Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dr appointment & NBC is getting ready to come!

Today I had my dr appointment to see how everything is going. My last one was two weeks ago and I knew from how my body had been acting that things most likely had changed. So here's a quick update.

When I first got there they did an ultrasound to measure my cervix to see if it was shortening; unfortunately it's shorten a lot. When we got here in January they had measured it and it measured over 4, it's now at 2.6. This means that yes, my body is getting ready for the arrival of NBC. During the ultrasound the head tech asked if they could look at the baby, since there was an intern doing the exam. I said sure and we got to see NBC all rolled up in a ball, sitting really low. We couldn't see much, which is typical of our kiddos and ultrasounds, but it was fun to watch the tech try to get a pic for me. We ended up with a couple pics of his/her feet, but nothing beyond that. NBC's heart rate was 140 bpm.

After the ultrasound I met with the dr and we discussed everything that has been going on. She then checked me and noticed a distinct difference from before. I'm 1.5 cm dilated, however I'm still thick which is good. So after looking at everything that's going on, she decided it was time to give me a steroid shot that should help get the baby ready to come. She also said I'm pretty much on bed rest. I will go back in tomorrow for the second dose of steroid and to have the fetal fibronectin test done and we'll go from there.

So in a nutshell, our goal is to make it to 34 weeks. She said where Jr came early it's most likely this one will want to come earlier. Amongst the crazy news this morning, I know God has his hand over me and the child and everything is going to be okay.

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. -Psalm 37: 7-9

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