Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NBC Ultrasound Pics 20 wks 2 days (Jr's ultrasound blog from 20 weeks too)


Life is amazing and I can't believe how blessed I am to have a healthy baby growing inside of me. We had our big ultrasound on Tuesday and everything seems to be going great with the little one! I absolutely love watching the heartbeat and seeing all four chambers hard at work! We even got some cool 4-D pics of the lil one just sleeping away! A looked over at me when we were looking at the 4-D images and said, "I would hate being in there. There's absolutely no room and does that look comfortable?!" NBC was sleeping most the time as it was 8:30 in the morning and NBC seems to be most active in the evening and in the middle of the night (wonder what this will mean when he/she is born!)! The ultrasound did take a little longer because baby and tech were not on the same page. Tech wanted to measure particular things, however baby would not move to help her get the measurements. Finally after an hour and half they had everything they needed and we were free to go. Baby was measuring 20 weeks 1 day and technically that day I was 20 weeks 2 days based on first measurements that were taken when I was about 6 weeks or so. Here's the quick highlights from the ultrasound:

-Baby Weight: 11 oz
-Baby Measuring: 20 week 1 day (right on schedule)
-Baby Heart rate: 136 bpm
-Placenta is high and anterior (this is great news, but also a possible reason I'm not feeling much movement, also most movement is coming in the middle of the night).
-Baby is nestled very low and it's head is already on top on my cervix.

So funny story about our ultrasound and whether NBC is a boy or girl. In a nutshell it went something like this. The tech comes in and puts the fun gel all over my tummy and does a small meet and greet with A & I . She then starts to do the ultrasound and then suddenly stops and looks at us and ask "Do you want to know the sex?" We then proceed to tell her that we don't want to know the sex and she says, "Ok. You might want to close your eyes then because baby is head down and legs are up in the air, which will give me a great pic of whether it's a boy or girl. And trust me you'll be able to see if it's a boy. So given the position of the baby, you two should close your eyes." We then proceed to close our eyes for a couple minutes while she measures everything. She then goes back to just looking at the head and we were allowed to watch from then on out. I asked her later on if she knew for sure what we were having and she said "Yes." She then proceeds to tell me that it's difficult when the parents don't want to know because she has to watch what she's doing a little closer as to not show us something that might reveal the sex of the baby. When she got to measuring the heart beat, she said another thing that was quite interesting. So the heart beat measured in at 136 bpm. She told us it's an old wives tale that holds no truth to whether it's high (girl) or low (boy). The whole little ordeal was quite interesting and she really tried to steer clear of the lower body while doing the ultrasound, but who knows??!! A & I just looked at each other and laughed after the whole experience! Let the guessing games begin!!!!

I love the fact that NBC is going to be a surprise just like Jr was! It's so much fun and I love the guessing games that go on. We do plan on doing lots of wives tales just like we did with Jr, but only he/she will tell us the complete truth when he/she is born whether we've got another one on the blue team or if this little one is sending us to the pink side!

A Baby is truly the gift that keeps on growing!

*So I found my post from when we had our big ultrasound with Jr and it was quite interesting the close similarities between them.
-I was measuring 20 week 2 day with Jr and was 20 week 1 day with NBC.
-Heart rates both were lower. 144 for Jr and 136 for NBC
-Jr weighed in at 13 oz and NBC at 11 oz.
-I carry both babies really low.
-Plus a lot of similarities between this pregnancy and my pregnancy with Jr!

Wonder what this little one will be:) We will know soon enough!!!

Here's my blog post from when we had Jr's Big Ultrasound:

Baby's Big Ultrasound

Baby C’s first pictures:

Today was so amazing that it just left Adam and I speechless. What do you say when you see all that God has done for you?! Two o’clock couldn’t have come sooner for me; I was so excited to see Baby C for the first time. We pulled out the video camera to catch it all on video. Here’s about 16min worth of video. You can really see the spine, heart, legs, and arms. She goes into detail about the stomach, kidneys, etc. She said everything looks to be measuring well and that overall the baby looks healthy.

wks we’ll have another ultrasound done and maybe then Baby C will decide to cooperate, but maybe not if its stubborn like its parents:) The tech was able to measure everything else, except some thing’s on the face/head. Our tech tried really hard to get the baby to move it’s head, but let’s just say we have a camera shy little one. We tried jiggling the ultrasound wond, moving me around, emptying my bladder, but Baby C just preferred to show us his/her wonderful looking spine. Seeing the four chambers of the heart was amazing and just so cool to watch beat away. Here’s some details from today’s appointment.

Baby weight: 13 oz

Measuring me at: 20w 2d (a wk ahead of schedule)

Heart rate: 144bpm

We talked to the Dr. about the headaches that I seem to be getting all the time lately and also about my stomach problems. He thinks a lot of my headache problems are from me not sleeping very well. We have some things we’re going to try and hopefully we can get something figured out. Our nurse asked us about any names we were thinking about, so Adam and I told her the names we were thinking about. We’ve never told anybody (strangers) the names we were thinking about, so today was full of a couple firsts. Anyway, right now we have two boy names we really enjoy and one girl name, which both Adam and I love. However, we’re keeping the names a secret until the baby is born. We would both like to see the baby before we name it.

Today I’ve felt pretty good; however, I can’t seem to shake this headache that started this afternoon. This pregnancy has been rough on me, but I am so thankful to be pregnant and can’t wait to meet little blessing inside of me. The Lord has truly blessed me with so much and I am forever grateful for everything!

Just as I speak/type, Baby C decided to give me a good kick in the side. Oh how I’ve missed that feeling:)

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”- Romans 6:23

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Angie, I told Adam over the phone thank you for the cups with the picture on them. They are great!!!! I wanted to thank you too. I enjoyed your ultrasound pictures. I hope that you had a nice visit with you Mom and Dad over Christmas. Adam had a great game last week. We'll see you in Feb. I'm borrowing something for Jacob to sleep in while your here. Hugs and Kisses for Jr. Love you all, Nancy