Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daddy's a Redskin & 39 wk highlights

It's been a whirlwind of a week and it's only getting crazier and busier by the day. I can't believe I'm a 40 wk old talking, moving, and growing lil tike today. Mommy's been running around like mad trying to this and that finished as our lives are going to change drastically these next couple months because my Daddy is no longer a Ram but a REDSKIN! Everybody is excited about the move and thinks it'll be a great thing for Daddy; however it's just all the little things that have to go on to get to the new place that are consuming M&D right now.

Nonetheless, I better get to my highlights before the sunrises and I'm on the go again!

39 wk highlights:
-I officially turned 9 months old!

-Went to the dr for my 9 month check up and Hep B shot. The dr thought I was doing great and says I probably eat so much because I move so much. I didn't stop moving the whole time we were in the office. Up, down, crawl here, walk there, and repeat. Here's the stats from the visit: Weight: 23 lbs 6.5 oz (88%). Length: 29.5 in (86%). Head circumference: 18.4 in (86%).

-My Daddy became a REDSKIN! He called Mommy with the news Tuesday afternoon, of which she didn't believe him until she asked him over 50 times (this is totally a prank Daddy would pull on Mommy). My sitter was here, because M&D were suppose to be going on a date that afternoon. Daddy came home from work, packed his bags, and off to DC he headed. Mommy and I have been hanging out a lot this past week because Daddy has been in DC, back here, and then back to DC again.

-With the big surprise of Daddy's trade Tuesday, we were unable to go back for Great Grandma Adeline's funeral. Everybody understood our circumstances and said they'd love to come visit when were out in DC.

-M&D are working overtime right now trying to square away things to get us ready to move to a new home in DC. Daddy is in DC (the facility is actually in VA) right now and Mommy and I are holding down the fort here until we get the house somewhat ready to sell and move.

-I love to clap my hands! I especially love doing this while I'm eating food. Makes for a big mess everywhere if I hit the spoon at the right time.

-Each day I seem to master picking up finger food even better than the day before. I can even pick up Cheerios and get them to my mouth now.

-I've been a completely different baby the past couple wks/months, but am finally back to myself this past week because my Mommy has increased my food. I've been starving all along and just wanted some more food to eat. So the fussy baby problem is solved and I'm happy as can be now!

-With my increased food intake, I've also increased my activity level. Mommy thought I was moving a lot before, but she can barely keep up with me now. I'm on the go all the time; crawling to the window to play with the string, the front door to get my shoes to go outside, and of course heading to Rambo's dog dish.

-Not only do I love to crawl everywhere, but I especially like to cruise along furniture and am actually getting really good at it. I can go from the bench, fireplace, other bench, and then finally to the toy. Each day I get faster and more efficient. I love holding onto furniture and going where I want to.

-I still prefer to take my Mom's hands and walk around with them. The instant she sits me down, I will put my hands up in the air and am ready to grab her fingers to walk.

-I've been quite the lil rascal when it comes to Mommy taking my weekly pics and love to crawl around, stare at Scooby, pretty much do anything except look at my Mom and the camera!

-I still wear some of the clothes I did when I was 6 mo; however they're really starting to show off my belly because I'm so long.

-Jenna came out and took my 9 mo pics. We went outside and I did great the whole time. Big smiles, lots of laughs, and clapping like crazy!

-My ear infection has completely cleared up!

-I Skype all the time with my Daddy and cousins (Taylor and Dalton) now. Dalton wanted to kiss me the other day and they love how I'd cruise to the computer all the time.

-To sum up this past week it might go something like this: More food= even more movement= longer and better naps= happy baby= even happier Mom! And of course......My Daddy is a REDSKIN!

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”-Luke 19:10

Monday, April 19, 2010

38 wk highlights and the passing of Grandma Adeline McBride

Jacob’s 38 wk highlights:

-I’m cruising! I love to “cruise” back and forth along the fireplace and am even getting adventurous by trying to walk around everything.

-I’m saying “Mama, Mom!” for the first time. Of course Mommy is super excited and thrilled that I finally say “Mama” and not just “Dada” all the time. I say, “Mama, Dada, Baba, Gaga, and then a whole lot of jibberish!”

