Our bags are packed and we're ready for a vacation! Mommy has been busy this past weekend packing us for our trip to Nebraska and Montana. By the time we get back from this trip I will have been on 13 plane rides and visited 6 different states (and lived in 2 thus far). I will have officially met all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, most all of Mommy's McBride)side and been back to where Mommy grew up. I can't wait for Grandpa Joe to take me on a ride on the big green tractor! Anyway, it's going to be so much fun, so off I go to help Mommy finish packing or maybe it's unpacking everything since that's what I love to do now days. Nonetheless, off we go!
46 week highlights:
-I started standing by Scooby for my weekly pic. I still sit by him for one, but now am taking a standing pic each time too.
-I love to throw things into my crib, into my bath tub, into baskets, etc. It doesn't matter what it is I just like to throw/drop things and watch where they go. My favorite places to do this is in my crib and into my bath. Oh the joys of being a little boy!
-I'm doing great with all sippy cups throughout the day and still prefer a little warmed up milk right before bed.
-Mommy and Daddy think it's super funny when I try to nod my head yes. I end up moving my whole body back and forth.
-Skyped with Jenna and Jason, who I haven't seen since their wedding. I impressed them by showing them all my different signs and how I'm toddling around.
-My sign for this week is ear!
-Speaking of ears, I unfortunately have a mild ear infection. I've had a runny nose this past week and Mommy took me in on Monday just to be safe and make sure I could fly. The Dr. told her I had a very mild ear infection in my left ear, so now I get to eat that tasty medicine for the next couple weeks.
-I can take about 10 plus steps between M&D. Every day I gain just a little more confidence in walking and it won't be long and I'll be off.
-When I'm cruising around I've started letting go of whatever I'm holding onto and take a couple steps on my own. I can even get myself turned around and headed in a completely different direction.
-I love to go outside and discover the world. The other day we went outside to play and my face lit up the instance Mommy put me down. I love being outside and I love to toddle around.
-Mommy sent out evites for my 1st birthday party, which is just a little over a month away. We're having a party at my Aunt Gina and Uncle Mark's home in Loveland. I can't wait to be the center of attention!
-Had a blast at the Little Gym show off day. I loved playing with the rings, the big rolling pad, the balls, the bubbles, and flipping around the bar. I started the Little Gym out this Winter a "Bug" at 6 months and graduated into the "Birds" class at 10 months.
-Helped Mommy pack my bags for our big trip this summer. We're headed to see family in Nebraska and Montana for the next couple weeks. I can't wait to meet some of my new cousins and of course see all my grandmas and grandpas.
Jesus said to him, " 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' -Matthew 22: 37
1 comment:
Adam and Angie,
It was nice to see everyone again. Jacob has really grown. It won't belong before he's running all over the place just like Aleah. He'll be getting into everything. I hope that his rash is better. He's a happy boy. I enjoy the family reunions and hope that they can continue. Thank you for the special time with our grandson. I know that it's hard to travel with a baby. We love you all. Give Jacob a hug and kiss from Grandma and Grandpa. Nancy
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