and seemed to enjoy it. Luckily I had brought the camera and was able to capture this fun family time. Overall it was a great day and much needed day for me personally. I feel like I'm always going and that I often miss the little things in life that bring a smile to my face. God has been amazing in my life and has truly blessed me with so much. I can't help but give thanks each and everyday for all the blessings in my life; I give Him all the glory!
Friday it was back to work (as if I really had a complete day off)! I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. I started in the basement and went room to room, while Jr was taking his morning nap. I was able to get everything dusted, but didn't have time to vacuum/swifter, so my wonderful husband did the dirty job for me later that evening. I was able to get some of the upstairs done before mommy duty called. Nonetheless, I was still trying to clean at 6, but I did end up getting almost everything done (thanks to a lot of help by A). We rearranged our hearth and sun room. Both A and I really like having the couch and rocker in the sun room and our table and chairs in the hearth room. For some reason Rambo really seems to like this arrangement too! A loves it because he can watch 2 TVs at once; such a true man! He loved it come Saturday when he could watch 4 different football games at once.
Saturday (Today) we watched the Huskers beat KU! Jenna brought by some cookies, which A and I have done a number on. We took it kind of easy around the house today and are working on Jr getting back into his good nap routine.
Jr has been really fussy this week. He's probably not even been that bad compared to most babies, but this is completely out of the ordinary for him. During both his naps during the day he wakes up after 30-40 mins and is ready to be picked up. He rarely falls back to sleep, which makes him really fussy at night, because he's tired. The parents as teacher lady said he doesn't know how to manipulate mom and dad until 6 months, but I disagree. Jr knows that if he cries, mom will come get him and life will be all good. He always greets me with a smile in his crib when I come to get him. I wish he would go back to his normal napping schedule, but I think it's just going to take a lot of time and patience to get him back on track. This afternoon I went and got him, but was able to get him to fall back to sleep for the rest of his nap. He's been a lot better this evening, which clarifies to me that we're not getting long enough naps during the day. Nonetheless, parenting is all about trial and error and together we'll all figure it out!
Other than the fussiness this week, Jr is doing great. He's truly growing like a McBride and Carriker! He's getting so strong and is really raising his head high and looking around when he's on his tummy. We started squash on Wednesday. I think he enjoys it the best out of everything. A tells me I say this about everything he eats, which is probably true since its a new taste it probably becomes his favorite food to eat then. Jr's toothless smile and cute giggle melts my heart every time.
“For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.”-1 Peter 2: 15-16
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