Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving Thanks! Dr updates on both kiddos!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I just keep thinking about everything that the Lord has granted me. I'm thankful for my great family and life. Two days before Thanksgiving I had another doctors appointment, which just gave me one more reason to be thankful. There is truly nothing better for an expecting Mom, than hearing your baby's heart beat. It's been another busy week with the Tike having a nasty cold, NBC's appointment, and getting ready for the holidays. Anyway, here's a quick update on the kiddos.

Here's a video from the dr appointment.

Quick NBC dr notes:

-Mom's weight: no change from 12 wks (up 5 lbs total)
-Mom's blood pressure: 117/50
-Baby's heartrate: 140 bpm (very strong, took nurse a second to find out it as baby is sitting very low)
-Everything else looks great and is measuring great too.
-Set up the "Big" ultrasound. We will get to see the little one December 21st. We're going to wait to find out if we're going to stay on the blue side with another boy or go to the pink side with a girl.
-Our next dr appointment is December 23.

Quick Jr notes:
-Is growing like crazy and becoming more independent each and every day. I just bought him some new clothes and they're already too little.
-Wears a 6 extra wide shoe from Stride Rite.
-Has to use a nebularlizer every four hours during the day to help clear up his chest. Actually does really well wearing his mask and as long as we sing songs and keep him entertained during the treatment (usually last 8 min or so) all usually goes well. About the time the treatments done, so is Jacob.
-Is on a steroid to make sure he doesn't end up with pneumonia.
-Is also on an antibiotic for an ear infection. It wasn't completely infected, but dr thought it would be a good idea since everything else was going on.
-Celebrated his 2nd Thanksgiving with Daddy, Mommy, and Aunt Stacy. Had kind of a rough day; didn't eat very well, skipped an afternoon nap, super clingy, and really didn't feel well.
-Absolutely loves hanging out and being held by Stacy.
-Is getting both bottom molars in right now. Wants to just chew on anything and everything.
-Drinks milk all day long. He's constantly signing milk and can only go about 10 mins lately without signing it.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."- Psalm 127:3