Monday, July 5, 2010

Trip to NE & MT, 11 months old, 4th of July, 47, 48, & 49 wk highlights!

We survived our big trip and had a blast these past couple weeks. Even though we've been busy, busy, busy, it's been a very good busy! Ever since my feet touched down in Denver, CO, I've been going non-stop. I've been playing with cousins, riding tractors, riding 4-wheelers, playing in the water, boating, going to the pool and lakes, and just busy growing into a toddler boy. More than anything these past few weeks I've had many, many first! I officially turned 11 months last week and Mommy can't believe how fast time is flying bye. I’m not even a year yet and I’ve been on 13 flights, visited 8 states (lived in 2)…..what can I say, “I’m a traveling machine!” I had a blast on our family vacation and did great the whole time. Despite being in so many different places and around so many different people, I still was chipper as can be and was happy to just show off how I can walk. Anyway, here's my past 3 week highlights.

47 week highlights:
-I officially turned 11 months!

-At 11 months I weighed 25lbs and was 31 inches long.

-Went on my 10th plane ride and did amazing the whole time. Flew from Dulles to Denver (4 hr flight) and then took a 3 hr car ride to Grandma and Grandpa's. I was a great traveler and Mommy couldn't have asked for a better boy the whole trip.

-I quickly adjusted to Mountain time and had no problem switching my eating, napping, and playing routine.

-After hearing my Mommy talk about the farm, I finally got to go and experience for myself. I loved it!

-This is the first time I got to meet Olivia, my new cousin. She was 2 weeks old and sweet as can be.

-I had some serious playing time with my cousin Jenna and was so happy I got to spend a lot of time with her. We played in the sprinkler, she fed me, played with tractors, played outside, etc. I'm fascinated by her and am very intrigued by her.

-I got to ride on the tractor for the first time with Grandpa. He let me steer the wheel and play with the button that changes the gears. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute and really liked moving the steering wheel and watching the wheels go around.

-"Get sand in your crack at Lake Mac!" and that's exactly what I did. M&D took me out to the lake for the first time and I cried when it was time to leave. I played in the mud and sand, while Jenna sat and covered my legs and toes with more mud and sand. It was so much fun and Uncle Jeff even took Jenna and I for a ride on the sailing board. Between the sun, water, and sand I was in heaven Saturday evening.

-Grandma and Grandpa have a lil 4-wheeler that I got to ride for the first time. Gma showed me how to make it go just like my Daddy does on his big one. I was so proud of myself when I was doing it all by myself. Rather than ride it though I really prefer to get behind it and push it around. Everybody can't believe how I'd just keep pushing it if they'd let me.

-Not only did I get to ride the 4-wheeler, I also got to go on the Ranger for the first time too. I loved going to check water and pivots with Gpa and Gma.

-I played with Jamie (my Mom's cousin, Susan, daughter) in the kiddie pool in Ogallala. I had fun walking around inside of my floating things and watching Jamie and the other girls play. Susan thought it was funny when Mommy was calling my name to come to her and I gave her a little smirk and took off the other way.

-I helped Daddy and Grandpa celebrate Father's Day. I gave Daddy a scrap book of the two of us over this past first year. I love spending time with my Daddy! I gave Grandpa a picture of him and I and some Redskins things. We took Daddy, Grandpa, and Uncle Jeff out for dinner the other night for Father's day.

-I love playing in the dirt and throwing rocks, need I say more.

-I'm fascinated with wheels. I insist on turning anything over that I'm playing with and messing with the wheels (toys, stroller, 4-wheeler, etc.).

-Through all the McBride Cousin Reunion activities I think I've almost met everybody on the McBride side. I had fun chasing Mason and Rachel around the other day Grandma Adeline's old house. I really wish I could just take off and run after them; I know it won't be long and I'll be running around too.

-I've been having some extra quality time with Grandma, while M&D spend time at the lake and river with Uncle Bill.

-I was the hit at Mommy's Birthday party with the McBride family. We had a birthday get together for Mommy and Aunt Angie on Friday at Grandma Adeline's house. I was a walking man and took about 20+ steps every time I was put down. Everybody was cheering me on and so proud of how well I'm walking!

-We took family pics of Mommy's immediate family while we were all back. I didn't feel like smiling much, but at least I was looking at the camera. They even managed to get a picture of all the 3 of us grandkids.

-Sunday I got to eat at Valentino's for the first time. I loved the pasta and even got to try a little cinnamon stick.

-At the farm Mommy has an old playhouse that used to be hers, of which now the grandkids like to play in. I loved playing with her kitchen area and would even pick the telephone up and put it to my ear to say hello.

-Not only did I get to play in the playhouse Mommy used to play in, I also got to eat in the highchair Mommy used to eat in.

-I love to take the magnets off of Gma's frig and throw them on the ground. Mommy picks them back up and the game has begun. I laugh and giggle the whole time and get such a hoot out of playing this game.

-I at my first donut and cinnamon roll for the first time. As with most foods; I loved 'em!

48 week highlights:
-Helped Mommy celebrate her 25th birthday! That afternoon we drove to Brighton, CO, with Gma & Gpa, so we could leave the next morning for MT.

-I was one of the special ones that was flagged at security for extra screening. M&D thought it was quite funny and Daddy said if they’d like to change my diaper while they’re doing the extra screening they’re more than welcome to. Of course, they just waved me by, but M&D got a laugh out of the whole situation.

