I still can't believe I'm pregnant.....well I can because I'm reminded of it almost every hour during the day, but I seriously stand amazed that we're going to have another blessing from God in arms this spring. I honestly feel like we've been running from one place to another this past week and am really hoping this week is a little more low key. It always seems if Adam doesn't win and get a victory Monday our week is super short with him having 1 off day and expecting us to cram a lot of things into that day. Unfortunately they lost yesterday against Adam's former team the St. Louis Rams. Adam played really well, however the team seems to be struggling. Adam is playing lights out lately and seems to be really enjoying knocking over people! He royally pancaked a guy during the last game! During the games I always have to tell myself not to get to emotional during the games because I am pregnant, but sometimes it's a little easier said then done. Anyway, I wanted to give a quick update on how everybody is doing and growing!!!
The Tike @ 14 months:
-Is a blast and rarely leaves Adam or I sitting around twirling our thumbs!!!
-Jr is always on the go...usually running down the hall, grabbing his shoes, trying to eat them, and then taking off to conquer climbing the stairs. He still has no idea how to go down them and despite our attempts to try to get him to slide on his belly, he just tries to turn around and walk down. Will continue to work this on a daily basis!
-Loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider!" Will take the frog/radio and push the button/turn the knob until the song comes on. He's really good at doing all the signs to the song too. So cute!!!
-Has a ton of hair, just like Mommy & Daddy. However, it's straight just like Grandpa Joe's.
-Loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider!" Will take the frog/radio and push the button/turn the knob until the song comes on. He's really good at doing all the signs to the song too. So cute!!!
-Has a ton of hair, just like Mommy & Daddy. However, it's straight just like Grandpa Joe's.
-Understands a lot of what we say. Heard me whisper "take a bath" to Adam last night and he just took off for the bathroom. Stood at the door and signed bath and looked at us and wondered by we weren't coming. Time to spell words!
-Can read and recognizes 80+ words and images. He'll either say and sign what it is or just sign the word.
-Says a lot of words such as mama, dada, dog, ball (pronounces it dall though), stay (compliments of Mommy telling the dog to stay), hi, bye-bye, hello, duck, cheese and many more.
-Loves to make animal noises. Is really good at roaring like a lion and hooting like an owl!
-Signs a lot of words. Probably around 80+ words.
-Is very good at asking for things and always signing 'please' when he really wants something. He likes to sign more and all done too.
-Jr is combining his signs now too (usually two, but sometimes up to three words together). More...Please! More...Milk...Please!
-Jr is combining his signs now too (usually two, but sometimes up to three words together). More...Please! More...Milk...Please!
-Loves sitting on the couch with M&D and reading his books. He then likes to get over to the edge (while M/D hold onto his feet), climb over it and grab his mega blocks out of the wagon next to the couch......such a boy!
-Jr likes to dance to music and is always bobbing his head and shaking his behind when he hears music, especially when the ipad commercial comes on!
-Does pretty good at gym daycare while Mommy is at basketball practice. Always does really well with one particular lady.
-Loves Spencer his babysitter. She does great with him and he's always happy when she comes to watch him a couple times a week!
-Still a 2 napper and sleeps at night from 8:30 to 7:30, however doesn't get out of his crib till 8 to eat breakfast.
-Loves his Teddy! Teddy has to join us a couple times for breakfast, but usually stays in the crib and snuggles with Jr during naps and at night!
-Loves to read/look at his picture books. Doesn't really like when you read to him; he just wants to learn words and show you what he knows.
-Loves being outside and running around!
-Is doing great at the Little Gym. Loves to run around and climb on everything. Especially loves the bubbles at the end. Signs bubbles like crazy and then chases them all around.
-Jr is really trying to do a forward somersault all by himself. He gets into the position and just needs a little boast to get over. We're constantly doing this in living room.
-Is really good at giving hugs and kisses! So sweet!
-Is just a great kid and melts Mommy and Daddy's heart just watching him grow up every day.
Here's a list of words Jr recognizes/reads and can sign, say, make the noise or all three:
-the #1
Here's a list of words Jr recognizes/reads and can sign, say, make the noise or all three:
-the #1
-guinea pigs
-wave (bye-bye)
-arms up
-touch your head
-comb your hair
-kick the ball
-all done
-does simple commands: give doll a kiss, point to the girl, get your ball, lets take a bath, say please/more, let's go for a ride/outside, etc.
-guinea pigs
-wave (bye-bye)
-arms up
-touch your head
-comb your hair
-kick the ball
-all done
-does simple commands: give doll a kiss, point to the girl, get your ball, lets take a bath, say please/more, let's go for a ride/outside, etc.
Mommy @ 2 months pregnant with NBC:
-So far this pregnancy feels exactly like the other one, especially in regards to being nauseated and exhausted.
-I've seen the sweet lil pea 3 times. The first time on 8/27 the dr pointed out where the baby was implanted, but it was still too early to see a heart beat. So I simply saw a black dot. The second time we saw the pea was on 9/10. Saw the heart beat (100 bpm) and finally got a due date of 5/8/11! And the third time was 9/17. Lil pea was growing just like he/she is suppose to and had a strong heart beat of (115 bpm). We got our first officially pic of the pea then too!
Here's a quick little update on the major pregnancy points (going to try and do this every month):
Here's a quick little update on the major pregnancy points (going to try and do this every month):
How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: no change
Maternity clothes? Not yet, I do feel a little bloated and like I'm starting to show though.
Stretch marks? No, thank goodness!
Sleep: Is my heaven! I take at least one nap during the day when the Tike naps. If I don't, I can barely make it through the day. One day this past week we had been running around like crazy and I didn't get a nap or any sort of rest all day long...end result was me passing out on the couch in the middle of supper. Thank goodness Adam took the kiddo and I could just rest my body. Sleep seems to be the only relief I can get from being nausea.
Best moment this week: Everyday! Just praising the Lord that we've been blessed with another child!!!
Movement:Not yet, probably not for another 8 weeks or so. I'm looking forward to this though, I loved feeling Jr move all around!
Food cravings: NO! Right now, I'm literally forcing myself to eat:( Have found a little comfort in orange juice though.
Gender: We still don't know if we're going to find out with this one or not. We had such a fun time not knowing with the last one, but this time it's up to Adam if we find out if I'll be completely out numbered in this house or not. I think it's another boy, especially just because of how the pregnancy is going thus far.
Labor Signs: Nope!
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Enjoying food! I wish I was nauseated almost all day, however it's a really good sign and am very thankful that everything seems to be going good with the baby.
What I am looking forward to: making it through another month! Then I'll finally be out of the first trimester!
Weekly Wisdom: Eat when I can. Enjoy time with the Tike. And always, always take a nap or at least lay down during one of his naps!
Milestones: Seeing the heart beat twice already:) "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever-- do not abandon the works of your hands."- Psalm 138:8