Sunday, February 27, 2011

"It's time for bed rest!"

The thoughts just kept racing through my head as the dr and I talked on Friday. Bed rest?! Oh with a little one is this even possible? Oh how do I tell Adam? And the thoughts just continued to just keeping rattling in my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but had a feeling this is what was headed our way.

So Friday resulted in a lot more drama for me than I was expecting. I expected to go in for my appointment just like normal and have the fetal fibronectin (ff) test done and get my other steroid shot. As the dr goes to do the ff test, I hear her say, "Oh that's not good." She was referring to the point that my cervix is bleeding on the outside, which in turn will throw off the results of the test. So unfortunately she wasn't able to run the test to see if I could possibly go into labor these next couple weeks (this has been our little insurance policy). She did however check me and thankfully nothing had changed too much in regards to me being dilated.

The dr and I then talked about how the medicine she gave me to stop contractions didn't really help the previous evening/night. It was from there that she then informed me that it's time for me to be on bed rest (as much as possible). We're really trying to make it to 34 weeks and hopefully me taking it really easy will help baby stay put just a little longer. Luckily I've had the steroid shots to help the baby mature a little faster and she said babies born early (when the mom has had those shots) tend to do a lot better in the nursery.

Unfortunately this news means that Adam won't be able to make the trip to his parents this week like we had planned. It also means we're now having to find someone that can help out around the house and with the Tike a couple days a week. This also leaves us with one of the hardest things I have to do, which is to be lazy! It's hard for a busy mom and wife to just sit down and relax, but lazy I'll be if it means baby can have one more week (or even a day) growing inside of me. So for now we stay put and wait (let's hope NBC will do the same for us).

Through all of this I just try to be as positive as possible. I'm thankful that baby seems to be growing and developing really well. I'm thankful that this is all natural things that are occurring; my body is truly just getting ready to have this baby (mother nature is trumping everything right now). I'm thankful that Adam can help me out so much with Jr and that we can afford a sitter/nanny to help us when needed. But most of all I'm thankful that I'm about to be blessed with another bundle of joy!
... "Some people talk about finding God - as if He could get lost." ~ Unknown

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Tike photo update with bear (1wk-13-19months)

Belly Pic update 2-7 months

Dr appointment & NBC is getting ready to come!

Today I had my dr appointment to see how everything is going. My last one was two weeks ago and I knew from how my body had been acting that things most likely had changed. So here's a quick update.

When I first got there they did an ultrasound to measure my cervix to see if it was shortening; unfortunately it's shorten a lot. When we got here in January they had measured it and it measured over 4, it's now at 2.6. This means that yes, my body is getting ready for the arrival of NBC. During the ultrasound the head tech asked if they could look at the baby, since there was an intern doing the exam. I said sure and we got to see NBC all rolled up in a ball, sitting really low. We couldn't see much, which is typical of our kiddos and ultrasounds, but it was fun to watch the tech try to get a pic for me. We ended up with a couple pics of his/her feet, but nothing beyond that. NBC's heart rate was 140 bpm.

After the ultrasound I met with the dr and we discussed everything that has been going on. She then checked me and noticed a distinct difference from before. I'm 1.5 cm dilated, however I'm still thick which is good. So after looking at everything that's going on, she decided it was time to give me a steroid shot that should help get the baby ready to come. She also said I'm pretty much on bed rest. I will go back in tomorrow for the second dose of steroid and to have the fetal fibronectin test done and we'll go from there.

So in a nutshell, our goal is to make it to 34 weeks. She said where Jr came early it's most likely this one will want to come earlier. Amongst the crazy news this morning, I know God has his hand over me and the child and everything is going to be okay.

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. -Psalm 37: 7-9

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quick photo update from February

The Tike at 19 months, NBC at 7 months, and the preparation for another kiddo!

Another month has already passed us bye, which in turn means we’re one month closer to having 2 under the age of 2. Oh how our lives are going to change. Many have been asking if Jacob is ready to be a big brother, does he have any idea what you’re about to bring home, and so on; the funny thing about all the questions when I think about it is do I know what’s about to come into this world, how will having two close together be, will I be able to juggle two schedules, and so on. In the end I know we survived when we really had no idea what we were doing, so through all the blood, sweet, tears, and even cheers (or as I should probably say through all the dirty diapers, spit up, runny noses, sleepless nights, kisses and hugs) I think we’ll manage one way or another!

