Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Only 2.5 weeks to go to make 36 weeks! Dr appt & u/s pics!

As the ultrasound tech called me back, I knew this was going to be my chance to finally thank the lady who spotted NBC's heart problem. I thanked her for doing such a thorough job and calling attention to NBC's heart. She told me it's her job and she just tries to make sure she does the best she can every time she is scanning babies. Like I said before, though the news is devastating to us, at least we know about the problem and have a game plan for when NBC arrives. CoArc is actually really hard to be diagnosed before the baby is born, which just make me thank God even more that we know about it before hand.

Baby is doing great and growing away. Not too much has changed with me, so we're giving thanks for no new news! Next week when I go in, they'll take measurements of the baby again and we'll have another weight for NBC. Here's some cute pics of NBC from the u/s. The tech was having a ball taking loads of pics of the lil poser. I'm getting so excited to meet this little face to face. It's weird how I'll get to see the baby every week until he/she is finally here!

What a perfect lil profile:)

The tech called NBC "The Licker" since he/she was spotted licking my placenta!

NBC has lots of hair! The tech couldn't believe for just being 33.5 wks how much hair he/she has.

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever-- do not abandon the works of your hands."- Psalm 138:8


Unknown said...

I just want to nibble on those little toes, they look so sweet! No fair about that thick mane of hair. Baby Tess is 6 months old and still completely bald! :-)

Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

Oh, sweet baby!! God bless you all and thank you for being an inspiration for all of us! God is so good.

Angie said...

LOL Abigail! Thanks Leila! God is soo GOOD!