-I can feed myself pretty well. I’m especially good at eating puffs, yogurt melts, and crunchies.

-I got my 2nd haircut! I’m not even 9 months yet, and was in need of a good trim. I look like a little boy (2-3yo) not a 9 mo old. I did fairly well sitting in the chair and even let the lady use the buzzer around my ears, which gave me the classic “Boy who just got his hair cut look!” Not long after this outing did we realize I had an ear infection.

-I got my tux for Jenna and Jason’s wedding, which is only 3 weeks away.

-Had a little episode in Target with Mommy and about scared her to death. I’d been running a little fever, but was doing well until we headed to the store, when all of a sudden I went limp on her and super red. She rushed me out to the pickup, undressed me and tried to give me water and patted me down with a cool towel. After we got home, Mommy talked to the Dr and we went to see what was going on with me.

-Not exactly a highlight, but I had my first ear infection this week. I made it almost 9 months without so much as a runny nose. I had been spiking a fever here and there, and then all of a sudden it spiked and wouldn’t go down. After a trip to the dr’s, where my temp reached 101.8, I was diagnosed with an ear infection in the right ear. I’m on an antibiotic for 10 days and am doing really well thus far.

-Mommy gave me Mandarian oranges for the first time this week. I didn’t know what to think about them at first, but now I love them. She also gave me veggie dip crunchies, which I of course loved too.

-This week at Lil Gym I actually liked the parachute and didn’t fuss at all while I was on it. Usually I get a little restless and don’t like to be pulled around on it, but this week I was all smiles. I always play peek-a-boo with it whenever Ms. Mary Lee puts it in front of me. Up over my head and then down it comes!

-I love to walk around holding onto Mommy’s hands! I always have the biggest smile when I’m up and moving around on my two feet.

-Every evening we go on family walk. Usually halfway through Mommy gets me out to walk a little and then back in the stroller I go. I love being outdoors and especially enjoying being on the move.

-Great Grandma Adeline McBride passed away. I was able to meet her in Omaha after she had a massive surgery done to remove some cancer. She fought incredibly hard and now can go rest in the Lord’s arms and watch over me as I grow into a young man.

I’ll always have a place in my heart for Grandma; in fact a huge place! I miss her so much right now and can’t stop thinking about how blessed I was to have the relationship I did with her. She was an amazing woman and touched so many peoples lives.

Grandma Adeline McBride

November 26th, 1926 – April 19th, 2010

*May she rest in the Lord's arms' for eternity*

Grandma passed away this morning around 4:30. My grandma’s friend/care taker was there when she took her last breath. It was nice to know that Grandma wasn't alone when she died. Her one wish was to be home and not have to die in a rest home and for that I’m so thankful. They believe she just had a heart attack when she got up to go the restroom. It nice to know that she won’t be battling cancer anymore and is up with the angels baking cookies and sewing away, all while watching over her amazing family she created. All the family is doing well considering everything that is going on. It looks as if almost all the grandchildren will be able to make it back for the funeral (just like at my Grandpa’s), which I know Grandma would have loved. Grandma was just an incredible woman who fought and fought until she had nothing left in her and she never once complained. I truly hope I get to live a very fulfilling life just like her. I hope she knew how many people loved her and cared so much about her. I can’t even begin to think of all the memories I have with her. It seemed almost everyday after grade school I was over at her house with Ashlie or Jenny, eating Mickey Mouse waffles filled with apple butter. Ah, she was an amazing cook, sewer, Grandma, friend, simply an amazing person that I was so blessed to have as a big part in my life. I really can’t help but think about all the memories and am definitely going to have to write them down someday very soon.

We are headed off to Nebraska this Thursday evening after the little guy falls asleep. We think it’s probably easiest to try and drive the whole thing while he sleeps.

Well I have so much to say, but need to finish up some things so I can get ready to head to bed. I can’t stop thinking about my Grandma and miss her so much right now.

“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”- 1 Corinthians 15:20-22

Monday, April 12, 2010

Long week, table food, new routine, a tooth and 37 wk highlights

Although this past week was pretty low key, I did have some major things go on. This week marks a couple big milestone.s......I'm on all table food and have a TOOTH! I continue to move all the time and am growing into a little boy by the minute. It won't be long and I'll be 9 months old! Before I try to lead my Mommy out the door to play outside, I better go through everything I've been up to this week.

