I've been a busy baby this past week, everything from going down the aisle to moving to a new state and home! Between crawling, climbing, and cruising (the 3 Cs) there is never a dull moment in my life right now, but I suppose I have time to write down a few of my highlights for this past week.
41 wk highlights:
-I'm crawling on all fours and climbing up on everything. I really like to crawl over to Mommy and pull up on her until I'm standing and ready to walk.
-I love my flash cards and it's one of the few things that I will sit still for and pay attention to.
-I shocked my Mommy the other day when I was watching my video and they said, "Clap" "Clap your hands!" and I clapped my hands. Then they said, "Arms up!" and I raised my arms up. She couldn't believe her eyes, so we had to repeat "Clap" and "Arms up" about 10 times before she believed that I actually knew what I was doing. Now Mommy and Daddy just absolutely love having me do my words and seeing me do the actions!
-Annie & Tina (neighbors) babysat me one evening so Mommy could finish getting somethings packed up and ready to move. Annie could entertain me for hours on end and always makes me smile.
-Wednesday I spent the whole day with Shannon (babysitter). We played, ate, slept, and played some more. I did great for her the whole day. It really freed up Mommy to get a lot of things down without having to drag me everywhere.
-The movers and packers have kept me pretty entertained this week. The taping of countless boxes and people moving everything out of our house, left me just watching in awe wondering where all my toys were going. I liked cruising around all of the boxes though and everybody thought I was "Oh, so cute," which always makes me smile and laugh.
-Daddy turned the big 26 on Thursday. We were able to Skype with him, while he open our present we sent him. As soon as the family is all together we will be eating some cake and celebrating his birthday again!
-I was in my first wedding over the weekend. Mommy and Daddy's good friends Jenna and Jason tied the knot on Saturday and I was the ring bearer. I did great the whole time and everybody "ooohhhed and aaahhed" when Addison (the flower girl) came rolling down the aisle in our wagon.
-I helped Mommy celebrate her 1st Mother's Day on Sunday. Unfortunately Daddy couldn't be with us to celebrate, but we will be celebrating at a later date when we're all together. Daddy and I got her flowers, which of course melted her heart.
-After church on Sunday, we went and said good bye to our StL family and friends. I played with the neighbor kids all afternoon and then joined the Rigonis for a nice supper and had some extra play time with Annie. Jenna and Jason stopped by to say good bye too. I'm really going to miss everybody, but am ready to meet more people in our new home.
-I took my 9th airplane ride! I did awesome the whole flight and pretty much the whole big moving day in general. Mama & Papa Mannio picked us up at the hotel, we then picked up Rambo, and finally off to the airport we went. I was a little live wire when we left and couldn't stop climbing all over Mommy on the plane and playing peek-a-boo with the people sitting behind us. I think I had the whole plane worried when I was squealing, laughing, talking, and just being the typical noise machine I am. But after about 45 min and a clean diaper, I gave in and fell asleep in Mommy's arms. I was out like a light until we were getting off the plane!
-We officially moved to Virginia. We're living in an hotel room right now, but will be moving to our apartment shortly.
-I've discovered how to make a ticking noise with my mouth. I also like to make other noises and squeals as well.
-I've been trying new foods here and there. I eat pretty much anything, but if I don't like it I will just open my mouth, stick my tongue out and let it fall out. I especially do this with any dry tasting food (bread, rice, etc.).
-I love grilled cheese sandwiches! At the wedding I ate almost a whole sandwich!
-For the past week I've been living in a hotel room first with just Mommy and now here in VA with Daddy too. I really can't wait to have my big living room back and for my toys to be everywhere.
-I'm constantly signing milk and have started clapping when I want more.
-I love anything that has wheels. I will crawl over to my stroller, toy, pack 'n play, anything with wheels and just love to play with them.
-I bit Mommy on the shoulder this week. I like to mouth things and decided I would just bite on her shoulder one time. I thought it was funny, Mommy on the other hand did not think it was.
-I've also discovered how to pinch. I especially like to do this if M/D are doing something I don't really care for.
-I'm already a motor mouth and I'm only 9 months old. I love to chit chat all day long with Mommy, the pup, my toys, pretty much with anybody and anything at any time. Mommy and Daddy just laugh every time I get into one of my talkative moods.
-Not only do I love to talk, but I also like to move. I'm usually going nonstop all day long (unless I'm napping, which I still move all over the place during). I can be sitting in my stroller and my legs and feet will be going back and forth. What can I say.......I'm a little boy!
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”-Proverbs 31:30
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