Between doctor visits, the bug, and just trying to get ready to add another one to our family I find myself just kicking up my feet at the end of the day and take a few slow breaths that I made it another day. Jr had a terrible bug about 3.5 wks ago, then he decided to share it with Daddy, and then of course Mommy ended up with just a little bug too. I luckily was over it in 3 days and both the boys are completely cleared up now too (thank goodness). I now am going to the dr every 2 weeks for a checkup and to have the fetal fibronectin test done (it helps to predict if I could go into labor within the next two weeks). Tomorrow I will go in for another checkup, test, and ultrasound. The ultrasound is simply to measure a couple things to see if labor is getting close. My body is really starting to act like it did when Jr was about to come. I feel my hips widening, the contractions have picked up, I’m leaking, along with some other things too. Our goal is to make it to 36 weeks and right now we’re at 29.5 wks, so we’re getting closer.

Amongst the craziness that our walls see on a daily basis are some truly precious times that take my breath away and make my heart skip a beat. Watching my husband and son play together are priceless moments that can never be replaced, however those memories can never be taken from me either. I love hearing the giggles and chatter between both of them. I love watching Jr walk our dog. I love that Jr just points to his Daddy and says, “DAD!” I love watching our child play with his trucks, throw his balls, and discover the world. I love that Jr would do anything to be outside and enjoys just running around. I love that he makes us slow down and enjoy the small things. I love that Jr gives the sweetest little hugs and kisses! I simply love everything I’ve been blessed with and can’t wait to see what these next couple months will bring! I really can’t help myself but give thanks to God each and every day, especially when I feel the baby kicking, my son and husband laughing and playing in the background. My life truly feels complete.  Life it good and God is truly amazing! Let the blessings continue to pour down on me!

Adam/Daddy update:
-Is loving the offseason!
-Jr and Daddy are best friends!
-Is busy taking care of Jr, Mommy, and the doggy.
- Loves watching our home be built!
-Loves living in Colorado!

The Tike @ 19 months:
-For his 18 month checkup he weighed: 31 lb (95%)  length: 34 in (90%)  head: 49.8 cm (90-95%)
-Jr loves playing outside! He gets so excited when we mention the word outside to him. Jr then is saying and signing outside, while grabbing his shoes and bringing them to you.
-Loves going for family walks with Mommy, Daddy, and Rambo. Especially likes walking the dog. Jr would rather walk than ride in the stroller; go figure!
-Really likes going to the library twice a week.
-Has 2 favorite songs: The Itsy Bitsy and The Wheels On the Bus. Jr does have another favorite one that is close to making the list, The Octopus song (Slippery Fish). We sing in at the library all the time and it has a very catchy tune so it easy gets stuck in your head. He’ll start doing the actions to whatever song he wants you to sing. He also loves having some of his stuffed animals sing and do the actions too.
-Continues to sign really well and is great at repeating words that Mom & Dad say.
-Gets only milk during meal and snack times, other than that it’s water.
-Is great at following commands.
-Is a busy body full of energy all day long.
-Is taking after his Daddy in his love for 4-wheelers. Loves to drive his 4-wheeler all around in the house. Each day he gets better at controlling and steering.
-If Jr could he’d live outside all day long. Luckily we’ve had really good weather so most of our mornings and afternoons are spent playing outside.
-Went to the mountains for the first time. Spent a long weekend up in Breckenridge with the whole McBride clan for a late Christmas get together.
-Got to see snow sculptures, played (and fought a little) with the other lil
-Came down with another terrible cough/cold a few weeks ago, but fought it off really fast and well.
-Does great at his breathing treatments and takes pride in sitting in the “big” chair all by himself and holding his “mask” on.
-Celebrated his 2nd Valentine’s Day with Mommy in the morning and then Marsha and Richard in the afternoon while M&D went out for dinner.
-Has a couple great babysitters here in Loveland.
-Gave Mommy some roses on Valentine’s Day that were from Daddy (of course).  NBC & Jr gave Daddy a cute lil card and present too!
-Is great at throwing the ball/bone to Rambo.
-Jr has a love for wheels! He loves playing with anything that has wheels and has a real fascination with how things work and are put together.
-Is watching his new house be built. Something has changed almost every week we go to look at it. We can’t wait to see the finished project this summer.
-Jr loves playing with Daddy’s old outside trucks and rocking horse.
-Jr understands about going into the bathroom when we say “Potty.” He goes with Daddy every time to see what this whole potty thing is about. So we’re slowly starting this potty training thing; however we completely understand Jr is not even close to actually being potty trained.
-Loves to brush his teeth (and to play in the water, bit on the toothbrush, and eat some of the toothpaste).
-Loves to wear his hat and gloves (outside and also inside)!
-Helps Mommy and Daddy swifter the floors. He has a lil domestic side to him.
-Loves to play with cars, balls, wheels, and being outside!
-Has no idea that he’s about to be a big brother! Oh, this will be interesting when all of this happens.
-Jr is learning to undress himself from head to toe. He’s really good at taking everything off (except his diaper, that is something only M/D can do for obvious reasons).
-When it’s bath time, he knows to get undressed, put his clothes in the laundry, and head upstairs. He knows where to go, how to turn on the water, and of course throw the toys in the tub.
-Loves being thrown up in the air by Daddy.
-Has a thing about washing his hands lately. Since we were all kind of sick the sanitizer bottle was getting a lot of use, so now Jr will go to where the bottle is at and rub his hands together wanting to wash his hands. He also loves to go to the bathroom and use soap and water.
-Loves to blow kisses. When we say “I love you” he’ll blow us a kiss!
-Goes with Daddy a couple days of the week to Gold’s. Does fairly well, but doesn’t like when other kids leave..

