Jr is 25 weeks today and is up to all new sorts of things and growing by the minute. I can’t believe what was once my little peanut has becoming my little man.
24 week highlights:
-This is probably the most notable week in a long time. With the 6 month mark just around the corner (9 days from today) Jr is turning into a little boy right in front of us.
-Jr has turned into Mr. Independent! He thinks he is a big boy now and wants to do everything for himself. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.
-Along with being Mr. Independent, he also wants everything within reach and if he can’t get to it he gets mad. He rakes any object toward him with his hands. His fine motor skills are starting to really develop. It’s so much fun watching him grasp and pick up big and small objects.
-Jr is increasingly easily distracted. He’s intensely interested in the world around him, and his rapidly evolving brain zeroes in on things that are new and different. So when he’s a little cranky, we use his growing interest in this new world to our advantage by making a funny noise, singing a song, gently banging a pot, play in front of the mirror, play with the train, take wagon rides (and watch the singing puppies along the way) — any change from the norm may snap him out of his grumpy mood.
-He started making noises like something is taking his breath away. Thinks it’s hilarious and finds great fun in making Mommy and Daddy laugh.
-Each day Jr continues to sit longer and stronger by himself and definitely prefers to sit over anything else.
-While taking his weekly picture with Scooby, he finally noticed that Scooby was behind him and couldn’t help but laugh and stare at him. It was truly a priceless moment the instant he turned around and saw Scooby. This is the first time he sat all by himself for the picture and didn’t have to lean on Scooby.
-He can stand and hold onto something for about 2-5 min or so before his legs get tired and he goes back to his favorite position (sitting).
-Jr rolls all the time to the left and right sides when he’s on his back, but doesn’t really care to roll completely onto his belly. He will royally lay on his side forever and play with his toys before he’d even think about rolling to this tummy.
-Although we can’t see any indication of teeth below the gums, we know they’re coming by so many teething signs. Jr drools more than a Saint Bernard (he wears a bib all the time and it’s drenched every time it gets changed), chews on everything like a puppy, and gets grouchy out of nowhere just like a pregnant lady, and from all that we conclude that the teeth must be coming.
-Jr sleeps like a champ at night from 8:45ish PM- 8:00 AM! He’s been making a little more noise/stirring around at night (teething we assume), but is able to put himself back to sleep despite that!
-Jr naps for about 30 min in his crib and then anywhere from 30-60 min in his swing during his day naps.
-His hair is coming in blonde and is definitely going to be a hit with the girls with his blonde/brown hair and big, beautiful blue eyes. His hair is so thick on top and is almost in his eyes because it’s so long.
-The neighbors babysat the other day for a little bit and Jr seems to be fascinated by their little boy Jacob. The whole time they played, Baby Jacob (as they call him) would stare at their Jacob and wanted everything he had.
-Jr can move his car walker around a little. He can move his push car to the side and forward a little. He moved it to the side the other day so he could pet Rambo (neatest thing to see)!
-Rambo makes Jr laugh and smile all the time. They’re already forming a bond to become best buddies in the future.
-Jr squeals, laughs, talks/babbles (saying dadadada, babababa, and a lot of things I don’t even know how to type), blows bubbles, and will give you the most pouty face you’ve ever seen if he’s upset.
-Jr insist he needs to sit up in his highchair now too. He will no longer lean back for you to feed him; he thinks he should sit up and help you feed him (like I said before Mr. Independent)! I started taking his shirt off, because sometimes we end up with food everywhere and on everything (again I have a feeling this is only the beginning of that).
-Jr. will give you a high five if you put your hand out there first. He will reach his hand out to touch yours, which gives the appearance of a high five.
-At 23 weeks Jr tried bananas, rice cookies, teething biscuits, and his sippy cup all for the first time. Wasn’t real sure about the sippy cup, tried to chomp on it and didn’t understand if something was suppose to come out or not, so we took the stopper out and he had some white grape juice of which he seemed to enjoy.
-Jr has started eating bananas on a regular basis now (only fruit so far). He didn’t know what to think of them at first, but seems to be taking a liking to them now.
-Jr’s little menu looks like this on a typical day: Breakfast= 3 tbsp cereal (w/ 2 oz milk), 1 tbsp fruit, 5-6 oz milk. Lunch= 3 tbsp cereal (w/ 2 oz milk), 2 tbsp vegs, 5-7 oz milk. Supper= 1.5 tbsp cereal (w/ 1 oz milk), 1 tbsp fruit, 2 tbsp vegs, 5-6 oz milk. Night bottle= 13-16 oz of milk. Continues to eat at 8,12,4,8.
-Has hung out with Mom for the past 3 days, since Daddy had to take a trip. He’s been so good and Mommy is extra thankful for that.
I had this sent to me in an email and thought it was pretty funny.
Five signs your baby may be teething:
• She looks like the winner of her own personal wet T-shirt contest.
• When she chews on her fist, the expression "self-cannibalizing" leaps to mind.
• You've exhausted all other explanations for her crabbiness.
• You've exhausted all other explanations for your crabbiness.
• When you look in her mouth, you see teeth. (Although obviously no teeth yet).
“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”-1 Peter 1:15-16
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