37 wk highlights:

-It's been a long week on everybody in the house. With my teeth coming in and limited mobility, I've been a little moody to say the least.

-I'm getting very frustrated these days, because I can't do what I want. Mentally I know exactly what I want to do,but physically I just can't do it. I can get to where I want, but can't do what I want to do once I get there. This is very, very frustrating to me.

-After feeling the bump underneath my gums for quite sometime, I finally have a tooth! It's made me a little fussy, but after a quick rub of some Oral-B, teething tablets, and Tylenol I'm a lot chipper. You can feel the tip of my tooth coming through.....finally! My lower front left tooth is popping through and the right one next to it is not far behind. You can actually see the hole it's trying to come through.

-Mommy finally got the point that I was finished with the mush and smashed food and started me on the good stuff! Yes, this week I was converted to all table food (however, Mommy still sneaks a couple baby food fruits in here and there because she is trying to get rid of all the baby food she has already bought). I still eat my baby food yogurt every morning and oatmeal cereal too.

-My daily menu consist of: yogurt, oatmeal cereal, crackers, bread, puffs, cheerios, yogurt melts, cheddar crunchies, bananas, brown rice, sweet potato, green beans, peas, carrots, grilled chicken breast, cantaloupe, and mix veggies.

-Sometimes I decide I would rather pick up my food or have Mommy feed it to me with her fingers instead of the spoon.

-This week was the first time I got to eat with Mommy and Daddy at the big table, which also means I got to be part of the evening meal prayer. Usually I just hang out and play with my toys why they eat supper.

-Here's what a typical day for me looks like: 8 am Breakfast= 5 oz milk (in bottle). 1 yogurt cup with 1 tbsp cereal. 2 tbsp cereal with milk. Noon Lunch= 5 oz milk (in sippy cup) with meal. Some fruit and veggies chopped fairly well. 2 tbsp cereal with milk. Sometimes some bread/crackers. Occasionally some grilled chicken. 3:30ish Snack= puffs/yogurt melts/cheddar crunchies/cheerios/fruit and water. 5:30ish Supper= 5 oz milk (in sippy cup) with meal. Some fruit and veggies chopped fairly well. 2 tbsp cereal with milk. Sometimes some bread/crackers. Occasionally some grilled chicken. 7:45ish Night bottle (5-10oz).

-Mommy started giving me a snack when I get up from my nap and then I eat supper when M&D do. This has helped to decrease the amount of milk I take at night.

-After a busy long weekend last week, I followed it by a low key week because I didn't have sign or lil gym this week. Lil gym was on spring break and we are finished with our sign class, although M&D plan on doing another sign class with me.

-I usually take one 30 min nap, an hour nap, and sleep about 11 hrs at night (8-7ish).

-I absolutely love being outside. If Mommy lets Rambo outside and we don't go, I promise you, I will protest a little. The weather has been amazing here (in the 80s with no humidity), which in turn means I want to spend all day outside. M&D call it my "Off" switch, because if I"m fussy at all and we go outside, I'm all smiles and laughs.

-I love walking around holding onto my Mommy's hands. I lead her where I want to go, which is usually to the door to go outside and then to the mail box and/or the rocks. I'm already all boy and love stomping in the rocks and pulling all the pretty flowers. I'm slowly getting used to the feel of grass on my hands and beneath my feet and actually love walking around in it now.

-Mommy had me holding onto a who-la whoop to help me walk, however I prefer to grab onto her hands and take off. The instant Mommy puts me on my feet, I put my arms and hands up for her fingers to grab onto.

-I've been signing milk constantly lately. The instant Mommy puts me in the highchair, I start squeezing my fist.

-I'm getting better at picking up things with my pincher finger and thumb. If you put something on my highchair tray, I can usually find a way to get it to my mouth.

-M&D picked me up a "New Zork!" Old Zork is now retired, but Mommy couldn't find it in her to throw away the old one, so it now has moved to the "Jacob box!"

-The instant my feet hit the jumperoo, I'm moving like crazy. I jumped for 20 mins straight the other day.

-Bob and Tina (my neighbors) came over the other night while we were playing outside and I didn't fuss when Bob took me. They can't believe how big I'm getting and think I'm going to be taking off in no time.