Mommy update with NBC update:
Another month gone by and I can’t believe we’re in the final countdown before NBC officially joins our family! I think Adam and I have finally decided on a boy name. We thought we had decided on one last month, but then after talking about it further we decided to keep thinking of some names. Long behold on our walk last week, Adam looked at me and said, “What about……?” I said, “Well I had never even thought about it, but I like it!” And after a couple more days of letting it ponder, I think we both agree that we now have our boy name for good! Our girl name is the same as it was going to be if Jacob was a girl. The outfits are bought, the bottles/pump are ready to go, the car seat base is installed, and the pack ‘n play is set up; oh how the time is about here! The contractions have picked up this past week and I’m getting to the uncomfortable stage. It’s been a rough pregnancy since the beginning, but the instance this precious baby is placed in my arms I will forget about all the negative things that I’ve gone through (exactly what happened with Jr) and simply rejoice that he/she is finally here and healthy!

Pregnancy update:
How far along? 29 weeks 3 days (7 months)
Total weight gain/loss: about + 16 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes!  
Stretch mark? Nope. Thank goodness.
Sleep: Something I love! It’s hard to get comfortable, but I’m managing somehow! I get about 8 hrs of sleep at night and about a 1-2 hr nap in the afternoon while the kiddo naps. I wake up a lot in the middle of the night, but I think it’s just my body getting me ready for the sleepless nights that are soon to be upon me.
Best moment this week: Finalizing the boy name, getting things ready for the baby (pack ‘n play up, car seat installed, etc), feeling the baby move all around, and doing the Draino test (which said boy)!
Movement: NBC is a party animal; especially at night and when Jr is making lots of noise. I’m so busy during the day with Jr that I rarely feel movement, but the instant I’m still NBC is kicking and punching away.
Food Cravings: I prefer beef over chicken right now (which is really strange for me). However, I still haven’t had many food cravings per say.
Gender: Well we’ve taken a couple quizzes and everything is about split down the middle (or as one test told us…it’s up in the air!)! The simple Chinese gender predictor chart said girl, however the more detailed one (takes into account birthdates, time zones, etc) said boy…….go figure! We did the Draino test this past weekend and it definitely said boy. It looked just like it did when we did it with Jr. The Draino test consist of mixing 2 tbsp Crystal Draino and 3 oz morning urine in a glass and watching to see what color it turns. A boy= brown, black, or dark blue coloring. A girl= light blue, green, yellow, red or no color change. The test turned blue/green at first, but as soon as it really started to mix together it turned brown/black, which indicates boy. I can’t wait to see if it was right this time! If I had to guess based of Mommy intuition I would say boy, but only God and the ultrasound tech really know! I’ve been carrying this one the exact same way I carried Jr. I’m always kicked on left side and can either feel the head or butt on my right (especially when I’m having a contraction).
Labor Signs: Yes. The contractions have picked up and right now I usually have about 20 or so a day. My body is starting to do the things that it did a couple weeks before Jr was born.
What I miss: Feeling normal. I can’t wait to lay on my tummy again, pick up Jr and not have to put him on top of my lil basketball (and try to explain to him to be gentle with Mommy’s tummy), not having to catch my breath sometimes and being able to workout.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting this lil one (obviously not for a matter of weeks), but definitely look forward to holding this precious lil one in my arms.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy time with Adam and Jr. Rest and relax when I can!
Milestones: Got things ready for baby (bed, car seat, diapers, outfits). Did some gender predictor things (pretty much split down the middle). Names are finalized!

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him."- Psalm 62:5