-Took my 11th & 12th flight of my little life. We were delayed a little in Worland, WY, when we were flying up to Lewistown from Denver due to the co-pilots headset not working. On the way back we just briefly stopped to pick up one passenger.

-I’m a great traveler and am really getting used to flying and being in my car seat. On the plane I usually nap, eat, and play. Luckily I have my own seat now and just get to hang out in my car seat most of the flight, until Mommy lets me do circles on her lap.

-Had a blast in MT with all of Daddy’s family!

-Finally got to met Aleah (my cousin), Gina, and Mark. Aleah liked to give me kisses and hugs, however I’m not a lovely dovey guy so I just shoved her away.

-Even though Aleah is about 7 months older than I am, we’re about the same size. She is just a couple inches taller than I am. It’ll be fun to grow up with a cousin so close in age.

-I got to see Taylor, Dalton, Keri, John, and Gma & Gpa Carriker again. They hadn’t seen me since I was 4 months old. Taylor and Dalton were super thrilled to play with me and of course they wanted to hug and kiss me too…….eeehhhh!

-Went on my first boat ride and I absolutely loved the wind blowing in my face, water splashing high against the boat, and of course being outside. I however was not too fond of the fact that I had to wear a life jacket.

-I got to go on my first tub ride. No M&D didn’t pull me behind the boat, but they let me go back and forth on the tub in the water with my cousins. Uncle John would push us out and then pull us back in.

-Dalton gave me a lot of his old learning toys since he doesn’t need them anymore. I especially like the Leap Frog talking frog. It sings and lights up, what more could I ask for?!

-Each day I’m taking more steps by myself and can take about up to 40-50 steps. The other day I just took off from Keri’s living room and walked clear to the other side of the kitchen.

-Not only am I taking more steps, but I’m letting go of things and taking off by myself. I cruise to where I can and then let go and walk to where I want to go. If I fall, I don’t cry anymore, I just find a place to get up and then off I go again.

-I can also stand for about 10+ sec all by myself!

-Went to the fish hatchery in Lewistown, MT. I loved watching all the fish fly around.

-I absolutely love water! I love going to the pool, lake, taking a bath, as long as it involves water, I’m usually pretty happy.

-I went to the pool with Dalton, Taylor, and M&D in Lewistown. I got quite upset when Mommy took me out and changed my diaper and clothes. I was not ready to get out and every time Mommy would put me down I’d walk over to the water. She’d then pick me up and head to the bench (of which at this time I’m screaming at the top of my lungs because I was to get back in the water). Once we were over to the bench the whole situation would repeat its self.

-Got to see where Uncle John and Aunt Keri work and the buildings they own.

-I’ve been napping and sleeping like a champ in the pack ‘n play and in my car seat.

-Broke out in a rash/hives at Aunt Keri's and I had to go to the ER. The Dr. said I reacted to my antibiotic that I had just finished a couple days prior to this episode. Mommy started giving me some Benedryl for my hives.

-Flew back to CO on Monday and stayed the night before we would fly back to VA.

49 week highlights:
-Took my 13th flight (CO to VA)! Bring on the frequent flyer miles! I did amazing on the whole trip to NE and MT and am an excellent flyer!

-I have 6 total teeth now! The front-top four and front-bottom two.

-My favorite thing to do lately is blow bubbles with my mouth. I love to walk along and just blow bubbles.

-I broke out in hives all over my body (they still think its a reaction from me taking Amox). It started off really bad in my chest and back and then gradually spread to my arms and legs. They're finally going away and now I only have a couple rashes that come and go.

-Mommy took me to the Dr when we got back from our trip just to make sure everything was ok with me and long behold I had an ear infection in my other ear. It's my 3rd ear infection of my little life; however, Mommy is convinced that they're related to me getting sets of teeth in. They put me on a cousin antibiotic and I've been doing great on this new drug.

-I love to WALK! I wonder around the apt just looking for trouble and discovering the world on my own two feet.

-I had a baby's day out last week with M&D. We went down to Georgetown and then Tyson's Corner to the Adidas stores. I did great the whole trip and M&D couldn't believe how well I did considering I spent a lot of time in my car seat and stroller. In our adventures close to downtown I saw the tip of the Washington Monument.

-I love to press my lips together like a fish and give kisses (to the air of course, because I'm not a lovey dovey kiddo).

-My new favorite thing to do is stand at the rocking chair and rock it back and forth.

-I try to help Mommy comb in the morning and at night.

-Celebrated my 1st 4th of July by not taking my afternoon nap! I took my usual hour and a half nap in the morning and then decided I wasn't tired to take my second nap in the afternoon (which is usually an hour and half too). The funny thing is I was in an amazing mood the rest of the day:) We had a pretty low key family day, which is what we all needed after having a busy past two weeks. Of course I missed out on the big fireworks because I had to go to sleep.

-I love playing with my new Leap Frogs and other learning toys from my cousin Dalton.

-Mommy likes to put me in the living room and go hide in the living room or kitchen and then I come toddling along after her.

-We started taking our family walks at night; I love being outside and going for a ride.

-I love to say Mama, Dada, and dog. I continue to sign and do my baby can read words.

-We're headed to CO to look for a new home this Saturday. By the time we get back to VA I'll be the big 1!!! Bring on my parties!!!

"The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness."- Isaiah 38:19

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