-I love taking my toy balls/blocks/rattles/eggs and banging them together.

-I love to play copy cat. If M/D make a noise, I'll make it right back. Daddy and I have loads of fun with this game!

-Mommy put me in the play pen for the first time this week. I wasn't so crazy about it and lasted about a minute of playing with my toys before I was trying to climb out.

-Susan (Parents As Teacher Lady) came out and did my 9 month evaluation. We had to do it early this month since the school is going on break for the summer and I won't see her until the end of July. I'm doing everything right on track and she says I'm doing great. I was a bit fussy for her, but once we went outside, I was happy as could be.

“Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.” -Luke 9: 23-24

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

35 & 36 wk highlights and 1st Easter

And with a blink of an eye, I’m another week older; oh wait, I’m two weeks older from the last time I updated. To say we’ve been busy lately would be an understatement; we’ve been going nonstop these past couple weeks. Time is just flying bye and it seems the more I do the faster it goes. With no time to spare it’s time to get to my highlights for 35 and 36 wks:

35 wk highlights:

-I did my first sign and now can’t get enough of doing things with my hands. It seems all of a sudden everything just started going together. I signed ball for Mommy the other day when her and I were playing with one of my toy balls. She even managed to record it since I kept doing it for her. I now have signed ball, more, milk, and can wave bye bye. The other night was so excited about doing things with my hands, it took awhile for me to calm down and go to sleep.

-In sign class we’ve done Eat, Sleep, Bath, Dress, and Animals so far. I continue to be the center of attention in the class and really do like watching Bebo and Ms. Jane sign and sing to me!

-Since I’m on the go all the time, M&D thought it was time to baby proof the house. Although right now it’s more M&D proof, especially with the latches on all the drawers in the kitchen. It’s funny watching them forget the latch is there and then giving the, “What the heck?” look when trying to figure out why it won’t open. After about hundred times, I think they’re slowing remembering. They put up a gate for the stairs, cleared of all things on the coffee and end tables in the living room, latched all doors and drawers, and covered the fireplaces with some mats……hello Kinder Care!

-Mommy let me have Cheerios for the first time this week and I absolutely love them. She also gave me some cheddar crunches and I love those too. I’ve been a little stubborn for my mom lately when she’s feeding me (especially lunch), but am usually a really good eater.

-Along with starting Cheerios, I also started 3rd foods for supper. I’ve tried spaghetti with meat sauce and lasagna, of which I really seemed to enjoy both of them. I ate the whole jar yesterday for the first time too.

-Anytime I have food in my mouth and Mommy tries to give me more, I shake my head and won’t let her feed me until I’m done chewing what’s in my mouth.

-We went over to a party the other day to see the neighbor boy who is back from the Army for a couple days. I really didn’t care for all the attention at first, but then warmed up to everybody, especially to the little girls!

-At little gym I finally got to show off how I love to crawl everywhere and get into everything. Ms. Mary Lee was quite impressed, especially considering when I started there all I would do is roll to my left side from my belly (this is still my ‘escape plan’ when I don’t know what to do).

- “Dada, dada, dada!” I love to talk and have definitely turned into a chatterbox this past week.

-I love going to the grocery store with Mommy and always get compliments on how cute I am and how well I behave!

-I’m really good at getting a drink of water out of my sippy cup. I love it so much that when Mommy takes it away, I tend to protest a little.

-This week I managed to crawl out of the laundry basket. Mommy likes to set me in it, while she folds laundry; I however don’t like to sit still so I pulled myself up and started to crawl out.

-I’ve finally figured out how to put the toy eggs thru the chicken nest on my farmyard play set.

-Shannon babysat me so Mommy and Daddy could go out for a date; after they got home, I really didn’t want them to leave again, so I started to cling onto my Mommy for dear life the rest of the night.

-I constantly crawl over to the front door rug and lift it up to inspect what’s under it.

- In my daily crawling adventures around the house, I managed to pull open a drawer in the kitchen. Luckily M&D baby proofed the house, so the drawers won’t open all the way.

-M&D took me to the park to meet the Easter Bunny for the first time. I smiled and laughed when I saw the bunny and even took some great pictures for them.

