My appointment on Wednesday didn't go quite like I had planned; in fact Adam told me to stop going to the dr as I always come home with not the greatest news (and if I come home with no news we consider that good During the ultrasound the tech took measurements of the head, femur, and abdomen. The little guy/girl was moving around like crazy and it was so neat seeing NBC taking practice breathes. Probably the neatest thing I got to see during the scan was NBC opening his/her eye. The tech said this rarely happens and when it does, baby usually shuts it right away. Not NBC though, he/she apparently wanted to look around at all the blackness surrounding it! The tech also took a look at the heart, of which she then informed me that she probably wouldn't have noticed anything that would cause alarm to her and most likely wouldn't have sent me on for further testing. That made me feel good, hoping that maybe the blockage isn't too bad. We do know there is a blockage though, because on the scan at Children's they can measure the exact amount of blood flow and it was decreased. Anyway, I was happy as could be when I walked out of the ultrasound room, baby looked good, cervix isn't shortening too much, and overall I thought everything was fine.
When I met with Dr. B though she informed me that the ultrasound shows baby weighs 4lb 13oz (40 percentile). Dr.B is concerned with the measurement of the abdomen compared to its head and femur, so we will head back to Denver on Monday to see the OB there and have another ultrasound done. Dr. B wants me to go down there to get another OBs opinion. I'm also measuring small, which I think has her concerned too. We do know baby is growing and actually 5 lb is really good, however she just wants to make sure baby is getting enough nourishment from me in the womb. If baby appears to not being getting enough nourishment from the placenta, then I could possibly be induced at 36 weeks if they think baby would do better on my milk and being outside of the womb.
On a side note my college friend Stacy came up for the evening to see us the other day. Jr was super thrilled to play with his Godmother for a couple hours. And today A's parents are coming to town for a couple days. It'll be great to see them and I can't wait to see their faces when they see how much their grandson has grown.
So again with all of this new news, we will put it all into God's hands' and know He'll be our strength and will continue to hold our hand and direct us as we walk down this path.
Praying that all went well in Denver today! NBC might not be huge, but he sure is CUTE!
Hope you all are sleeping better at your house this week. Well, Angie can't sleep well in ANY position--but you know what I mean . . . God is good and NBC is a funny one.
My new guess is that NBC is a Boy, he will weigh 6 1/2 pounds at birth, he might very well SKIP the NICU experience completely and that he will delight in playing practical jokes for the rest of his long and happy life!
I agree NBC is a cutie! His profile is so adorable, I can't wait to see pics once he's on the outside. Don't forget to take normal newborn pics, as many as possible.
Joey was born at a good size, but in the midst of the drama was the very real concern about him gaining weight. That's really hard for these cardiac kids, with both the heart itself and the surgery making it very difficult to pack on the pounds. When Joey was discharged at 5 weeks old from Children's, he was finally back to his birth weight (exactly). He had trouble eating enough to get discharged! Well, he must have thought this was a great joke because fast-forward and by 7 mos he weighed more than my girls did at 1 year!!! Who's laughing now, Miss Dietitian!
Hope you are feeling well!
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