-In church I’ve moved up to the crawlers group.

-M&D started bible study this week; I was fussy the whole night for the sitter and didn’t want to be around the other kids.

-When I’m playing with a toy, I insist on doing everything with my right hand. However, when I’m eating I prefer to use my left hand.

-I’ve been a little fussy and crabby lately, because my teeth are trying to come in.

-Mommy finally took me off the boppy in my crib, since I’ve officially warded off my sniffles and don’t cough anymore. Now that the boppy is gone, I’m all over the place in my crib. I especially like to sleep on my stomach now. The shinny silver camera is my favorite thing to try to get to. I managed to pull the cord from the camera into my crib.

36 wk highlights:

-I had my last signing class. We learned about things in the park and believe it or not, I was perfect the whole class! M&D brought the video of me signing and had to show it to the class. Everybody couldn’t believe it, but were definitely impressed when they saw me sign ball!

-Traveled for the 7th & 8th time on a plane. So far I’ve been to NE 3 times and Houston once.

-Was a little antsy on the plane ride to Omaha and took about a day to get adjusted to a new place and new people. However, once I got adjusted to the new place and people I was my happy go lucky self. On the way back I did great and was all over my Mommy’s lap laughing and playing.

-I celebrated my first Easter! We celebrated the holiday in Omaha with Mommy’s side of the family.

-Met my cousin Jenna for the first time. She was fascinated with me and was a big help whenever I needed something. She didn’t understand why I liked to splash so much though. We played nonstop, took a bath, played in the pool, had stroller races, and shared Grandma’s lap/sides. Jenna liked to ride in my stroller, while Grandma would carry me. Jenna also liked to take her baby for a stroller ride when Grandma was giving me a ride.

-I liked Jenna’s baby doll so much, that Grandma got me my very own baby “boy” doll.

-Met my Uncle Jeff and Aunt Angie for the first time too. They can’t believe how much I look like my Daddy and how big I’m getting.

-We stayed at the Embassy Suites for 5 days and I had so much fun playing with my cousin and the family.

-I went and saw Grandma & Grandpa Carriker in Lincoln for lunch on Saturday. They were headed back to do a couple things for Great Grandma & Grandpa Carriker. They couldn’t believe how much I’d grown and thought I looked exactly like Daddy’s baby pics!

-On Easter we went to the Henry Doorley Zoo. I did awesome the whole time we were there and really enjoyed looking at all the animals. Jenna and I had stroller races and I even talked to one of the jaguars. Everybody thought it was cute when the jaguar would growl and I’d growl back.

-Saw some of Mommy’s friends again, and of course they can’t believe how much I’ve grown. They all love watching me grow up through the pictures Mommy post on facebook.

-My teeth are driving me nuts, which in turn means I’m driving M&D a little nuts too. You can see them right underneath my gums and the sensation of them breaking through is making me a little fussy.

-Grandma taught me how to get off the couch properly. Roll to my belly and then backwards crawl off until my feet hit the ground!

-Mommy & Grandma started giving me some table food. I’ve been starting to wean myself from drinking so much milk and am getting to be a picky eater when it comes to certain foods, so Mommy decided it was time to start giving me some of the good stuff. I tried some cantaloupe, a cherro (no sugar) and the inside of a potato-o-la. And of course I loved them all!

-I absolutely love being outdoors and if Mommy lets out Rambo, I insist we need to go out too. Mommy calls it my “Off” switch, because it never fails if I’m fussy or restless and we go outside I’m happy as can be!

-Everyday I go with Mommy to get the mail. I know how to open and close the mailbox.

-I love to go walking everywhere with Mommy holding underneath my arms. I look like I’m stomping on ants when I walk. I can't wait to take off on my own!

-Played in the big swimming pool for the second time (the first was when we came back in November for a NE game). I was a little cold the first night we went swimming, but the second time I had a blast floating around and splashing with Daddy, Uncle Phil, Uncle Jeff, and Jenna!

-Went to Cabela's for the first time. Mommy got me some camo outfits, so I can go hunting and fishing with Uncle Bill. I also got to see all the wilderness animals inside. I especially like one of the bears that was showing his teeth; for whatever reason I thought it was quite funny!

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”-Galatians 2:20